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  1. Banned
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    If I use -vf format=rgb8 when making images with ffmpeg, will the result be lossy even with lossless formats like PNG? If so, how do I fix that? What supported pixel formats are lossless with RGB display, other than the titular format itself?
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  2. Originally Posted by Jay123210599 View Post
    If I use -vf format=rgb8 when making images with ffmpeg, will the result be lossy even with lossless formats like PNG? If so, how do I fix that? What supported pixel formats are lossless with RGB display, other than the titular format itself?

    "RGB8" is 8 bits total . 3 red, 2 green, 2 blue . It will be very lossy. It's not supported by PNG .

    You probably mean "rgb24" . 8 red, 8 green, 8 blue . Or 8bits per channel component

    You can check what pixel formats are supported by various encoders in ffmpeg using ffmpeg -h encoder=blah

    8bit RGB displays would use RGB24, or GBRP (RGB planar, 8 bit depth) . There are other variations such as bgr24, bgr0, 0bgr, rgb0, 0rgb, a few others. They all mean 8bit per channel RGB , but are arranged slightly differently
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  3. Banned
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    Originally Posted by poisondeathray View Post
    Originally Posted by Jay123210599 View Post
    If I use -vf format=rgb8 when making images with ffmpeg, will the result be lossy even with lossless formats like PNG? If so, how do I fix that? What supported pixel formats are lossless with RGB display, other than the titular format itself?

    "RGB8" is 8 bits total . 3 red, 2 green, 2 blue . It will be very lossy. It's not supported by PNG .

    You probably mean "rgb24" . 8 red, 8 green, 8 blue . Or 8bits per channel component

    You can check what pixel formats are supported by various encoders in ffmpeg using ffmpeg -h encoder=blah

    8bit RGB displays would use RGB24, or GBRP (RGB planar, 8 bit depth) . There are other variations such as bgr24, bgr0, 0bgr, rgb0, 0rgb, a few others. They all mean 8bit per channel RGB , but are arranged slightly differently
    Meaning they'll have the same file size? What if I use pal8, gray, ya8, gray16be, ya16be, or monob?
    Quote Quote  
  4. ffmpeg is quite descriptive on supported pixel formats:
    ffmpeg -pix_fmts 
    Pixel formats:
    I.... = Supported Input  format for conversion
    .O... = Supported Output format for conversion
    ..H.. = Hardware accelerated format
    ...P. = Paletted format
    ....B = Bitstream format
    IO... yuv420p                3             12      8-8-8
    IO... yuyv422                3             16      8-8-8
    IO... rgb24                  3             24      8-8-8
    IO... bgr24                  3             24      8-8-8
    IO... yuv422p                3             16      8-8-8
    IO... yuv444p                3             24      8-8-8
    IO... yuv410p                3              9      8-8-8
    IO... yuv411p                3             12      8-8-8
    IO... gray                   1              8      8
    IO..B monow                  1              1      1
    IO..B monob                  1              1      1
    I..P. pal8                   1              8      8
    IO... yuvj420p               3             12      8-8-8
    IO... yuvj422p               3             16      8-8-8
    IO... yuvj444p               3             24      8-8-8
    IO... uyvy422                3             16      8-8-8
    ..... uyyvyy411              3             12      8-8-8
    IO... bgr8                   3              8      3-3-2
    .O..B bgr4                   3              4      1-2-1
    IO... bgr4_byte              3              4      1-2-1
    IO... rgb8                   3              8      2-3-3
    .O..B rgb4                   3              4      1-2-1
    IO... rgb4_byte              3              4      1-2-1
    IO... nv12                   3             12      8-8-8
    IO... nv21                   3             12      8-8-8
    IO... argb                   4             32      8-8-8-8
    IO... rgba                   4             32      8-8-8-8
    IO... abgr                   4             32      8-8-8-8
    IO... bgra                   4             32      8-8-8-8
    IO... gray16be               1             16      16
    IO... gray16le               1             16      16
    IO... yuv440p                3             16      8-8-8
    IO... yuvj440p               3             16      8-8-8
    IO... yuva420p               4             20      8-8-8-8
    IO... rgb48be                3             48      16-16-16
    IO... rgb48le                3             48      16-16-16
    IO... rgb565be               3             16      5-6-5
    IO... rgb565le               3             16      5-6-5
    IO... rgb555be               3             15      5-5-5
    IO... rgb555le               3             15      5-5-5
    IO... bgr565be               3             16      5-6-5
    IO... bgr565le               3             16      5-6-5
    IO... bgr555be               3             15      5-5-5
    IO... bgr555le               3             15      5-5-5
    ..H.. vaapi                  0              0      0
    IO... yuv420p16le            3             24      16-16-16
    IO... yuv420p16be            3             24      16-16-16
    IO... yuv422p16le            3             32      16-16-16
    IO... yuv422p16be            3             32      16-16-16
    IO... yuv444p16le            3             48      16-16-16
    IO... yuv444p16be            3             48      16-16-16
    ..H.. dxva2_vld              0              0      0
    IO... rgb444le               3             12      4-4-4
    IO... rgb444be               3             12      4-4-4
    IO... bgr444le               3             12      4-4-4
    IO... bgr444be               3             12      4-4-4
    IO... ya8                    2             16      8-8
    IO... bgr48be                3             48      16-16-16
    IO... bgr48le                3             48      16-16-16
    IO... yuv420p9be             3             13      9-9-9
    IO... yuv420p9le             3             13      9-9-9
    IO... yuv420p10be            3             15      10-10-10
    IO... yuv420p10le            3             15      10-10-10
    IO... yuv422p10be            3             20      10-10-10
    IO... yuv422p10le            3             20      10-10-10
    IO... yuv444p9be             3             27      9-9-9
    IO... yuv444p9le             3             27      9-9-9
    IO... yuv444p10be            3             30      10-10-10
    IO... yuv444p10le            3             30      10-10-10
    IO... yuv422p9be             3             18      9-9-9
    IO... yuv422p9le             3             18      9-9-9
    IO... gbrp                   3             24      8-8-8
    IO... gbrp9be                3             27      9-9-9
    IO... gbrp9le                3             27      9-9-9
    IO... gbrp10be               3             30      10-10-10
    IO... gbrp10le               3             30      10-10-10
    IO... gbrp16be               3             48      16-16-16
    IO... gbrp16le               3             48      16-16-16
    IO... yuva422p               4             24      8-8-8-8
    IO... yuva444p               4             32      8-8-8-8
    IO... yuva420p9be            4             22      9-9-9-9
    IO... yuva420p9le            4             22      9-9-9-9
    IO... yuva422p9be            4             27      9-9-9-9
    IO... yuva422p9le            4             27      9-9-9-9
    IO... yuva444p9be            4             36      9-9-9-9
    IO... yuva444p9le            4             36      9-9-9-9
    IO... yuva420p10be           4             25      10-10-10-10
    IO... yuva420p10le           4             25      10-10-10-10
    IO... yuva422p10be           4             30      10-10-10-10
    IO... yuva422p10le           4             30      10-10-10-10
    IO... yuva444p10be           4             40      10-10-10-10
    IO... yuva444p10le           4             40      10-10-10-10
    IO... yuva420p16be           4             40      16-16-16-16
    IO... yuva420p16le           4             40      16-16-16-16
    IO... yuva422p16be           4             48      16-16-16-16
    IO... yuva422p16le           4             48      16-16-16-16
    IO... yuva444p16be           4             64      16-16-16-16
    IO... yuva444p16le           4             64      16-16-16-16
    ..H.. vdpau                  0              0      0
    IO... xyz12le                3             36      12-12-12
    IO... xyz12be                3             36      12-12-12
    IO... nv16                   3             16      8-8-8
    ..... nv20le                 3             20      10-10-10
    ..... nv20be                 3             20      10-10-10
    IO... rgba64be               4             64      16-16-16-16
    IO... rgba64le               4             64      16-16-16-16
    IO... bgra64be               4             64      16-16-16-16
    IO... bgra64le               4             64      16-16-16-16
    IO... yvyu422                3             16      8-8-8
    IO... ya16be                 2             32      16-16
    IO... ya16le                 2             32      16-16
    IO... gbrap                  4             32      8-8-8-8
    IO... gbrap16be              4             64      16-16-16-16
    IO... gbrap16le              4             64      16-16-16-16
    ..H.. qsv                    0              0      0
    ..H.. mmal                   0              0      0
    ..H.. d3d11va_vld            0              0      0
    ..H.. cuda                   0              0      0
    IO... 0rgb                   3             24      8-8-8
    IO... rgb0                   3             24      8-8-8
    IO... 0bgr                   3             24      8-8-8
    IO... bgr0                   3             24      8-8-8
    IO... yuv420p12be            3             18      12-12-12
    IO... yuv420p12le            3             18      12-12-12
    IO... yuv420p14be            3             21      14-14-14
    IO... yuv420p14le            3             21      14-14-14
    IO... yuv422p12be            3             24      12-12-12
    IO... yuv422p12le            3             24      12-12-12
    IO... yuv422p14be            3             28      14-14-14
    IO... yuv422p14le            3             28      14-14-14
    IO... yuv444p12be            3             36      12-12-12
    IO... yuv444p12le            3             36      12-12-12
    IO... yuv444p14be            3             42      14-14-14
    IO... yuv444p14le            3             42      14-14-14
    IO... gbrp12be               3             36      12-12-12
    IO... gbrp12le               3             36      12-12-12
    IO... gbrp14be               3             42      14-14-14
    IO... gbrp14le               3             42      14-14-14
    IO... yuvj411p               3             12      8-8-8
    I.... bayer_bggr8            3              8      2-4-2
    I.... bayer_rggb8            3              8      2-4-2
    I.... bayer_gbrg8            3              8      2-4-2
    I.... bayer_grbg8            3              8      2-4-2
    I.... bayer_bggr16le         3             16      4-8-4
    I.... bayer_bggr16be         3             16      4-8-4
    I.... bayer_rggb16le         3             16      4-8-4
    I.... bayer_rggb16be         3             16      4-8-4
    I.... bayer_gbrg16le         3             16      4-8-4
    I.... bayer_gbrg16be         3             16      4-8-4
    I.... bayer_grbg16le         3             16      4-8-4
    I.... bayer_grbg16be         3             16      4-8-4
    ..H.. xvmc                   0              0      0
    IO... yuv440p10le            3             20      10-10-10
    IO... yuv440p10be            3             20      10-10-10
    IO... yuv440p12le            3             24      12-12-12
    IO... yuv440p12be            3             24      12-12-12
    IO... ayuv64le               4             64      16-16-16-16
    ..... ayuv64be               4             64      16-16-16-16
    ..H.. videotoolbox_vld       0              0      0
    IO... p010le                 3             15      10-10-10
    IO... p010be                 3             15      10-10-10
    IO... gbrap12be              4             48      12-12-12-12
    IO... gbrap12le              4             48      12-12-12-12
    IO... gbrap10be              4             40      10-10-10-10
    IO... gbrap10le              4             40      10-10-10-10
    ..H.. mediacodec             0              0      0
    IO... gray12be               1             12      12
    IO... gray12le               1             12      12
    IO... gray10be               1             10      10
    IO... gray10le               1             10      10
    IO... p016le                 3             24      16-16-16
    IO... p016be                 3             24      16-16-16
    ..H.. d3d11                  0              0      0
    IO... gray9be                1              9      9
    IO... gray9le                1              9      9
    IO... gbrpf32be              3             96      32-32-32
    IO... gbrpf32le              3             96      32-32-32
    IO... gbrapf32be             4            128      32-32-32-32
    IO... gbrapf32le             4            128      32-32-32-32
    ..H.. drm_prime              0              0      0
    ..H.. opencl                 0              0      0
    IO... gray14be               1             14      14
    IO... gray14le               1             14      14
    IO... grayf32be              1             32      32
    IO... grayf32le              1             32      32
    IO... yuva422p12be           4             36      12-12-12-12
    IO... yuva422p12le           4             36      12-12-12-12
    IO... yuva444p12be           4             48      12-12-12-12
    IO... yuva444p12le           4             48      12-12-12-12
    IO... nv24                   3             24      8-8-8
    IO... nv42                   3             24      8-8-8
    ..H.. vulkan                 0              0      0
    ..... y210be                 3             20      10-10-10
    IO... y210le                 3             20      10-10-10
    IO... x2rgb10le              3             30      10-10-10
    ..... x2rgb10be              3             30      10-10-10
    IO... x2bgr10le              3             30      10-10-10
    ..... x2bgr10be              3             30      10-10-10
    IO... p210be                 3             20      10-10-10
    IO... p210le                 3             20      10-10-10
    IO... p410be                 3             30      10-10-10
    IO... p410le                 3             30      10-10-10
    IO... p216be                 3             32      16-16-16
    IO... p216le                 3             32      16-16-16
    IO... p416be                 3             48      16-16-16
    IO... p416le                 3             48      16-16-16
    IO... vuya                   4             32      8-8-8-8
    I.... rgbaf16be              4             64      16-16-16-16
    I.... rgbaf16le              4             64      16-16-16-16
    IO... vuyx                   3             24      8-8-8
    IO... p012le                 3             18      12-12-12
    IO... p012be                 3             18      12-12-12
    ..... y212be                 3             24      12-12-12
    IO... y212le                 3             24      12-12-12
    ....B xv30be                 3             30      10-10-10
    IO... xv30le                 3             30      10-10-10
    ..... xv36be                 3             36      12-12-12
    IO... xv36le                 3             36      12-12-12
    ..... rgbf32be               3             96      32-32-32
    ..... rgbf32le               3             96      32-32-32
    ..... rgbaf32be              4            128      32-32-32-32
    ..... rgbaf32le              4            128      32-32-32-32
    IO... p212be                 3             24      12-12-12
    IO... p212le                 3             24      12-12-12
    IO... p412be                 3             36      12-12-12
    IO... p412le                 3             36      12-12-12
    IO... gbrap14be              4             56      14-14-14-14
    IO... gbrap14le              4             56      14-14-14-14
    ..H.. d3d12                  0              0      0
    Quote Quote  
  5. Banned
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    Originally Posted by pandy View Post
    ffmpeg is quite descriptive on supported pixel formats:
    ffmpeg -pix_fmts 
    Pixel formats:
    I.... = Supported Input  format for conversion
    .O... = Supported Output format for conversion
    ..H.. = Hardware accelerated format
    ...P. = Paletted format
    ....B = Bitstream format
    IO... yuv420p                3             12      8-8-8
    IO... yuyv422                3             16      8-8-8
    IO... rgb24                  3             24      8-8-8
    IO... bgr24                  3             24      8-8-8
    IO... yuv422p                3             16      8-8-8
    IO... yuv444p                3             24      8-8-8
    IO... yuv410p                3              9      8-8-8
    IO... yuv411p                3             12      8-8-8
    IO... gray                   1              8      8
    IO..B monow                  1              1      1
    IO..B monob                  1              1      1
    I..P. pal8                   1              8      8
    IO... yuvj420p               3             12      8-8-8
    IO... yuvj422p               3             16      8-8-8
    IO... yuvj444p               3             24      8-8-8
    IO... uyvy422                3             16      8-8-8
    ..... uyyvyy411              3             12      8-8-8
    IO... bgr8                   3              8      3-3-2
    .O..B bgr4                   3              4      1-2-1
    IO... bgr4_byte              3              4      1-2-1
    IO... rgb8                   3              8      2-3-3
    .O..B rgb4                   3              4      1-2-1
    IO... rgb4_byte              3              4      1-2-1
    IO... nv12                   3             12      8-8-8
    IO... nv21                   3             12      8-8-8
    IO... argb                   4             32      8-8-8-8
    IO... rgba                   4             32      8-8-8-8
    IO... abgr                   4             32      8-8-8-8
    IO... bgra                   4             32      8-8-8-8
    IO... gray16be               1             16      16
    IO... gray16le               1             16      16
    IO... yuv440p                3             16      8-8-8
    IO... yuvj440p               3             16      8-8-8
    IO... yuva420p               4             20      8-8-8-8
    IO... rgb48be                3             48      16-16-16
    IO... rgb48le                3             48      16-16-16
    IO... rgb565be               3             16      5-6-5
    IO... rgb565le               3             16      5-6-5
    IO... rgb555be               3             15      5-5-5
    IO... rgb555le               3             15      5-5-5
    IO... bgr565be               3             16      5-6-5
    IO... bgr565le               3             16      5-6-5
    IO... bgr555be               3             15      5-5-5
    IO... bgr555le               3             15      5-5-5
    ..H.. vaapi                  0              0      0
    IO... yuv420p16le            3             24      16-16-16
    IO... yuv420p16be            3             24      16-16-16
    IO... yuv422p16le            3             32      16-16-16
    IO... yuv422p16be            3             32      16-16-16
    IO... yuv444p16le            3             48      16-16-16
    IO... yuv444p16be            3             48      16-16-16
    ..H.. dxva2_vld              0              0      0
    IO... rgb444le               3             12      4-4-4
    IO... rgb444be               3             12      4-4-4
    IO... bgr444le               3             12      4-4-4
    IO... bgr444be               3             12      4-4-4
    IO... ya8                    2             16      8-8
    IO... bgr48be                3             48      16-16-16
    IO... bgr48le                3             48      16-16-16
    IO... yuv420p9be             3             13      9-9-9
    IO... yuv420p9le             3             13      9-9-9
    IO... yuv420p10be            3             15      10-10-10
    IO... yuv420p10le            3             15      10-10-10
    IO... yuv422p10be            3             20      10-10-10
    IO... yuv422p10le            3             20      10-10-10
    IO... yuv444p9be             3             27      9-9-9
    IO... yuv444p9le             3             27      9-9-9
    IO... yuv444p10be            3             30      10-10-10
    IO... yuv444p10le            3             30      10-10-10
    IO... yuv422p9be             3             18      9-9-9
    IO... yuv422p9le             3             18      9-9-9
    IO... gbrp                   3             24      8-8-8
    IO... gbrp9be                3             27      9-9-9
    IO... gbrp9le                3             27      9-9-9
    IO... gbrp10be               3             30      10-10-10
    IO... gbrp10le               3             30      10-10-10
    IO... gbrp16be               3             48      16-16-16
    IO... gbrp16le               3             48      16-16-16
    IO... yuva422p               4             24      8-8-8-8
    IO... yuva444p               4             32      8-8-8-8
    IO... yuva420p9be            4             22      9-9-9-9
    IO... yuva420p9le            4             22      9-9-9-9
    IO... yuva422p9be            4             27      9-9-9-9
    IO... yuva422p9le            4             27      9-9-9-9
    IO... yuva444p9be            4             36      9-9-9-9
    IO... yuva444p9le            4             36      9-9-9-9
    IO... yuva420p10be           4             25      10-10-10-10
    IO... yuva420p10le           4             25      10-10-10-10
    IO... yuva422p10be           4             30      10-10-10-10
    IO... yuva422p10le           4             30      10-10-10-10
    IO... yuva444p10be           4             40      10-10-10-10
    IO... yuva444p10le           4             40      10-10-10-10
    IO... yuva420p16be           4             40      16-16-16-16
    IO... yuva420p16le           4             40      16-16-16-16
    IO... yuva422p16be           4             48      16-16-16-16
    IO... yuva422p16le           4             48      16-16-16-16
    IO... yuva444p16be           4             64      16-16-16-16
    IO... yuva444p16le           4             64      16-16-16-16
    ..H.. vdpau                  0              0      0
    IO... xyz12le                3             36      12-12-12
    IO... xyz12be                3             36      12-12-12
    IO... nv16                   3             16      8-8-8
    ..... nv20le                 3             20      10-10-10
    ..... nv20be                 3             20      10-10-10
    IO... rgba64be               4             64      16-16-16-16
    IO... rgba64le               4             64      16-16-16-16
    IO... bgra64be               4             64      16-16-16-16
    IO... bgra64le               4             64      16-16-16-16
    IO... yvyu422                3             16      8-8-8
    IO... ya16be                 2             32      16-16
    IO... ya16le                 2             32      16-16
    IO... gbrap                  4             32      8-8-8-8
    IO... gbrap16be              4             64      16-16-16-16
    IO... gbrap16le              4             64      16-16-16-16
    ..H.. qsv                    0              0      0
    ..H.. mmal                   0              0      0
    ..H.. d3d11va_vld            0              0      0
    ..H.. cuda                   0              0      0
    IO... 0rgb                   3             24      8-8-8
    IO... rgb0                   3             24      8-8-8
    IO... 0bgr                   3             24      8-8-8
    IO... bgr0                   3             24      8-8-8
    IO... yuv420p12be            3             18      12-12-12
    IO... yuv420p12le            3             18      12-12-12
    IO... yuv420p14be            3             21      14-14-14
    IO... yuv420p14le            3             21      14-14-14
    IO... yuv422p12be            3             24      12-12-12
    IO... yuv422p12le            3             24      12-12-12
    IO... yuv422p14be            3             28      14-14-14
    IO... yuv422p14le            3             28      14-14-14
    IO... yuv444p12be            3             36      12-12-12
    IO... yuv444p12le            3             36      12-12-12
    IO... yuv444p14be            3             42      14-14-14
    IO... yuv444p14le            3             42      14-14-14
    IO... gbrp12be               3             36      12-12-12
    IO... gbrp12le               3             36      12-12-12
    IO... gbrp14be               3             42      14-14-14
    IO... gbrp14le               3             42      14-14-14
    IO... yuvj411p               3             12      8-8-8
    I.... bayer_bggr8            3              8      2-4-2
    I.... bayer_rggb8            3              8      2-4-2
    I.... bayer_gbrg8            3              8      2-4-2
    I.... bayer_grbg8            3              8      2-4-2
    I.... bayer_bggr16le         3             16      4-8-4
    I.... bayer_bggr16be         3             16      4-8-4
    I.... bayer_rggb16le         3             16      4-8-4
    I.... bayer_rggb16be         3             16      4-8-4
    I.... bayer_gbrg16le         3             16      4-8-4
    I.... bayer_gbrg16be         3             16      4-8-4
    I.... bayer_grbg16le         3             16      4-8-4
    I.... bayer_grbg16be         3             16      4-8-4
    ..H.. xvmc                   0              0      0
    IO... yuv440p10le            3             20      10-10-10
    IO... yuv440p10be            3             20      10-10-10
    IO... yuv440p12le            3             24      12-12-12
    IO... yuv440p12be            3             24      12-12-12
    IO... ayuv64le               4             64      16-16-16-16
    ..... ayuv64be               4             64      16-16-16-16
    ..H.. videotoolbox_vld       0              0      0
    IO... p010le                 3             15      10-10-10
    IO... p010be                 3             15      10-10-10
    IO... gbrap12be              4             48      12-12-12-12
    IO... gbrap12le              4             48      12-12-12-12
    IO... gbrap10be              4             40      10-10-10-10
    IO... gbrap10le              4             40      10-10-10-10
    ..H.. mediacodec             0              0      0
    IO... gray12be               1             12      12
    IO... gray12le               1             12      12
    IO... gray10be               1             10      10
    IO... gray10le               1             10      10
    IO... p016le                 3             24      16-16-16
    IO... p016be                 3             24      16-16-16
    ..H.. d3d11                  0              0      0
    IO... gray9be                1              9      9
    IO... gray9le                1              9      9
    IO... gbrpf32be              3             96      32-32-32
    IO... gbrpf32le              3             96      32-32-32
    IO... gbrapf32be             4            128      32-32-32-32
    IO... gbrapf32le             4            128      32-32-32-32
    ..H.. drm_prime              0              0      0
    ..H.. opencl                 0              0      0
    IO... gray14be               1             14      14
    IO... gray14le               1             14      14
    IO... grayf32be              1             32      32
    IO... grayf32le              1             32      32
    IO... yuva422p12be           4             36      12-12-12-12
    IO... yuva422p12le           4             36      12-12-12-12
    IO... yuva444p12be           4             48      12-12-12-12
    IO... yuva444p12le           4             48      12-12-12-12
    IO... nv24                   3             24      8-8-8
    IO... nv42                   3             24      8-8-8
    ..H.. vulkan                 0              0      0
    ..... y210be                 3             20      10-10-10
    IO... y210le                 3             20      10-10-10
    IO... x2rgb10le              3             30      10-10-10
    ..... x2rgb10be              3             30      10-10-10
    IO... x2bgr10le              3             30      10-10-10
    ..... x2bgr10be              3             30      10-10-10
    IO... p210be                 3             20      10-10-10
    IO... p210le                 3             20      10-10-10
    IO... p410be                 3             30      10-10-10
    IO... p410le                 3             30      10-10-10
    IO... p216be                 3             32      16-16-16
    IO... p216le                 3             32      16-16-16
    IO... p416be                 3             48      16-16-16
    IO... p416le                 3             48      16-16-16
    IO... vuya                   4             32      8-8-8-8
    I.... rgbaf16be              4             64      16-16-16-16
    I.... rgbaf16le              4             64      16-16-16-16
    IO... vuyx                   3             24      8-8-8
    IO... p012le                 3             18      12-12-12
    IO... p012be                 3             18      12-12-12
    ..... y212be                 3             24      12-12-12
    IO... y212le                 3             24      12-12-12
    ....B xv30be                 3             30      10-10-10
    IO... xv30le                 3             30      10-10-10
    ..... xv36be                 3             36      12-12-12
    IO... xv36le                 3             36      12-12-12
    ..... rgbf32be               3             96      32-32-32
    ..... rgbf32le               3             96      32-32-32
    ..... rgbaf32be              4            128      32-32-32-32
    ..... rgbaf32le              4            128      32-32-32-32
    IO... p212be                 3             24      12-12-12
    IO... p212le                 3             24      12-12-12
    IO... p412be                 3             36      12-12-12
    IO... p412le                 3             36      12-12-12
    IO... gbrap14be              4             56      14-14-14-14
    IO... gbrap14le              4             56      14-14-14-14
    ..H.. d3d12                  0              0      0
    That doesn't answer any of my questions.
    Quote Quote  
  6. Does YUV video have always the same size? Why RGB would be different?

    Google how compression works. These basics are holding you down, looking for a nonsense solutions.

    To sum it up (latest month) , now you know to have good looking image, it needs to be about 0.5MB. That depends on picture, whats in it, I just take your example.
    So imagine 10 second video image sequence. You'd need 120MB (24fpsx0.5MBx10seconds). When you realize how much of a size would be 10s cut out of your video, you'd realize what you are doing. That 10 second sequence would hardly be more that 40MB. And that's an exaggeration, perhaps anime could be much less than that.
    Quote Quote  
  7. Originally Posted by Jay123210599 View Post
    Originally Posted by poisondeathray View Post
    Originally Posted by Jay123210599 View Post
    If I use -vf format=rgb8 when making images with ffmpeg, will the result be lossy even with lossless formats like PNG? If so, how do I fix that? What supported pixel formats are lossless with RGB display, other than the titular format itself?

    "RGB8" is 8 bits total . 3 red, 2 green, 2 blue . It will be very lossy. It's not supported by PNG .

    You probably mean "rgb24" . 8 red, 8 green, 8 blue . Or 8bits per channel component

    You can check what pixel formats are supported by various encoders in ffmpeg using ffmpeg -h encoder=blah

    8bit RGB displays would use RGB24, or GBRP (RGB planar, 8 bit depth) . There are other variations such as bgr24, bgr0, 0bgr, rgb0, 0rgb, a few others. They all mean 8bit per channel RGB , but are arranged slightly differently
    Meaning they'll have the same file size? What if I use pal8, gray, ya8, gray16be, ya16be, or monob?

    Meaning quality will look terrible for RGB8 because you have too few bits per channel. It will be posterized and blocky

    pal8 is for GIF - quality will be terrible for a PNG

    The others have no color, they are greyscale , and the ones with "a" such as ya8 ya16be have an alpha channel
    Last edited by poisondeathray; 9th Feb 2024 at 17:30.
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    Originally Posted by poisondeathray View Post
    Originally Posted by Jay123210599 View Post
    Originally Posted by poisondeathray View Post
    Originally Posted by Jay123210599 View Post
    If I use -vf format=rgb8 when making images with ffmpeg, will the result be lossy even with lossless formats like PNG? If so, how do I fix that? What supported pixel formats are lossless with RGB display, other than the titular format itself?

    "RGB8" is 8 bits total . 3 red, 2 green, 2 blue . It will be very lossy. It's not supported by PNG .

    You probably mean "rgb24" . 8 red, 8 green, 8 blue . Or 8bits per channel component

    You can check what pixel formats are supported by various encoders in ffmpeg using ffmpeg -h encoder=blah

    8bit RGB displays would use RGB24, or GBRP (RGB planar, 8 bit depth) . There are other variations such as bgr24, bgr0, 0bgr, rgb0, 0rgb, a few others. They all mean 8bit per channel RGB , but are arranged slightly differently
    Meaning they'll have the same file size? What if I use pal8, gray, ya8, gray16be, ya16be, or monob?

    Meaning quality will look terrible for RGB8 because you have too few bits per channel. It will be posterized and blocky

    pal8 is for GIF - quality will be terrible for a PNG

    The others have no color, they are greyscale , and the ones with "a" such as ya8 ya16be have an alpha channel
    And file size?
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