I saw a lot of content on the internet but it all seems old, is it possible to do this today?
people saying that you can't use the keys generated in the l3 emulator, which would make it impossible
here is a public example url
thanks for the information
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Results 1 to 25 of 25
Yo! Pump up the jam
Pump it up
While your feet are stomping
And the jam is pumping
Look ahead, the crowd is jumpin' -
What do you need by a "custom script"? Does this one work? https://forum.videohelp.com/threads/407099-Vdocipher-decryption-key-retrieval
I dumped CDM from a physical device (using Chrome) but get `{"code":2048,"message":"Authentication failed"}` when I use the above script to get the keys. Interestingly enough the video works just fine in the Chrome browser on mobile.
Tried changin the UA in the scrip to match the mobile one but no cigar :/.
Any idea what I may be doing wrong? -
A custom script means those general scripts won't fit the Vdocipher DRM system.
So you need to write one to send some data whose format satisfies Vdocipher's requirements.
Does this one work? https://forum.videohelp.com/threads/407099-Vdocipher-decryption-key-retrieval
Interestingly enough the video works just fine in the Chrome browser on mobile.twitter @Cryman_Chen
email crymanchen@gmail.com -
Hmm... I'm not really sure what you mean here. I basically extract the base64-encoded token that has the OTP from the browser's auth request (it is blocked in Chrome) and use the above script... so it's not like I'm manually doing anything.
Does the script need to be updated?
I appreciate any help -- thanks! -
I get {'code': 2074, 'message': 'Please open in Android app', 'isErrorRecoverable': True} while trying to get the keys for some videos and for some it works
[Attachment 78323 - Click to enlarge]
CDM is key ,L3 enough ,but Android Studio not do ,You need a real machine -
it doesnt work for some videos (using a real cdm) you can try the videos here its free no account https://spysnet.com/ashrafsessions
Last edited by Spy; 2nd May 2024 at 09:05. Reason: changed the subdomain
What videos doesn't it work for? I tried Lecture 1 Part B:
Code:N_m3u8DL-RE -M format=mkv --key cc9d2332e063521ab01ac79d2727724c:042dc7a6e34a9a7a11d97bde2052a423 --key 8f4078844af351a4a1c4b2309b6feba2:85edd1205a513deecfb34335dced8aaa --key d0dcc9bc5f5459efa00d26145e057cee:11b26ac711b2d65fd2b07bdd83756b0c --key ef2df2f2dc9d58c8ac794d44733f95c6:6594ff79a62c4c382b54d528d23aa559 "https://d3dac6kw5cbsk4.cloudfront.net/media/MuWOsODSkA7yA/30ef63cd/stream.mpd"
my vdocipher script : https://files.videohelp.com/u/307086/vdocipher.py the videos i want are here https://spysnet.com/ashrafsessions no matter the cdm it fails
video from the link above :
other videos :
Last edited by Spy; 2nd May 2024 at 09:20.
some endpoints:
get video id:
get otp&playback
https://spysnet.com/ashraf/{video id}?studentname=
get mpd
get license(replace your challenge/otp/playback etc. in token of payload)
if you decrypt keys fast, they will ban your cdm, so do not batch. -
Hello, I'm attempting to obtain the decryption key but have been unsuccessful so far. I've tried various methods and have also researched numerous threads, yet I still haven't managed to obtain the key.
method 1
command used:
Code:HTML Code:pywidevine license -t STREAMING device4.wvd AAAAUnBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAADIiKnZkb2NpcGhlcjo2MzNmMmMwNmMzOTg0MTU5OTZhMmM0NDE5YTEwN2Q4YUjj3JWbBg== https://license.vdocipher.com/auth
Code:INFO:root:pywidevine version 1.4.3 Copyright (c) 2022-2024 rlaphoenix INFO:root:https://github.com/rlaphoenix/pywidevine INFO:license:[+] Loaded Device (8162 L3) INFO:license:[+] Loaded CDM INFO:license:[+] Opened CDM Session: 15cb1f8c556916a57c9a00eeb8271d94 INFO:license:[+] Created License Request Message (Challenge) ERROR:license:[-] Failed to send challenge: [403] {"code":2011,"message":"request unwrapping failed"}
command used:
Code:py .\vdocipher.py --wvd "dev ice4.wvd" --token "eyJwbGF5YmFja0luZm8iOiJleUoyYVdSbGIwbGtJam9pWm1JNU5qRm1OekEzT0RKbE5EWm1OMkpoTnpGalltWTJNR1F4WVdaaE9UWWlmUT09Iiwib3RwIjoiMjAxNjAzMTN2ZXJzQVNFMzIzTU5LM1UwTUpvOXc2cE5aWThwdmJDWWlTSDdMRlVxa2N6TU01R3RQTUNNZzVUVSIsImhyZWYiOiJodHRwczovL3Zpc2lvbmlhcy5pbi8iLCJ0ZWNoIjoid3YiLCJsaWNlbnNlUmVxdWVzdCI6IkNBUT0ifQ=="
Code:Failed getting license response: {"code":2014,"message":"Domain not allowed"}
Please help a newbie out!
license url: https://license.vdocipher.com/auth
PSSH: AAAAUnBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAADIiKnZkb2 NpcGhlcjo2MzNmMmMwNmMzOTg0MTU5OTZhMmM0NDE5YTEwN2Q4 YUjj3JWbBg==
MPD: https://d1v1gqjht5uu1.cloudfront.net/media/uJkp7SenFMjlX/61771acf/stream.mpd -
What is "chromeCDN decrypt" ?
I collected errors for vdocipher but never got those one.
Make sure to use a CDM from a real device that isn't banned. -
I read someone discussing the Chrome CDM method, so I looked it up and found this GitHub repository: [Chrome-CDM-Decryptor-4.0](https://github.com/chromedecrypt/Chrome-CDM-Decryptor-4.0). However, I encountered an error when attempting to play the video and retrieve the decryption key. I don't believe the issue lies with my CDM setup. If possible, could you help decrypt the video and guide me on where I might be going wrong? I'm new to this and would appreciate any assistance.
And you can be absolutely sure that Vdocipher software developers read this forum avidly. Hi Guys!
Noob Starter Pack. Just download everything Widevine! Not kidding!.
https://files.videohelp.com/u/301890/hellyes5.zip -
Not all vdocipher videos are same. Some has more extreme security. For example the op is talking about a video like that. This app and some other indian apps/sites like the above mentioned ones by "Got it" have some extra protection. In these apps, if there is a website of the app, we would be ale to play videos normally in PC browsers. Any browser with the chromecdm will work with playback. However if we try to play the videos in mobile devices through the app it will not be possible and it will redirect us to the mobile app. Only playback via the app will be possible in these cases in android. The reason is, vdocipher only allows chromecdm license requests or android license requests with an "integrity token". When the video gets played via the app, the app makes a request to the Play Integrity API using the Google Play Services library. The API response, will include the integrity token. Then it verifies if the MEETS_DEVICE_INTEGRITY verdict is met. After that it creates another token using the previous token + the current playback requested video and the current CDM's provision's details and sends it again to the license server. Then vdocipher again verifies the received integrity token (if MEETS_DEVICE_INTEGRITY is met and if the token is created for the current video and CDM) and issues the license. You can not re-use one video's token with another CDM or another video even when using the same CDM.
This is a misconception. You do not need an Android xx version + CDM for making vdocipher work. Vdocipher treats all physical device Android L3 CDM's the same. You will not get a special treatment if your CDM is some Android xx version or higher. Also extracting the CDM while playing the content is not necessarily needed too. This procedure is only needed for some vdocipher videos but it requires additional steps other than just extracting the CDM while playing the videos.
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