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  1. Member
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    Bergen, Norway
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    SRestore dosent work with paramaters, it works with Frate paramaters, but when I add other paramaters it just "crashes" AviSynth\

    [Attachment 76683 - Click to enlarge]
    Last edited by yoeymeme; 1st Feb 2024 at 11:27.
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  2. You are using omode=2.

    omode string (0-6 or mode, default 6)

    Srestore can be used as blend-decimation-function, as simple deblend-function and for double-blend-removal

    1 - deblend-mode 1 -> detected blends will be replaced with the previous frame
    2 - deblend-mode 2 -> next frame is used instead of the detected blend
    3 - deblend-mode 3 -> detected blends will be replaced with the neighbour that has the smaller difference
    4 - deblend-mode 4 -> use the neighbour with the smaller blend-possibility
    5 - deblend-special -> outputs the one of four frames with the smallest blend-possibility
    >5 - blend-decimation -> for all decimation operations

    The output-modes 1-5 are simple deblending modes, so the framerate will not change.

    To enable the double-blend-removal you have to set a string for omode. This string decides about the postprocessing mode that is used on the restored frames:

    pp0 -> the fastest mode, no postprocessing
    pp1 -> use difference masking, higher quality and still good speed
    pp2 -> use a special blurring mask on luma and chroma that reduces artefacts
    pp3 -> combines postprocessing 1 and 2 -> slowest

    Cu Selur
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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  3. Member
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    Bergen, Norway
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    I did some changes since I posted this and its still occuringImage
    [Attachment 76698 - Click to enlarge]
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  4. short:
    Only mode 6 will reduce the frame count.
    All other modes will not. (ppX is not >5)

    If you look at the script, sRestore uses:
    om      = default(omode, 6)
    	bom     = isstring(om)
    	thr     = abs(default(thresh, 16))+0.01
    	frfac   = bom || abs(om-3)<2.5 ? 1 : isfloat(frate) ? frate*5<irate || frate>irate ? 1 :
    			\ abs(frate)/irate : round(irate*10010)%30000==0 ? 1001./2400. : 480./1001.
    Thus, if omode is a string like "ppX" bom is true, if om is 5 or less 'abs(om-3)<2.5' will be less than 2.5.
    If either of these two conditions is met, frfac (= frame rate factor) will be 1 and thus no 'frame rate/count'-adjustment takes place.
    So the only mode where a 'frame rate/count'-adjustment takes place is mode 6.

    Cu Selur

    Ps.: If you want to lower the frame count while not using mode=6 add ChangeFPS(...) with your target frame rate.

    PPs.: no clue why sRestore crashes for you, but the way AvsPmod shows the frame rate&count is correct.
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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  5. Member
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    Bergen, Norway
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    it dont crashes i didnt know what to say the framerate didnt change what do I do with the paramaters u said add ChangeFPS under SRestore or in the SRestore Code?

    i have it at mode 6 rn and its still the same

    SRestore(frate=23.976, omode="pp3", speed=-25, mode=6, thresh=30

    edit imma test on omode

    edit agian it worked
    Last edited by yoeymeme; 1st Feb 2024 at 14:30.
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  6. what do I do with the paramaters u said add ChangeFPS under SRestore or in the SRestore Code?
    your would add ChangeFPS adter the sRestore call.

    Sorry, I meant 'omode 6' not 'mode 6'. (typo)
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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