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  1. I have been encoding Blu-Rays for years and VC-1 is not something I come across very much.

    Last time I came across it quite a while back, I was simply able to update ffms to a more recent version and it worked. Or at least it worked well enough and I did not notice any problems at the time.

    This time however, I cannot get this to work properly. It file indexes and loads into MeGui, and seems to be working fine, but I am noticing small bits of corruptions and or blocks that were not there before encoding. Even using a more recent version does not fix this like last time.

    The .m2ts/remuxed mkv plays perfectly in my media players, those blocks are not there. I want to encode it with avisynth though.

    I tried using something called DGDecodeNV for the first time and the preview no longer shows those blocks, but the problem is, I cant get the script to work or load properly. Every time I try to load the script in, I get an error that's either a bunch of crazy symbols like this in AvsPmod.

    or I get this error from MeGui

    I can get this to encode with ffms2, but I cant get it to encode without these blocks and artifacts that don't belong there. When using the DGDecodeNV which looks like it works fine in the preview window, I cant get MeGui or AvsPmod to load the script or let me use it.

    Im not even using any filters.

    DGSource("C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Encoding\TL\Episode 4\MakeMKV\title_t03.dgi",fieldop=0)

    If I take out the loadplugin line it says no function named DGSource. If I use it, nothing on my computer will load the script. I even tried different versions of DGDecodeNV and its the same thing when trying to load the script.

    MeGui will make and save the script unless I press the preview button to make an error appear, and then it will freeze after saving it, but it wont open or be able to use the script.
    Last edited by killerteengohan; 5th Jan 2024 at 21:22.
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  2. This is whats happening when I use ffvideosource/ffms2

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  3. I tried FFMS2 on another version of MeGui and it looks fine in preview again just like DGDecodeNV looked, but when I try to load or use the script it made, I get an error that says "Not an AVISynth 2 C Plugin" whatever that means for the ffms2.dll plugin. I never seen LoadCPlugin in a script before made by MeGui.

    LoadCPlugin("C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\MeGui 2715-32\tools\ffms\ffms2.dll")

    If I remove the C, I get this again.

    Last edited by killerteengohan; 5th Jan 2024 at 21:24.
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  4. If you use a source filter which indexes the source using an external program like ffmsindex or dgdecodenv the index file needs to be created.
    MeGui and other GUIs usually automatically create these files and delete them after the program is used.

    Since you use DGDecNV, I assume you also have an NVIDIA card, so you could use LSMASHVideoSource as alternative and set prefer_hw=1 for it to use hardware decoding like DGDecNV does.

    I get an error that says "Not an AVISynth 2 C Plugin" whatever that means for the ffms2.dll plugin. I never seen LoadCPlugin in a script before made by MeGui.

    LoadCPlugin("C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\MeGui 2715-32\tools\ffms\ffms2.dll")
    According to your error, you should use LoadPlugin instead of LoadCPlugin. (there exist C and non-C plugins for FFMS2, so depending on what plugin you use you need to use LoadPlugin or LoadCPlugin).

    Can't say anything about the artifacts without a sample of the source.

    Cu Selur

    Cu Selur
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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  5. Originally Posted by Selur View Post
    If you use a source filter which indexes the source using an external program like ffmsindex or dgdecodenv the index file needs to be created.
    MeGui and other GUIs usually automatically create these files and delete them after the program is used.

    Since you use DGDecNV, I assume you also have an NVIDIA card, so you could use LSMASHVideoSource as alternative and set prefer_hw=1 for it to use hardware decoding like DGDecNV does.
    Lsmash doesnt work and it has the artifacts/corruption problems too when I tried it in the past. Refer to this old post.

    That is the entire reason I even tried dgdecodenv this time is because a long while back it was suggested. It doesn't work for me for whatever reason. it freezes up my MeGui and wont work.

    I tried using Lsmash this time and its greyed out in MeGui. It wont even let me select Lsmash in MeGui now for whatever reason. How I got it to work in that old post I don't know. it's forcing FFIndex unless I enable dgdecnv, but dgdecnv does not work and freezes MeGui every time.

    Originally Posted by Selur View Post
    According to your error, you should use LoadPlugin instead of LoadCPlugin. (there exist C and non-C plugins for FFMS2, so depending on what plugin you use you need to use LoadPlugin or LoadCPlugin).
    Like I mentioned above, if I take the C out, I just get that jumbled letters and symbols error in the image above. I tried manually loading several different versions and releases as well. Older ones work, but they come out all screwed up. Newer ones just error out.

    As for a sample, like with most other people in the past who help, it will probably work fine fine for you for whatever reason and not for me.

    Here is the video source I'm using.

    The artifacts in the screenshot above are at about the 10:44-10:50 mark in the video.
    Last edited by killerteengohan; 6th Jan 2024 at 03:25.
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  6. Lsmash doesnt work and it has the artifacts/corruption problems too when I tried it in the past.
    Did you try with LWLibavVideoSource prefer_hw=1?

    Will look at the source.
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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  7. 1. I can confirm that both LWLibavVideoSource and FFMS2 have issues with the source.
    LWLibavVideoSource with prefer_hw=1 even crashes with an access violation error here.
    Without prefer_hw=1 it does not crash, but does not properly index the whole source. (seems to be looping a part of the source)

    2. DGDecNV works fine here. (are you using the latest version from ?; I'm using " 2023-12-17 10:40 3.6M") (for fms2 I used for L-SMASH I used:

    3. I noticed there's a difference between the frame numbering depending on the sources, but the output seems to be the same:
    I used:
    # loading source: C:\Users\Selur\Desktop\00009.mkv
    # color sampling YV12@8, matrix: bt709, scantyp: progressive, luminance scale: limited
    # current resolution: 1920x1080
    # Converting from 8 to 10bit for encoder
    # setting output fps to 23.976fps
    #  output: color sampling YV12@10, matrix: bt709, scantyp: progressive, luminance scale: limited
    return last
    # loading source: C:\Users\Selur\Desktop\00009.mkv
    # color sampling YV12@8, matrix: bt709, scantyp: progressive, luminance scale: limited
    # current resolution: 1920x1080
    # Converting from 8 to 10bit for encoder
    # setting output fps to 23.976fps
    #  output: color sampling YV12@10, matrix: bt709, scantyp: progressive, luminance scale: limited
    return last
    Conclusions so far:
    a. you might want to report the problem to the FFMS2 and L-SMASH folks.
    b. DGDecNV does work for me, but I don't see a difference.
    c. I see the aliasing throughout the whole source and would apply some anti-aliasing.
    d. I can't reproduce the other errors you mentioned either.

    Cu Selur
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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  8. It looks like updating my older avisynth 2.6 to avisynth+ so I can use the newer versions of ffms2 or l-smash appears to fix the issue for me when it comes to this source. I cant test it or encode it, but the preview looked fine.

    This updating broke everything I use to encode with and I currently cant get any of my encoders or avspmod to work anymore or I would do a test encode, but I did get one program to load a script and the preview looked fine.

    If anyone can help with this, that would be great. If I cant get my encoder or avspmod working with avisynth+, I will have to revert back to the older avisynth and just deal with the artifacts from the looks of it.
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