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  1. Member
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    I'm looking for some help with capturing thousands of tapes from VHS to Digibeta and everything in between. But for this post, I'll narrow it down to capturing Beta tapes on my DVW A500 Digitbeta decks using Black Magic Mini Recorder and Media Express software. I also have an Atomos converter if I were using composite, component, etc.
    I'm getting pretty good captures via the deck's SDI - BM Recorder - Thunderbolt to Mac - BM Express...but I'm sure I can improve and there are some settings I'm coming across that I could use some better understanding.

    I'm open for anyone to throw suggestions at any point but I'll add a few specific points or questions.
    - I'm assuming the deck is sending (via SDI) to the recorder an SD signal -- not an upresed one right? What makes me wonder is that
    when setting up the BM Mini Recorder software the window says - SDI Input choices are "1080 and 2k" - "captured at 1080p" or "1080PsF". I have the 1080P clicked but isn't this relevant in my situation where I'm capturing an SD Beta tape?

    - The same software lists Conversions it can do ie HD to SD etc. I choose not to do any conversions here.

    - My BM Express settings are 525i59.94. I figured I'd capture interlaced now and deinterlace at the point of actually using a clip in a project.

    I guess I'll start there. I have questions about specific quality issues and I'll be happy to capture short uncompressed clips or whatever may be best but I figured I may as well start off basic and make any hardware or setting changes before tackling specific image improvements.
    Thanks for any help
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  2. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    You got the right deck for the job, Keep the same workflow via SDI and MediaExpress using BM mini recorder, You can go component for Betacam analog tapes and find an expensive component card that can do 4:4:4 but I don't think there is much improvement to be had from an already rock solid pro format, If there is it won't be worth the effort.

    From the word Digibeta, I take it that you have the first generation uncompressed digital SD tapes, These tapes are better captured via SDI, don't use component because the deck will be converting them to analog. Never de-interlace, never upscale during capturing, Just let MediaExpress detect the source, 525i/59.94 for NTSC and 625i/50 for PAL, Use the same setting for output, You can do all other processing in post.

    Interestingly a Betacam recorder with SDI out is an excellent capture device, not just for analog Betacam tapes but for other analog tapes as well, VHS, Video8, consumer Beta, you name it, So keep the same workflow and the files will all be the same, Post processing will be the same except if you are doing advanced restoration, consumer tapes will need more attention than Betacam tapes.

    Post simples and pictures of the tapes for identification purposes, Some digital Betacam tapes are lossy like the Betacam SX (MPEG-2) and the MPEG IMX (MPEG-2 Part2 or h.262), So the files will be handled differently.
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  3. Member
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    Thanks for the reply. Not being "alone" in this is wonderful.
    - The deck is Digi but I'm currently using it to play Betacam SP tapes.

    - Re cables, I had previously tried (component) to Atomos converter, (SDI) to- BM M Recorder, (thunderbolt) to Mac. It looked strangely horrible. I was going to dive deep and try to find out why it looked so bad when I tried the SDI and was relieved that it looked great. No need to solve that mystery now but it's got me wondering if this deck has a tbc installed.

    - Maybe I'll google where to find/check the TBC card in these decks.

    - Regarding your suggestion that the Betcam deck w/ SDI is an "excellent capture device"...what exactly do mean? Are you suggesting, for example, to run a VHS into the Digibeta deck recording that VHS signal onto a digibeta tape? Then probably sending that back to the Mac via SDI?

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  4. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    Yes, that's what I'm suggesting, Run consumer decks through the Betacam deck, It doesn't hurt to try, right?
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