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  1. I know you're thinking, "Who does this anymore"?

    I am looking for help, printing a picture onto a cd/dvd using the Epson Print CD v2.50.00A. For some reason, I have a picture in .jpg, .tif, and .png. When I click the "picture" button on the left and choose "file" none of the pictures in the above format show up.

    If I try to drag the picture to the program I get, "This is not an Epson Print CD File." So what type of file does this program like in order to import a picture to the cd?

    Also, I found this place, for cd labels. Is it up to date as far as cd/dvd labels and cd/dvd covers? Or is there a new place for things like this?

    Thanks much for the help
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  2. Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    United States
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    Have you looked at the guide here? There is some info about selecting files
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  3. Thanks for the info.... helped with my questions.
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