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  1. Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    New Zealand
    Search Comp PM
    Hi all
    I've associated my .mov suffix with MPC-BE x64 movieplayer. But a few of my mov files insist on opening in Photoshop. They appear to be the same codecs etc as the ones which do open and play in MPC player.
    Any thoughts?
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  2. On Windows:
    Right click the mov, open with, set another app, search for MPC-BE, answer always to the question once/always.
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  3. The files in question probably aren't really mov files. Have you disabled "Hide extension for known file types" in Explorer?

    [Attachment 74608 - Click to enlarge]

    That allows you to see the real extension. For example a file named VIDEO.MOV.MKV will show up as VIDEO.MOV in Explorer if that option is enabled (the default setting). So you may think it's a MOV file even though it's an MKV file. When you double click on it the file will open with the program associated with MKV files, not the program associated with MOV files.
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  4. Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    New Zealand
    Search Comp PM
    Thanks both for replies.
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