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  1. then any big boss can point how to calculate the sha256hash in their graphql's payload to get meta data? i tried hash that client secrect, not work. just learning something new. thanks in advnce.
    Quote Quote  
  2. The existing Kodi plugins should have all information needed - the Kodinerds repo has one at

    Edit - hmm; does this plugin even use graphql endpoints? The joyn plugin does though, and it has the information needed to calculate the sha256hash values. They do something along

    'sha256Hash': sha256(params['query'].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() if 'query' in params else CONST['GRAPHQL'][operation].get('HASH')
    Last edited by Obo; 24th Mar 2024 at 02:18.
    Quote Quote  
  3. Originally Posted by Obo View Post
    The existing Kodi plugins should have all information needed - the Kodinerds repo has one at

    Edit - hmm; does this plugin even use graphql endpoints? The joyn plugin does though, and it has the information needed to calculate the sha256hash values. They do something along

    'sha256Hash': sha256(params['query'].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() if 'query' in params else CONST['GRAPHQL'][operation].get('HASH')
    thank you @Obo, let me see how the sha256 works.
    Quote Quote  
  4. Seems at least similar; many operations seem to have a constant hash value, independent of the variables you use in the graphql query. That's at least true for operations "MovieDetail", "Recommendations", "SeoUrlData", "ExploreHighlightWatch".
    Quote Quote  
  5. ok,I got 401 unauthorized error, I thought that sha256hash maybe control something, since it change every time. maybe I'm wrong.
    Quote Quote  
  6. Originally Posted by Obo View Post
    You should really read the stickies by A_n_g_e_l_a then
    The x-auth-token is in the headers shown in your browsers' dev console for the license request, and as for the CDM: there's a thread by Karoolus with plenty of "Ready to use CDMs" (last updated on friday).
    Thank you Obo.
    Thank you for the tipp concerning "Ready to use CDMs" by Karoolus . I have read the thread and downloded a CRM.

    Yesterday, I already read the stickies by A_n_g_e_l_a several times, but unfortunately don't understand the part concerning "finding the x-auth-token in the dev console"
    When I watch the video and press F12 to open the dev. console, I don't find any information concerning "x-auth" in any of the tabs?!? I have tried firefox and chrome. Is there a thread with screenshots or a video so I can see and learn the exact steps?
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  7. Member
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    Originally Posted by Zwergd84B View Post
    Originally Posted by Obo View Post
    You should really read the stickies by A_n_g_e_l_a then
    The x-auth-token is in the headers shown in your browsers' dev console for the license request, and as for the CDM: there's a thread by Karoolus with plenty of "Ready to use CDMs" (last updated on friday).
    Thank you Obo.
    Thank you for the tipp concerning "Ready to use CDMs" by Karoolus . I have read the thread and downloded a CRM.

    Yesterday, I already read the stickies by A_n_g_e_l_a several times, but unfortunately don't understand the part concerning "finding the x-auth-token in the dev console"
    When I watch the video and press F12 to open the dev. console, I don't find any information concerning "x-auth" in any of the tabs?!? I have tried firefox and chrome. Is there a thread with screenshots or a video so I can see and learn the exact steps?
    its in license url, use header tab so you can find x-auth there
    Quote Quote  
  8. I have some doubt that you really read through the stickies, but anyway

    - press F12 to open the dev console in your browser, e.g. Chrome (I use Brave Browser, but it's Chromium based as well)
    - open the video, e.g., so that it actually begins to play.
    - make sure the "Network" tab of the dev console is opened
    - type "license" in the search field
    - select the (usually) last request with that name - in it's "payload" tab it should display some binary data (which is the browser's License Challenge data that you can't use, but that's where your CDM comes into play).
    - right click (or Mac: Ctrl+Click) on the request and choose Copy->Copy as cURL
    - paste that copied content into some text editor
    - find the line that starts with "-H 'x-auth-token: eyJh...'"

    That's your x-auth-token, that has to be part of your headers dict in

    If everything else is set up correctly at your side, it should spit out the key for the "Sparsarg" video:

    And no, I won't create screenshots.
    Quote Quote  
  9. Originally Posted by Obo View Post
    I have some doubt that you really read through the stickies, but anyway
    That's your x-auth-token, that has to be part of your headers dict in
    If everything else is set up correctly at your side, it should spit out the key for the "Sparsarg" video:
    I am really grateful for your help and patience and I can assure you, that I have read lots of threads during the last 2 days.
    With your guidance, I found the x-auth-token and copied it to the

    When I execute the and enter the mpd and license-URL, I get the following error-message.
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Input MPD URL:
    License URL:

    PSSH obtained.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "D:\Downloads\widevine_keys-main\", line 130, in <module>
    correct, keys = WV_Function(pssh, lic_url)
    File "D:\Downloads\widevine_keys-main\", line 44, in WV_Function
    responses.append(, headers=headers.headers, data=raw_request, params=params))
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    File "C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Pyth on312\Lib\site-packages\requests\", line 115, in post
    return request("post", url, data=data, json=json, **kwargs)
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^
    File "C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Pyth on312\Lib\site-packages\requests\", line 59, in request
    return session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs)
    File "C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Pyth on312\Lib\site-packages\requests\", line 575, in request
    prep = self.prepare_request(req)
    File "C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Pyth on312\Lib\site-packages\requests\", line 486, in prepare_request
    File "C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Pyth on312\Lib\site-packages\requests\", line 369, in prepare
    File "C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Pyth on312\Lib\site-packages\requests\", line 489, in prepare_headers
    for header in headers.items():
    AttributeError: 'set' object has no attribute 'items'
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    I did my best to google these error-messages, but didn't find a sollution?

    I'm really sorry to ask so many (stupid) questions, but I really want to do it myself in the future
    Quote Quote  
  10. I solved my problem by following A_n_g_e_l_a's perfect step-by-step-tutorial
    The problem of the errors must have been, that first I used the outdated WKS-Keys instead.

    So again: thank you very much for helping me succeed, especially Obo
    Quote Quote  
  11. I have one more question:
    the resolution of the donwloaded video is 960x540 (URL of mpd: When watching the video on the internet (, there are different types of video-quality. How can I download for example a video in low or high quality?
    Quote Quote  
  12. The mpd URL only has these formats:

    yt-dlp --allow-u -F
    Available formats for v1:
    audio_1=130000 m4a audio only │  130k dash  │ audio only        mp4a.40.2  130k 48k [de] DRM, DASH audio, m4a_dash
    video=389000   mp4 640x360    │  389k dash  │ avc1.4D401E  389k video only          DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    video=770000   mp4 768x432    │  770k dash  │ avc1.4D401E  770k video only          DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    video=1489000  mp4 960x540    │ 1489k dash  │ avc1.4D401F 1489k video only          DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    One way to tell yt-dlp to download the 768x432 video is to use arg '-f "bv*[height<=432]+ba/b[height<=432]"' or to explicitly choose "-f video=770000" - see the github page of yt-dlp.
    Quote Quote  
  13. Hi all,

    Could it be that rtl have changed something with their licensing? I had everything working lovely a few weeks ago. Now when I filter for the license on chrome, I'm unable to find anything with the x-auth-token. Without that, I don't know what I can do...

    [Attachment 79388 - Click to enlarge]
    Quote Quote  
  14. Originally Posted by GeneralMidi View Post
    Hi all,

    Could it be that rtl have changed something with their licensing? I had everything working lovely a few weeks ago. Now when I filter for the license on chrome, I'm unable to find anything with the x-auth-token. Without that, I don't know what I can do...
    Posting the video url would help (not the mpd).
    Quote Quote  

    I have a feeling I've done something wrong. It used to look like this...

    [Attachment 79389 - Click to enlarge]

    by the way, it plays perfectly in my browser...
    Quote Quote  
  16. Originally Posted by GeneralMidi View Post

    I have a feeling I've done something wrong. It used to look like this...

    [Attachment 79389 - Click to enlarge]

    by the way, it plays perfectly in my browser...
    License url (with X-Auth-Token):
    --key 1341d1a400fc26591c3813ec83f4508b:3564a2b36dd104452a871e8cf883767b
    Btw widefrog supports RTL if you want to automate this.
    Quote Quote  
  17. No, doesn't look as if they changed something. Key for your video is
    The license request looks as on your screenshot, including x-auth-token. This is as before the only header needed for the license request.
    Quote Quote  
  18. Well, I really appreciate your help. Thank you.

    I would like to find out why this isn't working for me now though.

    I've cleared my cookies, cache etc. Cant' work out why it's not working now. Incognito mode doesn't help either...

    It used to work, like 3 or 4 weeks ago. fwiw I subscribe to plus...

    Looks like this now...

    [Attachment 79390 - Click to enlarge]
    Quote Quote  
  19. Member aqzs's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by GeneralMidi View Post
    I would like to find out why this isn't working for me now though.
    Hey !
    License url :
    Pssh :
    Key :
    N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 1341d1a400fc26591c3813ec83f4508b:3564a2b36dd104452a871e8cf883767b -M format=mkv --save-name
    Quote Quote  
  20. Originally Posted by GeneralMidi View Post
    Well, I really appreciate your help. Thank you.

    I would like to find out why this isn't working for me now though.

    I've cleared my cookies, cache etc. Cant' work out why it's not working now. Incognito mode doesn't help either...

    It used to work, like 3 or 4 weeks ago. fwiw I subscribe to plus...

    Looks like this now...

    [Attachment 79390 - Click to enlarge]

    filter widevine, don't filter lic, that's it.
    Quote Quote  
  21. Originally Posted by shellcmd View Post

    filter widevine, don't filter lic, that's it.
    Yes! That was it. Thank you very much. Would rtl have changed this? Filtering for license used to work, now it's rtlplus.

    In the future, how might I be able to find x-auth-token should filtering not work?
    Quote Quote  
  22. This license url will not change frequently, if you don't know which is the license, you can filter method:POST , and find request one by one.
    Quote Quote  
  23. Amazing! Thanks once again, really appreciate it.
    Quote Quote  
  24. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I'm trying to download this video. I can't seem to find the key

    If anyone can help me, I'll be very very happy.
    Quote Quote  
  25. Tip: download this video from YouTube, the video there has much higher resolution.
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  26. Member
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    --key cd99b0f2627b8247547e4916691559c4:5854ff44bb68bd60dc8babc71b1071e8
    Quote Quote  
  27. Member aqzs's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by leesmapman View Post
    I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I'm trying to download this video. I can't seem to find the key

    If anyone can help me, I'll be very very happy.
    N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key  cd99b0f2627b8247547e4916691559c4:5854ff44bb68bd60dc8babc71b1071e8 -M format=mkv --save-name "Jean-Michel Jarre & Brian May"
    Download :
    Quote Quote  
  28. Thanks people! You are the best!

    Originally Posted by Obo View Post
    Tip: download this video from YouTube, the video there has much higher resolution.
    Yes, I have that too (and the TV5 1080p digital tv broadcast). but I need this one for comparison reasons (and the introduction by the RTL presenter).
    Quote Quote  

    this video is for free, seems to be 540p only
    I haven't used the for a while

    So how was that?
    License URL:
    accept-language: de-DE,de;q=0.9,en-GB;q=0.8,en;q=0.7
    user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/
    x-auth-token: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6ICJ4N1RJT2o1bXd3T0daLS1fOVdjcmhDbzdHemVCTDgwOWQxZlByN29wUThB0.eyJleHAiOjE3MTgwMzEzOTMsImlhdCI6MTcxNzk0NDk5MywianRpIjoiNGI1Y2M5NzktOWIzZi00MTQyLTkyZDMtYTg1Y2FjODE1YmVjIiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9hdXRoLnJ0bC5kZS9hdXRoL3JlYWxtcy9ydGxwbHVzIiwic3ViIjoiNWYyODFmOTAtOWM5OS00MzcwLWFmZDYtMTM1N2ZlMDc2N2YxIiwidHlwIjoiQmVhcmVyIiwiYXpwIjoiYW5vbnltb3VzLXVzZXIiLCJhbGxvd2VkLW9yaWdpbnMiOlsiKiJdLCJzY29wZSI6IiIsImNsaWVudEhvc3QiOiIzMS4xNi44Mi4yMTAiLCJjbGllbnRJZCI6ImFub255bW91cy11c2VyIiwiaXNHdWVzdCI6dHJ1ZSwicGVybWlzc2lvbnMiOnsiZ2VuZXJhbCI6eyJwb3J0YWJpbGl0eSI6ZmFsc2UsImFscGhhViI6dHJ1ZSwibWF4QW1vdW50T2ZQcm9maWxlcyI6NCwibWF4TXBhUHJvZmlsZXMiOjQsInNldFBpbiI6ZmFsc2UsIm1heERvd25sb2FkRGV2aWNlcyI6MCwiYWNjZXNzUHJlU2FsZSI6ZmFsc2V9LCJzdHJlYW1pbmciOnsidm9kQWNjZXNzVG9GcmVlQ29udGVudCI6dHJ1ZSwidm9kQWNjZXNzVG9QYXlDb250ZW50IjpmYWxzZSwibGl2ZXN0cmVhbUFjY2Vzc1RvRnJlZVR2IjpmYWxzZSwibGl2ZXN0cmVhbUFjY2Vzc1RvUGF5VHYiOmZhbHNlLCJsaXZlc3RyZWFtQWNjZXNzVG9GYXN0Ijp0cnVlLCJ2b2RRdWFsaXR5IjoiTE9XIiwibGl2ZVF1YWxpdHkiOiJMT1ciLCJmYXN0UXVhbGl0eSI6IkxPVyIsIm1heFBhcmFsbGVsU3RyZWFtcyI6MSwibGl2ZWV2ZW50QWNjZXNzVG9GcmVlVHYiOnRydWUsImxpdmVldmVudEFjY2Vzc1RvUGF5VHYiOmZhbHNlfSwid2F0Y2hGZWF0dXJlcyI6eyJjb250ZW50RG93bmxvYWQiOmZhbHNlLCJvcmlnaW5hbFZlcnNpb24iOmZhbHNlLCJjb250aW51ZVdhdGNoaW5nIjpmYWxzZSwic2tpcEFkIjpmYWxzZSwiZG9sYnkiOmZhbHNlLCJib29rbWFya1dhdGNoIjpmYWxzZX0sImFkdmVydGlzaW5nIjp7Im1heFByZVJvbGxzIjozLCJtaWRSb2xscyI6dHJ1ZSwicG9zdFJvbGxzIjp0cnVlLCJjaGFwdGVycyI6dHJ1ZSwic3BlY2lhbEFkcyI6ZmFsc2UsImJyZWFrQWRzIjpmYWxzZSwiYWRTY2hlbWUiOiJhZGFfZnJlZSIsInRlZFBheUFkdmVydGlzZW1lbnQiOmZhbHNlfSwibXVzaWMiOnsiYWNjZXNzTXVzaWNDb250ZW50IjpmYWxzZSwiYWNjZXNzTXVzaWNDb250ZW50T3RoZXJQcm9maWxlcyI6ZmFsc2UsImRlZXplck9mZmVyQ29kZSI6LTEsImRlZXplclRyaWFsT2ZmZXJDb2RlIjotMSwiZGVlemVyTWF4UGFyYWxsZWxTdHJlYW1zIjowLCJ2aWV3TXVzaWNDb250ZW50Ijp0cnVlLCJtYXhEZWV6ZXJEb3dubG9hZERldmljZXMiOjAsIm1heERlZXplckRvd25sb2FkRGV2aWNlc090aGVyUHJvZmlsZXMiOjB9LCJwb2RjYXN0cyI6eyJib29rbWFya1BvZGNhc3RzIjpmYWxzZSwiYWNjZXNzRnJlZVBvZGNhc3RzIjp0cnVlLCJhY2Nlc3NQcmVtaXVtUG9kY2FzdHMiOmZhbHNlLCJmb2xsb3dQb2RjYXN0cyI6ZmFsc2UsImRvd25sb2FkUG9kY2FzdHMiOmZhbHNlLCJkb3dubG9hZFByZW1pdW1Qb2RjYXN0cyI6ZmFsc2UsImNvbnRpbnVlTGlzdGVuaW5nUG9kY2FzdHMiOmZhbHNlfSwicmFkaW8iOnsiYWNjZXNzUmFkaW9Db250ZW50Ijp0cnVlfSwibWFnYXppbmUiOnsiYXJ0aWNsZUNyZWRpdHMiOjAsImFjY2Vzc01hZ2F6aW5lQXJ0aWNsZXMiOmZhbHNlLCJicmFuZFN1YnNjcmlwdGlvblNsb3RzIjowLCJib29rbWFya01hZ2F6aW5lIjpmYWxzZX0sImF1ZGlvYm9va3MiOnsiY2FuUmVkZWVtQ3JlZGl0IjpmYWxzZSwiY2FuUmVkZWVtQ3JlZGl0T3RoZXJQcm9maWxlcyI6ZmFsc2UsImFjY2Vzc0RlZXplckF1ZGlvYm9va3MiOmZhbHNlLCJhY2Nlc3NEZWV6ZXJBdWRpb2Jvb2tzT3RoZXJQcm9maWxlcyI6ZmFsc2UsImFjY2Vzc1ByaEF1ZGlvYm9va3MiOmZhbHNlLCJhY2Nlc3NQcmhBdWRpb2Jvb2tzT3RoZXJQcm9maWxlcyI6ZmFsc2UsImFjY2Vzc0JvdWdodFByaEF1ZGlvYm9va3MiOmZhbHNlLCJhY2Nlc3NCb3VnaHRQcmhBdWRpb2Jvb2tzT3RoZXJQcm9maWxlcyI6ZmFsc2UsInByaENyZWRpdHMiOjAsInByaE1heFBhcmFsbGVsU3RyZWFtcyI6MH0sInRvZ2dvIjp7InNraXBBZHZlcnRpc2luZyI6ZmFsc2V9fSwiY2xpZW50QWRkcmVzcyI6IjMxLjE2LjgyLjIxMCJ9.biNmVfSZL73jonyYZj75aMH2n6GBzHQeXpL8jl-O-pkpid4k35_R6dPjOPuQq861FDuzKchFST7LMYpVBwd_Z0zoaGDyjrnVxmSRzxWgPguSYfhEsUyWv1PKD1mtJVLf8NtYYj0RP7uGRwcrGJO39RYtUmWPK1OaYsFrYFbKkGwh6Gr-WwIKbtJDAeDk2sxnlOb7ka8HBSF0dbJWtvojeAw_ZCKOkG5S7pqww5XIgMHpGsyXz-3PvOOTbigrxK_7ixU63bwNR_p_uip6pdCRH22SlUHEXkr-C0vZXSkc1u7EmQDs0e573PiB66XYaNRid-OjXF2-fhlloYtlsOKwhQ
    I get different errors like {"code":400,"error":true,"message":"Failed to get license: 400 Bad Request"}
    {"code":400,"error":true,"message":"Failed to get license: 403 Forbidden"}

    what am I doing wrong here?
    Last edited by nimrahwt; 10th Jun 2024 at 12:41.
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  30. Member aqzs's Avatar
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    key :
    N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 985ce3d80c35f3172cc0947c86610ed1:cac2be2e159243b7e1df0bbb1983fe95 -M format=mkv --save-name "Electric Callboy live bei Rock am Ring 2024"
    Your file :

    (for the next time please use [CODE][//CODE] to provide pssh and other infos)
    Quote Quote  

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