I currently have 2 Cable Tuners, each in a different machine. They both record the exact same thing everyday to prevent errors that have caused me to loose a recording. Yesterday I took the one machine offline for about an hour to replace a SATA PCI card with an HBA SAS card, added a couple drives. The Tuner card was in a PCIe 8x slot and I moved it to a 1x slot as that is all it needs and the HBA needs the bigger slot.

Machine is running with no issues except one very strange occurrence, this machine is now recording everything with the audio streams out of order. I mostly record Turner Classic Movies which has 2 audio streams for everything, a 5.1 and a stereo audio track. Normally the 5.1 track is the first audio stream and the stereo track is the second. Now, in this machine, they are reversed and the stereo is the first track and the 5.1 is the second track.

I know it is not being broadcast that way as the machine I did not touch is still recoding the audio tracks in the correct order on the exact same movie recorded at the exact same time.

Any ideas on what I could have done to cause this....if it was even me?
