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  1. Member
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    Originally Posted by PSXman_uk View Post
    Which format of curl does it want from the browser please as tried both and errors out
    Windows wants ' cURL as Posix' or 'cURL as cmd'

    Working in Windows for Max USA This quote shows the script working; it is not an example to copy!
    (venv) C:\Users\xxxxxx\xxxxxxxx\A_L3_py>
    MPD URL?
    tion=30.030000&r.duration=4.004000&r.duration=7906 .398500&r.keymod=2&r.main=2&r.manifest=a6037817-28ee-46e4-ae28-da831e761411%2F0_c9995e.mpd&r.manifest=0cca0350-b0d9-47bb-98d5-d5d81a73fee5%2F1_f40015.mpd&r.manifest=a28f4528-1a8f-4db
    Found pssh element: AAAAOHBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAABgSEAEA8C twEG0nA07IL1k77IdI49yVmwY=
    Extracted or generated PSSH: AAAAOHBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAABgSEAEA8C twEG0nA07IL1k77IdI49yVmwY=

    Paste cURL of license server request:
    And press ENTER.
    cURL is saved but not displayed in the console.
    zMyLWExNDctNGZiNC05OWNkLTYyYmZmNWI2NjdkNiIsImRldml jZUlkIjoiNDBiN2FhNDEtZWM0YS00ZWYyLTlmMTItYTRhYjQwY jczMjA5Iiwic3NhaSI6dHJ1ZSwic3RyZWFtVHlwZSI6InZvZCJ 9.RqEOroV6N6Bemx6encCbYPul6gxPxaMo-KhJpH4vBpY&x-wbd-tenant=beam&x-wbd-user-home-ma
    Method: POST
    Headers: {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:126.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/126.0', 'Accept': '*/*', 'Accept-Language': 'en-GB,en;q=0.5', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br, zstd', 'Origin': 'https://play.', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Referer': '', 'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'empty', 'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'cors', 'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'cross-site'}
    Data: None

    --key 0100f02b70106d27034ec82f593bec87:d8e97d41afc64505f c19bb022dfb09b2

    Save Video as? max-usa
    and thanks @av4k100
    Last edited by A_n_g_e_l_a; 13th Jun 2024 at 12:59.
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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  2. Tried your example gave me this

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Scripts\uk-fta\Lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 69, in map_httpcore_exceptions
      File "C:\Scripts\uk-fta\Lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 233, in handle_request
        resp = self._pool.handle_request(req)
      File "C:\Scripts\uk-fta\Lib\site-packages\httpcore\_sync\", line 167, in handle_request
        raise UnsupportedProtocol(
    httpcore.UnsupportedProtocol: Request URL is missing an 'http://' or 'https://' protocol.
    Do i have something missing the other serivces work fine
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  3. Member
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    Originally Posted by PSXman_uk View Post
    Tried your example gave me this

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Scripts\uk-fta\Lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 69, in map_httpcore_exceptions
      File "C:\Scripts\uk-fta\Lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 233, in handle_request
        resp = self._pool.handle_request(req)
      File "C:\Scripts\uk-fta\Lib\site-packages\httpcore\_sync\", line 167, in handle_request
        raise UnsupportedProtocol(
    httpcore.UnsupportedProtocol: Request URL is missing an 'http://' or 'https://' protocol.
    Do i have something missing the other serivces work fine
    You haven't got the cURL of the license. You've pasted something else. Check your procedures on a simple site. If you are in UK, try UKtvPlay.

    Pasting without seeing anything echoed to the screen is a bit strange to get used to.
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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  4. It didn't get that far that was when i pasted the url then it did that before the curl
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    Originally Posted by PSXman_uk View Post
    It didn't get that far that was when i pasted the url then it did that before the curl

    Oh well. I couldn't see that from my house.

    But I see what you are doing now! I haven't posted any examples for you to copy. That was to show it working for Max USA - and is a response one of the testers showed me! You need to go to your own site and extract the mpd and curl.

    And another heads up; quotes on this site add spaces after a long run of characters, so the data loses integrity. Don't copy from quotes.
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
    Quote Quote  
  6. Hi Angela,..

    First,.. thank you for the continued updates to UK-FTA.

    I wanted to ask your advice on something that is more of an aggravation than anything else. I downloaded a recent episode of "24hours" in police custody,.. UK-FTA worked perfectly but.... (gotta be a but).. the first audio stream is something I can only explain as "describing" what is happening,... the second audio stream is the actual audio (hope that makes sense).
    Unusually 4od does not say anything about this being available, only subs and being in HD.

    This is the first time this has ever happened.
    address is the following:
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  7. Member
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    Originally Posted by LastResort View Post
    Hi Angela,..

    First,.. thank you for the continued updates to UK-FTA.

    I wanted to ask your advice on something that is more of an aggravation than anything else. I downloaded a recent episode of "24hours" in police custody,.. UK-FTA worked perfectly but.... (gotta be a but).. the first audio stream is something I can only explain as "describing" what is happening,... the second audio stream is the actual audio (hope that makes sense).
    Unusually 4od does not say anything about this being available, only subs and being in HD.

    This is the first time this has ever happened.
    address is the following:

    Some number of iterations earlier it was found that the audio channel selector sometimes gave description-audio for those with sight loss. It seemed there would usually be the main audio channel in prime position and the description channel second. BUT, sometimes, (most likely an intern at C4) the positions would be reversed. So I had posts complaining of the wrong audio. My solution was not to second guess C4 but just download both. You clearly have some of the interns work . Just select the other channel in your playback device
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
    Quote Quote  
  8. Hey Angela

    I've given the L3 downloader a go with a random show on UKTV to give it a test and i'm running into an error in which the curl request seems to be incorrect. These are the options i provide to the script:

    MPD Url:
    Curl license request:
    curl ^"^%^3D^%^3D^" ^
      -X "OPTIONS" ^
      -H "accept: */*" ^
      -H "accept-language: en-GB-oxendict,en-GB;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7" ^
      -H "access-control-request-headers: content-type" ^
      -H "access-control-request-method: POST" ^
      -H "origin:" ^
      -H "priority: u=1, i" ^
      -H "referer:" ^
      -H "sec-fetch-dest: empty" ^
      -H "sec-fetch-mode: cors" ^
      -H "sec-fetch-site: cross-site" ^
      -H "user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
    i then get this error:
    MPD URL?
    Found pssh element: AAAAVnBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAADYIARIQo3Jac3MOSaqZEbUUBhfQChoNd2lkZXZpbmVfdGVzdCIIMTIzNDU2NzgyB2RlZmF1bHQ=
    Extracted or generated PSSH: AAAAVnBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAADYIARIQo3Jac3MOSaqZEbUUBhfQChoNd2lkZXZpbmVfdGVzdCIIMTIzNDU2NzgyB2RlZmF1bHQ=
    Paste cURL of license server request:
    And press ENTER.
    cURL is saved but not displayed.
    Method: GET
    Headers: {}
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 69, in map_httpcore_exceptions
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 233, in handle_request
        resp = self._pool.handle_request(req)
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpcore\_sync\", line 167, in handle_request
        raise UnsupportedProtocol(
    httpcore.UnsupportedProtocol: Request URL is missing an 'http://' or 'https://' protocol.
    The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\UK-FTA\ukfta\", line 371, in <module>
        key_results = get_key(pssh, lic_url)
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\UK-FTA\ukfta\", line 186, in get_key
        license_response =, data=payload, headers=headers)
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 319, in post
        return request(
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 106, in request
        return client.request(
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 827, in request
        return self.send(request, auth=auth, follow_redirects=follow_redirects)
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 914, in send
        response = self._send_handling_auth(
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 942, in _send_handling_auth
        response = self._send_handling_redirects(
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 979, in _send_handling_redirects
        response = self._send_single_request(request)
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 1015, in _send_single_request
        response = transport.handle_request(request)
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 232, in handle_request
        with map_httpcore_exceptions():
      File "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_3.10.3056.0_x64__qbz5n2kfra8p0\lib\", line 153, in __exit__
        self.gen.throw(typ, value, traceback)
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 86, in map_httpcore_exceptions
        raise mapped_exc(message) from exc
    httpx.UnsupportedProtocol: Request URL is missing an 'http://' or 'https://' protocol.
    Just wondering if this is something i'm doing wrong or if this is a genuine error, sorry in advance if it is down to a rookie error!

    EDIT: i'm running the script via terminal on a Windows 11 machine
    Last edited by Av4K100; 13th Jun 2024 at 13:46. Reason: Clarification
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  9. Member
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    Originally Posted by Av4K100 View Post
    Hey Angela

    I've given the L3 downloader a go with a random show on UKTV to give it a test and i'm running into an error in which the curl request seems to be incorrect. These are the options i provide to the script:

    MPD Url:
    Curl license request:
    curl ^"^%^3D^%^3D^" ^
      -X "OPTIONS" ^
      -H "accept: */*" ^
      -H "accept-language: en-GB-oxendict,en-GB;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7" ^
      -H "access-control-request-headers: content-type" ^
      -H "access-control-request-method: POST" ^
      -H "origin:" ^
      -H "priority: u=1, i" ^
      -H "referer:" ^
      -H "sec-fetch-dest: empty" ^
      -H "sec-fetch-mode: cors" ^
      -H "sec-fetch-site: cross-site" ^
      -H "user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
    i then get this error:
    MPD URL?
    Found pssh element: AAAAVnBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAADYIARIQo3Jac3MOSaqZEbUUBhfQChoNd2lkZXZpbmVfdGVzdCIIMTIzNDU2NzgyB2RlZmF1bHQ=
    Extracted or generated PSSH: AAAAVnBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAADYIARIQo3Jac3MOSaqZEbUUBhfQChoNd2lkZXZpbmVfdGVzdCIIMTIzNDU2NzgyB2RlZmF1bHQ=
    Paste cURL of license server request:
    And press ENTER.
    cURL is saved but not displayed.
    Method: GET
    Headers: {}
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 69, in map_httpcore_exceptions
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 233, in handle_request
        resp = self._pool.handle_request(req)
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpcore\_sync\", line 167, in handle_request
        raise UnsupportedProtocol(
    httpcore.UnsupportedProtocol: Request URL is missing an 'http://' or 'https://' protocol.
    The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\UK-FTA\ukfta\", line 371, in <module>
        key_results = get_key(pssh, lic_url)
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\UK-FTA\ukfta\", line 186, in get_key
        license_response =, data=payload, headers=headers)
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 319, in post
        return request(
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 106, in request
        return client.request(
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 827, in request
        return self.send(request, auth=auth, follow_redirects=follow_redirects)
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 914, in send
        response = self._send_handling_auth(
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 942, in _send_handling_auth
        response = self._send_handling_redirects(
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 979, in _send_handling_redirects
        response = self._send_single_request(request)
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 1015, in _send_single_request
        response = transport.handle_request(request)
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 232, in handle_request
        with map_httpcore_exceptions():
      File "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_3.10.3056.0_x64__qbz5n2kfra8p0\lib\", line 153, in __exit__
        self.gen.throw(typ, value, traceback)
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 86, in map_httpcore_exceptions
        raise mapped_exc(message) from exc
    httpx.UnsupportedProtocol: Request URL is missing an 'http://' or 'https://' protocol.
    Just wondering if this is something i'm doing wrong or if this is a genuine error, sorry in advance if it is down to a rookie error!

    EDIT: i'm running the script via terminal on a Windows 11 machine

    Nothing changes. Give the page URL and I'll run it myself. Never had an issue on UKTVPlay
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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  10. Thanks Angela I know you've mentioned there's sometimes some funky workings on Windows so just not sure if its my setup potentially, link to the video below for you :
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  11. Member
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    Originally Posted by Av4K100 View Post
    Thanks Angela I know you've mentioned there's sometimes some funky workings on Windows so just not sure if its my setup potentially, link to the video below for you :

    I use mpd

    curl '' -X POST -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:127.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/127.0' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Accept-Language: en-GB,en;q=0.5' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd' -H 'Content-type: application/octet-stream' -H 'Origin:' -H 'DNT: 1' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'Referer:' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: cross-site' -H 'TE: trailers' --data-raw $'\\x08\\x01\\x12\\xaa\\x0c\\n\\xba\\x0b\\x08\\x01\\x12\\x9e\\n\\n\\xdc\\x02\\x08\\x02\\x12\\x10Hk\\x83\\xdb\\x92AE\\xe8K\\\\\\x00"\\x07\\x93tj\\x18\\x89\\xc7\\xb4\\xa3\\x06"\\x8c\\x010\\x81\\x89\\x02\\x81\\x81\\x00\\x89\\\\5\\x9d\\xc9fwy_\\x7f\\xa5\\xd8&\\xb5\\x11\\x1e\\xa2\\xe0\\xfc\\xb5-\\x95K4i\\x18\\xbea\\xadJV\\x8b\\x7fPI\\x8cv\\xb2\\x95&\\xd6\\x1b\\xa4\\x82\\x97\\xdbG\\x97j`\\041\\xb5\\xe6\\x14`J\\x9b\\x1d\\xc4}P\\xbf*.\\x1b\\x81\\xbc]\\x06\\x19RR\\'\\xe19=\\x0c@\\x1cF\\xcd\\x17\\xc5IJ/\\x9bIWy\\xd9\\xa1P\\x11\\xd1k?w8\\xb2aWEUD\\xf9#T[\\x16|\\xf4\\xaa\\x14\\xaa\\xcd\\xba\\xb3\\xe5\\xa9~\\x94\\xec\\xe7\\x85\\x7fH\\x89\\x02\\x03\\x01\\x00\\x01(\\xd2\\xd1\\x01H\\x01Z\\xaa\\x01\\x10\\x01\\x1a\\xa5\\x01\\n\\x90\\x01\\xf8eHpC)y\\xcd2\\x88u\\\\\\xdf\\xec\\x92\\x82`c\\xae\\x1d\\xb1|\\xcbX\\xed%\\x9b\\x93\\xba\\x18a\\x0b\\xbcBn\\xf7\\xd7\\xe6A\\xd2\\x8982|S\\xc4\\x92IT8;\\x14%\\x9a\\x9d\\xe3\\xa2\\x87\\x84#\\xa4\\xdby(\\xeb\\x9a\\x0c\\x06\\x04\\x1e\\x12}\\xe6\\x8d\\x85\\xb4W*jF\\x9e\\x80\\xe4\\xf7T3F?\\x80z\\x10\\xa3\\x0c;fQ\\xd0\\xe5\\x8a\\xee\\x0c_\\xba\\'\\xc7j\\x9b\\xa3\\xba?"\\xea\\x15p\\xbd\\x1b\\x14\\x8c\\xdb\\xa9\\x93\\x80\\x94\\x08\\xa0\\xf0\\n:~n\\xd3\\x023\\x0f#\\x8fr\\xce\\xee\\x09@\\xcb\\xcc\\xc7\\x12\\x10\\xcc\\xac8\\x13\\x08\\xec\\x8f\\xad\\xdc\\x10\\xdb\\x8b\\xaa\\x01\\xd1~\\x12\\x80\\x02B\\x07\\x03\\x1b\\xfc\\x0f$\\x98\\xffPy\\xbe\\xb6\\xfe\\xb6\\xce\\xf7\\x84-\\x18D\\x0c\\x7f\\xb4\\x98R\\xaf\\x99]#\\x80X\\x9b\\xc8\\x86\\x18\\xdea\\xbd_7\\xd6\\xfc+\\x82C`^\\x15_d\\x8dL\\xf2\\xb7\\xcfM\\xd8\\xe8s&\\xa3\\xe0\\xad\\x01\\xf3\\xf9V\\xa0@^\\x9c)\\xb9\\xd1\\x07w\\x88&\\xd3\\x92\\x91\\xceI\\x8b\\xfd\\xf1\\xd7\\xbatZ\\xd9\\xb2)\\xb0\\x04\\xa7\\x8d\\x87U\\x9b\\x81\\xcf\\x85\\x06F20wA\\xb2\\xd6h\\x84^\\x81\\xcbV\\r^)\\xfd\\xa4\\x9aNI\\xca\\xa8\\xb5\\xa3\\xb8w|p6e\\xfd\\x90V\\xd8\\x9c\\xe3"\\xb5V\\x93k\\xa1\\xf2\\xea\\x85\\xe6\\xe4\\xd4;\\x9aMr\\x17\\x84\\xefi\\x0c\\x92JJ\\x93\\xd7U\\xb2I\\x11%\\xd0Wa 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\\x02\\x1a\\x1b\\n\\x11architecture_name\\x12\\x06x86-64\\x1a\\x16\\n\\x0ccompany_name\\x12\\x06Google\\x1a\\x17\\n\\nmodel_name\\x12\\x09ChromeCDM\\x1a\\x16\\n\\rplatform_name\\x12\\x05Linux\\x1a#\\n\\x14widevine_cdm_version\\x12\\x0b4.10.2710.02\\n\\x08\\x00\\x10\\x00\\x18\\x01 \\x00(\\x10\\x12N\\nL\\n6\\x08\\x01\\x12\\x10\\xa3rZss\\x0eI\\xaa\\x99\\x11\\xb5\\x14\\x06\\x17\\xd0\\n\\x1a\\rwidevine_test"\\x08123456782\\x07default\\x10\\x01\\x1a\\x10\\xfe\\xb1\\xc4\\x9c\\x1f\\xe3\\xfd\\xb7\\xb7/@${\\xe7&\\xea\\x18\\x01 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    It is working on Windows - use Terminal from Windows Store and Chrome or Firefox browser - not edge.

    Last edited by A_n_g_e_l_a; 13th Jun 2024 at 14:26.
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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    Originally Posted by PSXman_uk View Post
    It didn't get that far that was when i pasted the url then it did that before the curl
    And Codehound has reminded me MAX USA is subscription only and needs a good VPN. So even if I had posted mpd and curl it would never work for you.
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
    Quote Quote  
  13. Thanks Angela, looks like i could have potentially not been grabbing the correct request as yours contains a extra bit at the end. I've found the other request (there were two in the network tab in chrome and this is the other one), the code for that request on my machine is as follows:

    curl ^"^%^3D^%^3D^" ^
      -H "accept: */*" ^
      -H "accept-language: en-GB-oxendict,en-GB;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7" ^
      -H "content-type: application/octet-stream" ^
      -H "origin:" ^
      -H "priority: u=1, i" ^
      -H "referer:" ^
      -H ^"sec-ch-ua: ^\^"Google Chrome^\^";v=^\^"125^\^", ^\^"Chromium^\^";v=^\^"125^\^", ^\^"Not.A/Brand^\^";v=^\^"24^\^"^" ^
      -H "sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0" ^
      -H ^"sec-ch-ua-platform: ^\^"Windows^\^"^" ^
      -H "sec-fetch-dest: empty" ^
      -H "sec-fetch-mode: cors" ^
      -H "sec-fetch-site: cross-site" ^
      -H "user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" ^
      --data-raw ^"^^^* ^N^
    widevine_test^\^"^123456782^default^^^^f^Ú^¯^û^P^>:6^Ä^Ó^·O^µ2^€^^ ^à^†^*^³^0^8^·^Ù^¦^©B^°^^
    I've tried to run this again with the updated curl request but i still seem to get the same error, can i just check that i'm right in going to the network tab in chrome and searching for lic and then copying the request as cURL (cmd) and then copying straight into the terminal? Another thing maybe worth mentioning is that when i do paste the request terminal gives me a warning about the code being over multiple lines, could this potentially be causing the issue?

    EDIT: snippet of the warning i get when posting the code into terminal (i press paste anyway):
    [Attachment 79873 - Click to enlarge]
    Last edited by Av4K100; 13th Jun 2024 at 14:21. Reason: Uploaded image of error
    Quote Quote  
  14. Just had another look over your curl request and noticed it looks completely different to the request i have copied from Chrome, is what i noted in my previous reply the correct way to obtain the license url?
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    Originally Posted by Av4K100 View Post
    Just had another look over your curl request and noticed it looks completely different to the request i have copied from Chrome, is what i noted in my previous reply the correct way to obtain the license url?
    Well is the most simple license to find. It will ALWAYS be a method:POST - you can use that as a filter too. But lic should get it. But to be sure use the word 'license' in full. Every site is different in the way they address their license URL. If you've grown up getting sites by hand it will be familiar - if not keep your wits about you.

    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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  16. Member
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    Originally Posted by A_n_g_e_l_a View Post
    Originally Posted by Av4K100 View Post
    Just had another look over your curl request and noticed it looks completely different to the request i have copied from Chrome, is what i noted in my previous reply the correct way to obtain the license url?
    Well is the most simple license to find. It will ALWAYS be a method:POST - you can use that as a filter too. But lic should get it. But to be sure use the word 'license' in full. Every site is different in the way they address their license URL. If you've grown up getting sites by hand it will be familiar - if not keep your wits about you.

    And your paste anyway question is valid because the large quantity of data and quite normal. Just accept ahd you might hear a bip as it is pasted. Don't miss RETURN though.
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
    Quote Quote  
  17. Thanks for your continued help and confirming which request is the right one Angela, i've gone back in and grabbed the POST request, snippet of the request and how i've copied it below:

    [Attachment 79877 - Click to enlarge]

    and i get this curl request back:

    curl ^"^%^3D^%^3D^" ^
      -H "accept: */*" ^
      -H "accept-language: en-GB-oxendict,en-GB;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7" ^
      -H "content-type: application/octet-stream" ^
      -H "origin:" ^
      -H "priority: u=1, i" ^
      -H "referer:" ^
      -H ^"sec-ch-ua: ^\^"Google Chrome^\^";v=^\^"125^\^", ^\^"Chromium^\^";v=^\^"125^\^", ^\^"Not.A/Brand^\^";v=^\^"24^\^"^" ^
      -H "sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0" ^
      -H ^"sec-ch-ua-platform: ^\^"Windows^\^"^" ^
      -H "sec-fetch-dest: empty" ^
      -H "sec-fetch-mode: cors" ^
      -H "sec-fetch-site: cross-site" ^
      -H "user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" ^
      --data-raw ^"^^^* ^N^
    widevine_test^\^"^123456782^default^^^^^À^^3^ó^Ü^—^*^^ï^ë^‡^º^^½^^ ^¨^”^*^³^0^8^î^‹^Þ^‰B^°^^
    ^^^^^^¹^^Ì^^^†^‹^3:/w*^Œ^^ð^yY*^‹^â^*7^Ý^–^â^Æ^£^{^á^Ê^Ý^™su^%^^^î^Ñ^½^ÂWW^¸^G,^É^ˆ^[^Õk^Nq^¨^£^óX^Û	b^×^^<^‡^ü^Ë,^¿^µ^Ò^¾B^¾^ø^±^¾^Œ^f^š^‡^‘^Î^¬^‹G^í^Ë^¼32'^ùG?^é^…S^^^Ç^gl^Æ^Î&^¯^^È^½^ßI^
    =h^$^Î^^^ˆ^Ã^ù^Ì^’^˜^©rI^4^]~i,^^°^¬^Í^^øGo:^£o^^•^¬^<^^ç^ý^x^¯,/Pc^™I1^ü^ÖO^w^ë	 g^—^Ã7^ï^\^\^Ã^Í^áNNs^ä^ž^Ðs^^¼^×Y0'::	^Š^ì^§^è^áJ^¹^Ì^ô^Üd^’H^¡^Çx^Ò^%^o^>^ý^#^›l^…E^†^ì^‡^ª	^‰^ú^î^¥C^§^Œn^^ƒ	^^\^"^^¥:^ãO=^À^®^Ø^®^ëo^^ƒ^þ^Ùn^Èc^ý^w^|^^À^^<^å.^¼^Í^|^„l07^^ã^œ^ñ t^^¢X^š^Ï^˜^Þ^<M^Š^²^Ž^Ë^£x8^ˆ^º/^˜'j^^ŸnFdy^Þ^^”^ì^ë^TN^ðG^£IL^à^â^>^¹o^™Wz^…^Ð^¨co^ã^³^}r^ñm3^©q^¡^€^˜^®^á^‚I^Ê^Û^EK^˜^ÕY=^Â^È^Ç^ý^^^|^À^¸^Û^ßa^ñ^ù^\^\^øx^î^½^š^ÿ^æz~^O^À2^ž^ô^Ô^ê^ì^÷s^‹;^^°8^›^³^^²^<^’^Ã^\^\^^[^w^^³^¦Y^ÛN7^¦^Ò^€^‘e^ªqlj=&g^õ^¹^ÏW^¬5;^‡^Šu^
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    Again this looks rather different to your curl request, is there something i'm doing wrong here? If i attempt to copy the curl request i get into the terminal (doing paste anyway when getting the warning) i get this error (i believe the same as my original error):

    MPD URL?
    Found pssh element: AAAAVnBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAADYIARIQo3Jac3MOSaqZEbUUBhfQChoNd2lkZXZpbmVfdGVzdCIIMTIzNDU2NzgyB2RlZmF1bHQ=
    Extracted or generated PSSH: AAAAVnBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAADYIARIQo3Jac3MOSaqZEbUUBhfQChoNd2lkZXZpbmVfdGVzdCIIMTIzNDU2NzgyB2RlZmF1bHQ=
    Paste cURL of license server request:
    And press ENTER.
    cURL is saved but not displayed.
    Method: GET
    Headers: {}
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 69, in map_httpcore_exceptions
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 233, in handle_request
        resp = self._pool.handle_request(req)
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpcore\_sync\", line 167, in handle_request
        raise UnsupportedProtocol(
    httpcore.UnsupportedProtocol: Request URL is missing an 'http://' or 'https://' protocol.
    The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\UK-FTA\ukfta\", line 371, in <module>
        key_results = get_key(pssh, lic_url)
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\UK-FTA\ukfta\", line 186, in get_key
        license_response =, data=payload, headers=headers)
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 319, in post
        return request(
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 106, in request
        return client.request(
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 827, in request
        return self.send(request, auth=auth, follow_redirects=follow_redirects)
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 914, in send
        response = self._send_handling_auth(
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 942, in _send_handling_auth
        response = self._send_handling_redirects(
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 979, in _send_handling_redirects
        response = self._send_single_request(request)
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 1015, in _send_single_request
        response = transport.handle_request(request)
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 232, in handle_request
        with map_httpcore_exceptions():
      File "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_3.10.3056.0_x64__qbz5n2kfra8p0\lib\", line 153, in __exit__
        self.gen.throw(typ, value, traceback)
      File "C:\Users\patri\Software(SSD)\env\lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 86, in map_httpcore_exceptions
        raise mapped_exc(message) from exc
    httpx.UnsupportedProtocol: Request URL is missing an 'http://' or 'https://' protocol.
    Quote Quote  
  18. Originally Posted by A_n_g_e_l_a View Post
    Originally Posted by LastResort View Post
    Hi Angela,..

    First,.. thank you for the continued updates to UK-FTA.

    I wanted to ask your advice on something that is more of an aggravation than anything else. I downloaded a recent episode of "24hours" in police custody,.. UK-FTA worked perfectly but.... (gotta be a but).. the first audio stream is something I can only explain as "describing" what is happening,... the second audio stream is the actual audio (hope that makes sense).
    Unusually 4od does not say anything about this being available, only subs and being in HD.

    This is the first time this has ever happened.
    address is the following:

    Some number of iterations earlier it was found that the audio channel selector sometimes gave description-audio for those with sight loss. It seemed there would usually be the main audio channel in prime position and the description channel second. BUT, sometimes, (most likely an intern at C4) the positions would be reversed. So I had posts complaining of the wrong audio. My solution was not to second guess C4 but just download both. You clearly have some of the interns work . Just select the other channel in your playback device
    Appreciated Angela,
    Thanks for the heads up.
    Quote Quote  
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    Originally Posted by Av4K100 View Post
    Paste cURL of license server request:
    And press ENTER.
    cURL is saved but not displayed.
    Method: GET
    Headers: {}

    But you need the cURL of the license It is always method:POST. Clearly you have it wrong. Spend sometime checking your own work and re-checking until it works. It is operator error in your case and I can't help you gain experience.
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
    Quote Quote  
  20. Okay thanks anyway Angela, i'll keep trying. I dont get the option to press return after i press "paste anyway", it just goes straight to the error so not sure if thats also causing a problem. I'll keep digging, thanks again.
    Quote Quote  
  21. FOUND IT:
    curl ^"^%^3D^%^3D^" ^
      -X "OPTIONS" ^
      -H "accept: */*" ^
      -H "accept-language: en-GB-oxendict,en-GB;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7" ^
      -H "access-control-request-headers: content-type" ^
      -H "access-control-request-method: POST" ^
      -H "origin:" ^
      -H "priority: u=1, i" ^
      -H "referer:" ^
      -H "sec-fetch-dest: empty" ^
      -H "sec-fetch-mode: cors" ^
      -H "sec-fetch-site: cross-site" ^
      -H "user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
    Still not sure why mine doesn't contain the additional bits regarding raw data at the end but will keep digging
    Quote Quote  
  22. Member
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    Originally Posted by Av4K100 View Post
    curl ^"^%^3D^%^3D^" ^
      -X "OPTIONS" ^
      -H "accept: */*" ^
      -H "accept-language: en-GB-oxendict,en-GB;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7" ^
      -H "access-control-request-headers: content-type" ^
      -H "access-control-request-method: POST" ^
      -H "origin:" ^
      -H "priority: u=1, i" ^
      -H "referer:" ^
      -H "sec-fetch-dest: empty" ^
      -H "sec-fetch-mode: cors" ^
      -H "sec-fetch-site: cross-site" ^
      -H "user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
    Still not sure why mine doesn't contain the additional bits regarding raw data at the end but will keep digging
    You are on windows and the system returns 'CAQ' for the cURL copy instead of byte encoded data. It gave me great consternation while developing the script. It worked on Linux but not Windows. Eventually I realised the extra data is the browser's CDM challenge. We replace it with OUR Cdm challenge, so it is not really needed.
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    Originally Posted by Av4K100 View Post
    Okay thanks anyway Angela, i'll keep trying. I dont get the option to press return after i press "paste anyway", it just goes straight to the error so not sure if thats also causing a problem. I'll keep digging, thanks again.
    OK that is your clipbaord manager pasting and returning by itself. Mine doesn't
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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  24. Okay thanks for confirming Angela, i've used that curl request i posted above and that still didn't work (same error). Will give it a go again another time!
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    Originally Posted by Av4K100 View Post
    Okay thanks for confirming Angela, i've used that curl request i posted above and that still didn't work (same error). Will give it a go again another time!

    Use chrome or Firefox browser on Windows
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    If you are quick the mpd:

    The CURL:
    curl '' -X POST -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:127.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/127.0' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Accept-Language: en-GB,en;q=0.5' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd' -H 'Content-type: application/octet-stream' -H 'Origin:' -H 'DNT: 1' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'Referer:' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: cross-site' -H 'TE: trailers' --data-raw 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    Try that. It is time limited though...
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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  27. I've tried it using both firefox and chrome on windows and both just return an error, however i do have an ubuntu VM i've just spun up and tried it in and grabbing the curl request via chrome in Ubuntu has grabbed the correct request and worked via the script

    There's definitely something up with how my chrome and firefox browsers are copying the curl request so will likely just need to use my Ubuntu VM in future if i need to utilise the L3 downloader.
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  28. I've also just ran the sript using your mpd and curl request and they work fine so it definitely seems to be how my browsers in Windows are copying the curl request because as soon as i do it via Ubuntu using the same license url i found it Windows it copies and works fine
    Quote Quote  

    So the issue was due to me copying the curl request as cURL (cmd) when doing this the returned curl request was always resulting in a failure however if i copied the request as cURL (POSIX) then the link was correct and i could download the video as expected.

    Angela, thanks again for your help and pointing me in the right direction after some additional checks i managed to get it sorted on both Windows & Ubuntu
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  30. Member
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    Originally Posted by Av4K100 View Post

    So the issue was due to me copying the curl request as cURL (cmd) when doing this the returned curl request was always resulting in a failure however if i copied the request as cURL (POSIX) then the link was correct and i could download the video as expected.

    Angela, thanks again for your help and pointing me in the right direction after some additional checks i managed to get it sorted on both Windows & Ubuntu
    There is a salutary lesson for everyone. Persistence pays off. Also reading previous posts helps too

    Well done for getting there.
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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