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  1. Originally Posted by lollo View Post
    I've heard that - without any evidence of course though.
    Once more you did not check the forum. Just one example:

    Back to your problems, like dellsam34 and Sharc and myself have said many times, I still have to see from you a comparison between an interlaced lossless capture from the BE75 and another device, for example your ADVC-110. In post #72 you wrote the left capture has been deinterlaced. I may have been missed something, but so far we have no evidence that the BE75 is faulty.
    LOL 'Once again' back to the 'you did not check the forum' what a joke. you guys think that we are walking computers.

    But thank you for posting the link, I will read it. Regarding de-interlacing, yes, I did write that because I'm being honest and at the time realised it should be called out - though my eyes aren't lying and now Ensemble Designs have confirmed it as well, on top of confirming it on the directors monitor, multiple tapes and differing cables. We don't actually need to compare this to a different device to confirm it's happening, something I realised and wrote above days ago - it's confirmed in multiple places already - just to make a point, if I were you, here I could say 'you guys haven't been reading the forum again' lol.

    When I put all my gear back together (disassembled for testing down at the shop), I will run some more tests, but on my timeframe. The first thing to do for the biggest bang for buck was to try the directors monitor and query Ensemble if they could replicate it. I actioned both of these 'heavy hitters' and both confirm the same result. I've eliminated almost everything and clearly ensemble have replicated it with completely different equipment as well. You guys need to cut people a break and stop assuming that we are all inexperienced. I will run these tests because I agree it will be good to iron them out as points of interest or niggly items. If I find something that goes against what I said, I will share that here.
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  2. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by lollo View Post
    Back to your problems, like dellsam34 and Sharc and myself have said many times, I still have to see from you a comparison between an interlaced lossless capture from the BE75 and another device, for example your ADVC-110. In post #72 you wrote the left capture has been deinterlaced. I may have been missed something, but so far we have no evidence that the BE75 is faulty.
    Spoon feed me mentality, we see it all the time here, when they are asked to provide more testing or evidence they leave the thread, I give him credit for staying.
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  3. Originally Posted by Bwaak View Post
    Sure, if you can try and return. But it is funny that LS, dellsam34 as well as TechTVusa agree on this. Although this may be a different box, TechTVusa used the Intensity Pro; IDK how it is different inside compared to the Mini Converter.
    I agree. I am suspicious of Ensemble Designs Reply. This is why I am thinking firmware or hardware. But before I go back to Ensemble designs I am going to make sure I get a wider spread of tapes, because this will go well to the argument. I will also do the great suggestion from Dellsam34 to try another source. I'm thinking I'll play a DVD through the unit - I just need to find an interlaced one to replicate it. Because if that also fails, it probably shows that clean sources are also a problem.

    Using the directors monitor which is a different brand, was exactly to isolate out the Miniconverter from blackmagic. Since the issue persisted - that speaks well to the mini converter not being the issue. Another test will be to get the black magic analog converter and see if it happens there, because if it doesn't this is just all piling up against the BE75. My gut tells me it's firmware, knowing how code works, but could be wrong.
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  4. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Marshalleq View Post
    But it seems like it has always worked well for dellsam34 so either he's not telling us something or something has changed. I'm still suspicious that it's probably a newer hardware version and definitely newer firmware. That's the one difference I know to be true that could explain it. I've seen this a few times and in fact with some of the devices LordSmurf recommends ie. the green and black coloured ones this plays out doesn't it.
    Again, you are just making accusations and assumptions, with lack of video samples and a methodic way of comparing oranges to oranges no one here can help you, we can only help you as much as you allow it to happen, With two screenshots, one de-interlaced and one interlaced, Yet with all the threads, posts and samples I posted about the device here, at digitalfaq and YT you called it not good enough. Not sure how two screen shots are good enough?
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  5. Captures & Restoration lollo's Avatar
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    LOL 'Once again' back to the 'you did not check the forum' what a joke. you guys think that we are walking computers.
    The question is not if we are computer or not (there were evidences, a simple search with 2 words was enough to find them), but you writing false statements: "I've heard that - without any evidence of course though"

    Next time think twice before writing, LOL

    You guys need to cut people a break and stop assuming that we are all inexperienced.
    If you want to be considered as an expert, act like that.
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  6. Originally Posted by lollo View Post
    LOL 'Once again' back to the 'you did not check the forum' what a joke. you guys think that we are walking computers.
    The question is not if we are computer or not (there were evidences, a simple search with 2 words was enough to find them), but you writing false statements: "I've heard that - without any evidence of course though"

    Next time think twice before writing, LOL

    You guys need to cut people a break and stop assuming that we are all inexperienced.
    If you want to be considered as an expert, act like that.
    That's your assumption and my poor writing. It is that I don't have any evidence and haven't seen any myself, not that no evidence exists. And you guys are the ones pretending to be experts and yet not following your own advice. Most of the complaints you have said are answered like only one or two posts up. You just have to open your minds that you might not be right all the time, you might not have understood, you might have missed something. Seriously this is very bad behaviour on your part.
    Last edited by Marshalleq; 25th Oct 2023 at 17:40.
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  7. Originally Posted by dellsam34 View Post
    Originally Posted by Marshalleq View Post
    But it seems like it has always worked well for dellsam34 so either he's not telling us something or something has changed. I'm still suspicious that it's probably a newer hardware version and definitely newer firmware. That's the one difference I know to be true that could explain it. I've seen this a few times and in fact with some of the devices LordSmurf recommends ie. the green and black coloured ones this plays out doesn't it.
    Again, you are just making accusations and assumptions, with lack of video samples and a methodic way of comparing oranges to oranges no one here can help you, we can only help you as much as you allow it to happen, With two screenshots, one de-interlaced and one interlaced, Yet with all the threads, posts and samples I posted about the device here, at digitalfaq and YT you called it not good enough. Not sure how two screen shots are good enough?
    FFS. Clearly you enjoy being a dick.
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  8. Originally Posted by lollo View Post
    I've heard that - without any evidence of course though.
    Once more you did not check the forum. Just one example:

    Back to your problems, like dellsam34 and Sharc and myself have said many times, I still have to see from you a comparison between an interlaced lossless capture from the BE75 and another device, for example your ADVC-110. In post #72 you wrote the left capture has been deinterlaced. I may have been missed something, but so far we have no evidence that the BE75 is faulty.
    Right, so having now read the thread you're talking about I now see it has a small mention of a different device, the intensity shuttle. Yes I'm well aware of that. If you had taken your own advice and read my post then you would know this is not the device I'm suggesting. Obviously not all devices within the brand are the same. It's possible that they are, but it isn't a given. Sheesh.
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  9. Member
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    Get an ES-15 (followed by your DVK) and be done with it!

    Next stop, Singmai.
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  10. You know what - I already have both of those devices! The DVK produces a bit of video noise is the main thing I didn't like. But you don't really notice it except on certain colours. I've done some testing on that. I feel a weekend of testing coming up! I've got all the other kit - the bit I don't have is a decent capture card that does 4:2:2. So yes, that's what I was thinking around the Blackmagic Analogue to SDI device - if it performs similar or better than the intensity shuttle then it could be a solution. And for the money spent on the BE75 - I could even get one of lordsmurfs other devices, the only thing I don't like is the ones he has aren't really the high end ones and the one I likely want I read is prone to overheating too. I don't know - still working it all out. But it's been a journey!
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  11. Captures & Restoration lollo's Avatar
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    And you guys are the ones pretending to be experts and yet not following your own advice. Most of the complaints you have said are answered like only one or two posts up. You just have to open your minds that you might not be right all the time, you might not have understood, you might have missed something. Seriously this is very bad behaviour on your part.
    You must be joking or trolling. You have written many useless post and hundred of useless words speculating rather than providing facts we asked for, and now you're criticizing others.

    Good luck with your captures!
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  12. 'LOL'lo wake up. Clearly you haven't been reading either.

    Anyway, I can't be bothered with it. I'm posting here so others can get the benefit, if others want to waste their time by as you call it trolling, then so be it. I am posting here just to say I got an RMA approved for the BE75 device. But I think future posts will be posted in a place which is more welcoming and where people use their ears a little more than trying to nail their opinions into others. This site is borderline toxic. I have been extremely patient and of course in it's final moments now I am accused or writing useless posts and words. I certainly in my final moments gave up on trying to be polite and so now I too have downgraded myself to the poor behaviour on here that a few key others have been exhibiting. You know who you are and so does everyone else.

    Thanks to those of you that tried to help and those of you that reached out individually to support me from this bad behaviour.

    You can reply if you like, but I won't be coming back and reading it.

    At some point I will do some comparisons with the differing equipment I got, but not here.

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  13. Banned
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    Too bad. I was interested in the results.
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  14. For the sake of the decent people around, I will post a link to wherever I put them. I took a couple of full tapes with the BE75 for comparison purposes. I'm now in the process of buying something else, will report back when it's sorted - I wish I'd taken a few more, but the RMA came through suddenly today and I just rushed through the return without thinking, but I think I have two tapes that I did completely beginning to end, perhaps some others that were clips. So by the end of that there will be something to share. Apologies for getting grumpy about it all, but geez there are some rude and careless people on here. Keyboard warriors. Anyway enough negativity - I wasn't going to reply but for this I think it's important. Some people and even some of the grumpy ones have helped, so I'm no devoid of good behaviour by paying a bit back. Watch this space.
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  15. Captures & Restoration lollo's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Marshalleq View Post
    'LOL'lo wake up.
    Nice, you have understood the origin of my username.

    Originally Posted by Marshalleq View Post
    I am posting here just to say I got an RMA approved for the BE75 device.
    I do not care.

    Originally Posted by Marshalleq View Post
    You can reply if you like, but I won't be coming back and reading it.
    False, you just replied to Bwaak. Be coherent.

    Originally Posted by Marshalleq View Post
    At some point I will do some comparisons with the differing equipment I got, but not here.
    I do not care, it probably will ends up with inconsistent data, as you did previously.

    Originally Posted by Marshalleq View Post
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  16. Thank you for documenting this Marshalleq. I stumbled across the Ensemble devices the other day.

    For the money I had some hope they might be reliable, their response to you says it all I think.

    I won't have sleepless nights now. Wondering if the Ensemble device will deliver me out of this analogue wormhole I find my self in. Watching my girlfriend despair as I tell her the engadment ring money all went on digitising VHSC tapes.

    I use a ES15 + Dvk - 200 which works great but it does require quality checking, I have some audio sync issues occasionally.

    I use a mac with BM devices in my workflow. Mostly because that's what I use for work in the film industry, although even with analogue sources, we are usually fed by a decent SDI signal from the camera.

    The Ensemble would have been great in my scenario! Doesn't sound like it's up to the job though.
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  17. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by thedude View Post
    I won't have sleepless nights now. Wondering if the Ensemble device will deliver me out of this analogue wormhole I find my self in. Watching my girlfriend despair as I tell her the engadment ring money all went on digitising VHSC tapes.

    I use a ES15 + Dvk - 200 which works great but it does require quality checking, I have some audio sync issues occasionally.

    I use a mac with BM devices in my workflow. Mostly because that's what I use for work in the film industry, although even with analogue sources, we are usually fed by a decent SDI signal from the camera.

    The Ensemble would have been great in my scenario! Doesn't sound like it's up to the job though.
    You are getting the wrong impression buddy, It is by far the best capture device I've ever used, Check my samples I posted in a lot of threads and my youtube channel, Sure it's an expensive device like anything else scarce, take for example TBC-1000 for $2500 and it is not even a capture device.
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  18. Thanks dellsam that's promising, I will check out your stuff!!
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  19. Hi, I’m looking to buy a brighteye 75 used. Will anyone know some one that has one for sale ?
    Thank you in advance
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  20. Bit of an update from me, I now own a plethora of devices including one of lord Smurf’s prized posessions and another BE75. I have been doing a lot of other archiving but I will be able to provide some good examples and tests. Soon.
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  21. Originally Posted by thedude View Post
    Thank you for documenting this Marshalleq. I stumbled across the Ensemble devices the other day.

    For the money I had some hope they might be reliable, their response to you says it all I think.

    I won't have sleepless nights now. Wondering if the Ensemble device will deliver me out of this analogue wormhole I find my self in. Watching my girlfriend despair as I tell her the engadment ring money all went on digitising VHSC tapes.

    I use a ES15 + Dvk - 200 which works great but it does require quality checking, I have some audio sync issues occasionally.

    I use a mac with BM devices in my workflow. Mostly because that's what I use for work in the film industry, although even with analogue sources, we are usually fed by a decent SDI signal from the camera.

    The Ensemble would have been great in my scenario! Doesn't sound like it's up to the job though.
    I returned the device in haste because the supplier said they were able to replicate the issue, some consumer sources did this etc etc. I would have preferred that they tried to work with me on it but at that price I was nervous I’d be left with a bad result and out of pocket so I took the return. Remember I’m in NZ so it’s that much more expensive. The speed at which they were able to replicate the issue made me a bit suspicious so anyway now I have another one. I will post, on a link yet to be provided a comparison of a number of often talked about devices and methods from the same source tape and vcr. Should be interesting.
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  22. @Marshalleq, I would like to buy a BE 75, any advice that you can give me ? What will be the price ?
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