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  1. Multimedia storyteller bigass's Avatar
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    I'm capturing a batch of Mini-DV tapes, and all of the ones from this batch so far have playback artifacts, and the tape is showing as 32kHz-12 bit audio. The latter shouldn't be a problem in capturing, should it? Or if it IS, is it related to the tearing?

    My first thought was that the recording camcorder had misaligned or dirty heads, but noticing the unconventional audio makes me wonder if I'm wrong.

    I don't have the recording camcorder. I've tried capture on two different Sony camcorders over Firewire with both Scenalyzer and WinDV. All give the same problem picture.

    I'll attach a sample file. Do you see anything obvious here? Thank you in advance.
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  2. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    Most likely they are recorded in LP mode based on the audio parameters, which means they are prone to tape drop outs due to aging, Try to clean the heads of your camcorder, if it doesn't work you may need to send them to someone with better equipment like a HDV camcorder or a pro deck.
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  3. Banned
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    32 kHz / 12-bit can be used in regular SP mode. The main benefit is having 4 channels instead of 2.

    I suppose, if these are LP recordings, the camcorder should indicate that fact.
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  4. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    Sure, if you look in the manual, but rarely used that way, People were concerned about tape duration not 4 channels, haven't come across a consumer tape yet with 12/32 SP speed. What's your suggestion to the OP?
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  5. aBigMeanie aedipuss's Avatar
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    looks like it was either recorded with dirty heads or captured with dirty heads. the dropouts follow a pattern, they aren't random like a magnetically failing tape would show. 12 or 16 bit audio has always been equally acceptable, so that's not a problem.
    "a lot of people are better dead" - prisoner KSC2-303
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  6. Banned
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    Yep, a pattern. One frame is recorded on 10 (12 for 50 Hz) tracks, these tracks visually represented as horizontal bands. Say, one dirty head would mean every other track garbled. Instead, this looks like damage on tape perpendicular to the tracks. I don't think that several tapes are damaged this way. So, mistracking? Because of LP mode? I would try another machine.
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  7. Multimedia storyteller bigass's Avatar
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    Ok, thanks for eliminating the 12bit as a factor.

    I've done a flight of tapes from another client and they're all AOK. Whereas all of this other fella's tapes are yuck as seen in the sample.

    So, looks like my working hypothesis is that client recorded all these tapes on a camcorder with a problem; that problem made his tapes glitchy on other machines. I'm not one to rule out a long-shot, but if I can source the camcorder that recorded the tapes - the client's deck, not just same-model - does it significantly increase the chances of successful playback?

    At this point, I've tried on two Sony machines; was set to get another two camcorders today, but woke up with COVID, so I'm OOL for a bit. I try different player manufacturers when a piece of media isn't cooperating on one, and sometimes that makes all the difference. Not sure if MiniDV has the same benefit of diversity.
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  8. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by bigass View Post
    if I can source the camcorder that recorded the tapes - the client's deck, not just same-model - does it significantly increase the chances of successful playback?
    No. It doesn't look like a miss alignment problem to me.
    Last edited by dellsam34; 21st Sep 2023 at 15:28. Reason: Fixed the quote
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  9. Just a an off chance thought - there's no mould or anything visual on the tape is there. If it's repetitive, it's almost as if something has gotten in on one side of the tape spool.

    Edit: Now I've watched the sample. You've tried it on multiple players. That leaves the tape. I'd be looking at cleaning the tape. I'm not saying it is that - but if it isn't it's likely like someone else says pro decks only might save you. I've had a few glitches like that in the DV's I've done - but nothing so consistent. If it goes throughout the whole tape then maybe it isn't a dirty tape - but who knows - maybe someone spilt something on the underside. Worth a inspection anyway.
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    I've never used it but it has been mentioned either here or at DigitalFAQ:
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