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  1. Right, but should you be in c:\devine\devine\ rather than c:\devine\ ?

    If you want to be able to run it from other places, you'll need to put it in the PATH.

    Is Python installed and working fine?

    edit: how did you install it?
    Quote Quote  
  2. Originally Posted by SB47x View Post
    Right, but should you be in c:\devine\devine\ rather than c:\devine\ ?

    If you want to be able to run it from other places, you'll need to put it in the PATH.

    Is Python installed and working fine?

    edit: how did you install it?
    divine is in devine\devine

    It's installed, should be working fine?

    As the directions said... pip install devine
    Quote Quote  
  3. If pip installed it OK, it sounds like a PATH issue. Have you tried closing the command line and opening a new one? Maybe it'll refresh the path.
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  4. Member
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    [Attachment 78259 - Click to enlarge]

    i run cmd from there, poetry shell
    devine dl SERVICES -?
    Quote Quote  
  5. Originally Posted by SB47x View Post
    If pip installed it OK, it sounds like a PATH issue. Have you tried closing the command line and opening a new one? Maybe it'll refresh the path.
    Yes, a few times.... Also tried re-installing again, same results.
    Quote Quote  
  6. Originally Posted by iamghost View Post
    So mine didn't install fully (via win10).
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  7. Member
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    pip install poetry
    install poetry first then use devine after
    Quote Quote  
  8. Originally Posted by iamghost View Post
    pip install poetry
    install poetry first then use devine after
    I'm pretty sure I did yesterday in that order I followed on here few pages back...

    Should I uninstall everything, and try again? What should I use to be installing? CMD or PowerShell?
    Quote Quote  
  9. "pip install devine" would install a devine executable in your python scripts directory (which would already be in your path - otherwise you wouldn't even be able run poetry). If you try to run devine and get nothing, then your "pip install devine" failed.

    Since you are showing what looks like a full devine distribution, you likely downloaded a zip file and unzipped it. In which case, the suggested method to actually install devine is to do the following:

    poetry config true
    poetry install
    poetry shell
    This will install devine in a virtual environment so any dependencies will not affect any other python projects you have. After those three commands, you should at least be able to type devine and something should execute.

    Of course, this is assuming poetry is installed but if you didn't at least have that, it would complain that poetry 'is not recognized as an internal or external command...'.
    Quote Quote  
  10. Originally Posted by iamghost View Post

    PATH error... missed that message the first time prob?

    Using cached poetry-1.8.2-py3-none-any.whl (249 kB)
    Installing collected packages: poetry
      WARNING: The script poetry.exe is installed in 'C:\Users\*\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python310\Scripts' which is not on PATH.
      Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location.
    Successfully installed poetry-1.8.2
    Quote Quote  
  11. Originally Posted by achilles View Post
    "pip install devine" would install a devine executable in your python scripts directory (which would already be in your path - otherwise you wouldn't even be able run poetry). If you try to run devine and get nothing, then your "pip install devine" failed.

    Since you are showing what looks like a full devine distribution, you likely downloaded a zip file and unzipped it. In which case, the suggested method to actually install devine is to do the following:

    poetry config true
    poetry install
    poetry shell

    This will install devine in a virtual environment so any dependencies will not affect any other python projects you have. After those three commands, you should at least be able to type devine and something should execute.

    Of course, this is assuming poetry is installed but if you didn't at least have that, it would complain that poetry 'is not recognized as an internal or external command...'.
    This is helpful, Thank you... and yes I downloaded zip, unzipped it...
    I did do poetry config first and didn't work yesterday, or just now a second time..

    C:\devine>poetry config true
    'poetry' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    Quote Quote  
  12. Originally Posted by Tom Saurus View Post
    achilles: I put "wvds" in lower case letters in the yaml but I got the same result as above that my Android CDM doesn't exists. Regardless I better stop discussing Devine here and I will wait a bit to see someone launch a thread dedicated to Devine and if they don't I will.
    Start a new thread and in there post:
    1. The output of "devine env info"
    2. The contents of the directory listed as [WVDs]
    3. The contents of devine.yaml
    3. The output of the command "devine dl -w s01e01 CTV cold-squad"
    Quote Quote  
  13. Originally Posted by SL33K View Post
    This is helpful, Thank you... and yes I downloaded zip, unzipped it...
    I did do poetry config first and didn't work yesterday, or just now a second time..

    C:\devine>poetry config true
    'poetry' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    That's because poetry was installed in the your python Scripts directory and that directory is not in your PATH (as you noted above).

    In windows, click on the windows icon in bottom left and go into "Settings" and search for "environment". "Edit the system environment variables" should show up. Click on "Environment Variables.." Then add the "c:\users\[user]\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310" and "c:\users\[user]\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Scripts" to it.

    Well, that's where my python scripts directory is anyway. Yours may be different but I think you should get the idea.
    Quote Quote  
  14. Originally Posted by SL33K View Post
    Originally Posted by achilles View Post
    "pip install devine" would install a devine executable in your python scripts directory (which would already be in your path - otherwise you wouldn't even be able run poetry). If you try to run devine and get nothing, then your "pip install devine" failed.

    Since you are showing what looks like a full devine distribution, you likely downloaded a zip file and unzipped it. In which case, the suggested method to actually install devine is to do the following:

    poetry config true
    poetry install
    poetry shell

    This will install devine in a virtual environment so any dependencies will not affect any other python projects you have. After those three commands, you should at least be able to type devine and something should execute.

    Of course, this is assuming poetry is installed but if you didn't at least have that, it would complain that poetry 'is not recognized as an internal or external command...'.
    This is helpful, Thank you... and yes I downloaded zip, unzipped it...
    I did do poetry config first and didn't work yesterday, or just now a second time..

    C:\devine>poetry config true
    'poetry' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.

    I manually added variables, restarted, got poetry to load finally, install etc... Now where here

    (devine-py3.10) C:\devine>devine env info
                           / __ \/ ____/ |  / /  _/ | / / ____/
                          / / / / __/  | | / // //  |/ / __/
                         / /_/ / /___  | |/ // // /|  / /___
                        /_____/_____/  |___/___/_/ |_/_____/
                        v3.3.1 Copyright © 2019-2024 rlaphoenix
         [Root Config]     : C:\Users\*\AppData\Local\devine\devine.yaml
         [Cookies]         : C:\devine\devine\cookies
         [WVDs]            : C:\Users\*\AppData\Local\devine\WVDs
         [Cache]           : C:\devine\cache
         [Logs]            : C:\devine\Logs
         [Temp Files]      : C:\devine\temp
         [Downloads]       : C:\devine\downloads
    (devine-py3.10) C:\devine>
    Quote Quote  
  15. Originally Posted by achilles View Post
    Originally Posted by SL33K View Post
    This is helpful, Thank you... and yes I downloaded zip, unzipped it...
    I did do poetry config first and didn't work yesterday, or just now a second time..

    C:\devine>poetry config true
    'poetry' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    That's because poetry was installed in the your python Scripts directory and that directory is not in your PATH (as you noted above).

    In windows, click on the windows icon in bottom left and go into "Settings" and search for "environment". "Edit the system environment variables" should show up. Click on "Environment Variables.." Then add the "c:\users\[user]\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310" and "c:\users\[user]\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Scripts" to it.

    Well, that's where my python scripts directory is anyway. Yours may be different but I think you should get the idea.
    I got it before this post but yeah, same place, I figured it out.. PATH wasn't set and had to manually add it. Thanks for the help/tips
    Quote Quote  
  16. Some good news I misunderstood PlutoTV and most of the movies have the audio and video downloading together and as one file that the subs get muxed into. So I am quite happy about that. I am going to relax awhile and take at least one more try with Devine.

    Thank you to pxman for posting that there is a way to select download quality in Devine.

    Of course thank you to everyone else as well.
    Quote Quote  
  17. Member
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      -p, --profile TEXT              Profile to use for Credentials and Cookies (if available).
      -q, --quality QUALITY_LIST      Download Resolution(s), defaults to the best available resolution.
      -v, --vcodec [H.264|H.265|VC-1|VP8|VP9|AV1]
                                      Video Codec to download, defaults to any codec.
      -a, --acodec [AAC|DD|DD+|OPUS|VORB|DTS|ALAC|FLAC]
                                      Audio Codec to download, defaults to any codec.
      -vb, --vbitrate INTEGER         Video Bitrate to download (in kbps), defaults to highest available.
      -ab, --abitrate INTEGER         Audio Bitrate to download (in kbps), defaults to highest available.
      -r, --range [SDR|HLG|HDR10|HDR10+|DV]
                                      Video Color Range(s) to download, defaults to SDR.
      -c, --channels FLOAT            Audio Channel(s) to download. Matches sub-channel layouts like 5.1 with 6.0
      -w, --wanted EP_RANGE           Wanted episodes, e.g. `S01-S05,S07`, `S01E01-S02E03`, `S02-S02E03`, e.t.c,
                                      defaults to all.
      -l, --lang LANG_RANGE           Language wanted for Video and Audio.
      -vl, --v-lang LANG_RANGE        Language wanted for Video, you would use this if the video language doesn't
                                      match the audio.
      -sl, --s-lang LANG_RANGE        Language wanted for Subtitles.
      --proxy TEXT                    Proxy URI to use. If a 2-letter country is provided, it will try get a proxy
                                      from the config.
      --tag TEXT                      Set the Group Tag to be used, overriding the one in config if any.
      --sub-format [SRT|SSA|ASS|TTML|VTT|STPP|WVTT]
                                      Set Output Subtitle Format, only converting if necessary.
      -V, --video-only                Only download video tracks.
      -A, --audio-only                Only download audio tracks.
      -S, --subs-only                 Only download subtitle tracks.
      -C, --chapters-only             Only download chapters.
      --slow                          Add a 60-120 second delay between each Title download to act more like a real
                                      device. This is recommended if you are downloading high-risk titles or streams.
      --list                          Skip downloading and list available tracks and what tracks would have been
      --list-titles                   Skip downloading, only list available titles that would have been downloaded.
      --skip-dl                       Skip downloading while still retrieving the decryption keys.
      --export PATH                   Export Decryption Keys as you obtain them to a JSON file.
      --cdm-only / --vaults-only      Only use CDM, or only use Key Vaults for retrieval of Decryption Keys.
      --no-proxy                      Force disable all proxy use.
      --no-folder                     Disable folder creation for TV Shows.
      --no-source                     Disable the source tag from the output file name and path.
      --workers INTEGER               Max workers/threads to download with per-track. Default depends on the
      --downloads INTEGER             Amount of tracks to download concurrently.
      -?, -h, --help                  Show this message and exit.
    Quote Quote  
  18. Originally Posted by pssh View Post
    Maybe this will be a help to the Windows users
    (I am not an expert, but just tried to get it working on Windows 11 using just CMD prompt).

    Updated version

    All is working.
    thanks.Useful info.
    Quote Quote  
  19. While downloading from All4 I downloaded both video and audio files decrypted but it did not merge with the error:

    OSError: Aria2c executable not found...
         ❌ Download Failed...
            One of the track downloads had an error!
            See the error trace above for more information.
    [Attachment 78313 - Click to enlarge]

    Any suggestions?

    PS: merged audio and video manually with
    ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i audio.wav -c copy output.mkv
    Last edited by Spectrumhsm; 10th Apr 2024 at 22:47. Reason: Added more info.
    Quote Quote  
  20. Originally Posted by Spectrumhsm View Post
    While downloading from All4 I downloaded both video and audio files decrypted but it did not merge with the error:

    OSError: Aria2c executable not found...
         ❌ Download Failed...
            One of the track downloads had an error!
            See the error trace above for more information.
    [Attachment 78313 - Click to enlarge]

    Any suggestions?

    PS: merged audio and video manually with
    ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i audio.wav -c copy output.mkv
    --sub-format SRT
    Quote Quote  
  21. Originally Posted by Tom Saurus View Post
    Originally Posted by achilles View Post
    Originally Posted by Tom Saurus View Post
    achilles: Thank you. I put the file there and it seems to register now that the CTV service exists but I must have the cdm set up wrong:
    Run "devine env info" again. Where it says [WVDs], make sure your .wvd is in there and the CDM you named in your config matches the filename of your .wvd file.
    Once again thank you and I am thinking maybe I should move my .wvd file to appdata devine folder:

    Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22000.2538]
    (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    C:\Users\sheld\Desktop\devine\devine>devine env info
                           / __ \/ ____/ |  / /  _/ | / / ____/
                          / / / / __/  | | / // //  |/ / __/
                         / /_/ / /___  | |/ // // /|  / /___
                        /_____/_____/  |___/___/_/ |_/_____/
                        v3.3.1 Copyright © 2019-2024 rlaphoenix
         [Root Config]     : C:\Users\sheld\AppData\Local\devine\devine.yaml
         [Cookies]         : C:\Users\sheld\Desktop\devine\cookies
         [WVDs]            : C:\Users\sheld\AppData\Local\devine\WVDs
         [Cache]           : C:\Users\sheld\Desktop\devine\cache
         [Logs]            : C:\Users\sheld\Desktop\devine\logs
         [Temp Files]      : C:\Users\sheld\Desktop\devine\temp
         [Downloads]       : C:\Users\sheld\Desktop\devine\downloads
    C:\Users\sheld\Desktop\devine\devine>devine dl -w s01e01 CTV cold-squad
                           / __ \/ ____/ |  / /  _/ | / / ____/
                          / / / / __/  | | / // //  |/ / __/
                         / /_/ / /___  | |/ // // /|  / /___
                        /_____/_____/  |___/___/_/ |_/_____/
                        v3.3.1 Copyright © 2019-2024 rlaphoenix
         Service Config loaded
         Failed to load Widevine CDM,
         C:\Users\sheld\Desktop\devine\WVDs\ANDROID_4464_l3.wvd does not exist
         or is not a file
    Some pictures:

    [Attachment 78233 - Click to enlarge]
    [Attachment 78234 - Click to enlarge]
    @Tom Saurus

    You have the WDVs Directory wrong! You have "WDVs: C:\Users\sheld\Desktop\devine\WVDs\ANDROID_4464_l3 .wvd" and that is the wdv location; the directory is just "C:\Users\sheld\Desktop\devine\WVDs". FIX IF AND DEVINE WILL FIND IT.
    Quote Quote  
  22. Bump to get the rest of the freevine services ported across to devine. Having to juggle both these tools now, when this is one discontinued.
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  23. Member
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    Originally Posted by pauli3 View Post
    Bump to get the rest of the freevine services ported across to devine. Having to juggle both these tools now, when this is one discontinued.
    Do you not realise how rude that is? StabbedByBrick has worked his socks off producing freevine for FREE, at no cost for you and our community. Yet here you are expecting him to slave away at your behest to do the transfer to Devine so you do not have to be inconvenienced. Poor you.

    I imagine you must be about eight and haven't yet learnt any meaningful social awareness. Ask your Mum about manners and respect, could you? Then, instead of moaning, you could get off your backside and code some services yourself!
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
    Quote Quote  
  24. Search, Learn, Download! Karoolus's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by pauli3 View Post
    Bump to get the rest of the freevine services ported across to devine. Having to juggle both these tools now, when this is one discontinued.
    You have some nerve...
    How about you just do something yourself? I went through your post history and you've only ever leeched and asked for features instead of contributing something useful. Maybe it's time to give back to the community?
    Quote Quote  
  25. Originally Posted by pauli3 View Post
    Bump to get the rest of the freevine services ported across to devine. Having to juggle both these tools now, when this is one discontinued.
    It must be a terrible inconvenience to you, having to use two different tools to download things. Thoughts and prayers.
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  26. Member
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    Originally Posted by A_n_g_e_l_a View Post
    Originally Posted by pauli3 View Post
    Bump to get the rest of the freevine services ported across to devine. Having to juggle both these tools now, when this is one discontinued.
    Do you not realise how rude that is? StabbedByBrick has worked his socks off producing freevine for FREE, at no cost for you and our community. Yet here you are expecting him to slave away at your behest to do the transfer to Devine so you do not have to be inconvenienced. Poor you.

    I imagine you must be about eight and haven't yet learnt any meaningful social awareness. Ask your Mum about manners and respect, could you? Then, instead of moaning, you could get off your backside and code some services yourself!
    Absolutely and 2000% agree Angela and well said.
    what an obnoxious self centred entity is this pauli3. Oh diddums, what a shame having to juggle your tools around. My heart bleeds for you (not).
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  27. Member
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    I have now got devine up and running with All4 and iplayer (including 4K), using Windows 10. Although the procedure is all in this thread, scattered about, I will outline my interpretation in hopefully layman's terms to help those that are struggling. I cannot say it is all my own work, another member gave me a lot of useful input. Also, member iamghost provided a huge amount of help with his posts.

    The actual github page for devine is here:
    It describes which dependencies are required, ie. CCExtractor, ffmpeg (and ffprobe), mkvtoolnix (the actual important file is mkvmerge.exe), shaka-packager and aria2c. Although you can put them in the devine folder that you will have, I personally have them in a separate folder on my C:\ drive (I've called mine download_tools), I've put them all in there and I've setup my Windows Environmental PATH to point to them.

    1. You need to install the Python module 'poetry' as a global entity. So, open up a CMD terminal (anywhere) and
    pip install poetry
    FYI: poetry is an alternative to 'venv' but better. Also, normally, a requirements.txt would contain the list of packages required. poetry will use the pyproject.toml file instead to do the same.

    2. Download and unzip devine:
    Put the devine folder somewhere convenient (I wouldn't recommend having too deep a folder structure).

    3. clone stabbedbybrick's excellent devine-services: into your .\devine\devine folder to replace the existing 'services' folder in there.

    4. Copy/paste your .wvd file from your freevine to .\WVDs folder.
    If you don't have a working wvd, see Angela's excellent instructions:

    5. In .\devine\devine folder, open devine.yaml in Notepad++ or similar. You need to change settings/paths to suit youir setup. Here's mine:
        services: D:\devine\devine\services
        temp: D:\devine\temp
        downloads: D:\devine\downloads
        cookies: D:\devine\cookies
        cache: D:\devine\cache
        logs: D:\devine\Logs
        WVDs: D:\devine\WVDs\ANDROID_1111_l3.wvd
      default: ANDROID_1111_l3
      ALL4: email:password
    #  ROKU: email:password
      - type: SQLite
        name: Local Vault
        path: D:\devine\devine\key_store.db
    tag: ''
    downloader: aria2c
      default: default
            cert: D:\devine\devine\certs\bbciplayer.pem
    Where yours may differ: I have put my devine folder in D:\. Swap that to your path setup.
    My WVDs number is made up, but at least you can get the gist.
    Note, where is says
    default: ANDROID_1111_l3'
    It's important to not include the extension '.wvd'.
    I've #'d out ROKU. I don't use it.
    Also, I've not given you my All4 email & p/w lol.

    6. Go to C:\Users\your_pc_name\AppData\Local\
    or, just enter %localappdata% in Windows search box
    Create a folder called 'devine'
    Copy/paste your WVDs folder and your 'device.yaml' to there, so that you end up with an actual folder WVDs and file devine.yaml in there.

    7. Now let's create your venv. Go back to your (outer) devine folder.
    poetry config true
    FYI that will ensure the venv to be created is within your cwd (ie. devine folder)

    poetry install
    FYI this will create your venv, complete with correct packages (from pyproject.toml). You should notice a new folder '.venv'

    That's you all set up (unless I've missed something out lol.

    To activate your venv:
    poetry shell
    Your command line will now start with (devine-py3.10)
    You're in.
    Let's try a few things

    devine env info
    That will list your working directories

    devine dl -?
    gives you all the download commands, including what channels are setup.

    devine dl ALL4 -?
    a bit of stabby's help regarding All4

    Instead of ALL4 above, put in the channel that you're interested in, eg.

    devine dl iP -?
    for iplayer.

    Just to get you going
    devine dl -w s17e01 ALL4 taskmaster
    or, for a 4K show:
    devine dl -v H.265 -w S01E02 iP m001xxn5
    To exit your venv, quote oficial poetry documentation:
    To deactivate the virtual environment and exit this new shell type 'exit'. To deactivate the virtual environment without leaving the shell use 'deactivate'.
    Probably just closing the terminal does the same lol.

    Hope all that helps and I haven't missed anything out.
    Quote Quote  
  28. 1. We have a thread for devine now, so that's where the post should go.
    2. People need to stop downloading from videohelp. There's an official repo. It will always be the most up to date.
    3. Cloning will actually create a device-services/services directory. You will need to move that services directory to devine/services (which is probably where most people will put the services directory).
    4. It is best to put your .wvd in your /users/USER/AppData/Local directory instead of putting in your devine directory. The reason is to not put private user stuff in your devine directory. The best thing is to let devine handle the wvd for you. "devine wvd add WVD_FILE" will put it in the right place.
    5. People need to stop reposting that copied/pasted devine.yaml. It's not "WVDs:" It must be "wvds:". lowercase. And the filename should not be included. It only works if it's "wvds: d:\devine\wvds". The only reason why your setup works is because below you say you copied your WVDs folder to /user/USER/AppData/Local/devine anyway. That line in your config file does nothing. It does not change where devine looks for the WVDs but does confuse people who keep copying/pasting this same wrong config.yaml.
    Last edited by achilles; 13th Apr 2024 at 06:37.
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    Originally Posted by achilles View Post
    2. People need to stop downloading from videohelp. There's an official repo. It will always be the most up to date.
    By far the easiest way to install devine is via pip. Pheonix says so on github.
    First set up an environment (explained elsewhere - search 'beyond WKS-KEYS')
    pip install devine
    My install found my wvd automatically and preconfigured devine.yaml with it.. And when new updates arrive 'pip install devine --upgrade' will save loads of hassle.
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
    Quote Quote  

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