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  1. Consider a bluray scructure as follows:

    M2TS, 2 video tracks, 3 audio tracks, 2 subtitle tracks, 1:51:27, 11.988p
    1: Chapters, 16 chapters
    2: h265/HEVC, 2160p24 /1.001 (16:9), 10 bits
    3: h265/HEVC, 1080p24 /1.001 (16:9), 10 bits - Dolby Vision Enhancement Layer
    Can I just use Mkvtoolnix-gui to mux these into an mkv, and my TV will show the DV layer? I tried it, but I don't get a DV logo on my amp's info screen. It should have worked this way, right?
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  2. Member Ennio's Avatar
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    To my knowledge, not directly with MKVToolnix. In mkv the two Dolby Vision layers are interleaved in one videostream. Which you can do with quietvoid's dovitool. You can import the result into MKVToolnix. ALWAYS force-set proper framerate when muxing mkv with DV.
    You can also import the disc in MakeMKV which is also capable of interleaving the two layers and mux to mkv.
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