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  1. hey guys,
    question for the more experienced guys here. What is the ultimate free/open source tool to create blu-ray combat M2TS containers theese days? I'm using tsmuxer 2.6.12 (read awful things about the beta variants) for that purpose for ages now and was curious if that is still state of the art.

    As a ffmpeg fanatic I would love to do just
     -f mpegts -mpegts_m2ts_mode 1
    but according to my research ffmpeg is not able to do the job
    The complaints are a few years old but it seems that they never pulled through to fix those. It would require to

    -Use Fixed PIDS.
    -Generate a SIT table.
    -Put the PCR in the PID 0x1001, that's an empty PID.
    -Add the "HDMV" descriptor.

    Looking forward to your suggestions.
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  2. You need:
    1. A blu-ray compatible video stream. Use x264 with settings like:

    2. A blu-ray compliant audio, e.g. AC-3

    3. A muxer for creating a compliant .m2ts container and/or a complete blu-ray file structure.
    A free tool is tsMuxeR
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  3. thanks. Yea I know that website and saved it back then of course the bluray combat h264 has to be according to that specs and not some fancy streaming media kind of stuff.
    I was just curious if there is an alternative/possibility to configure ffmpeg to do the job with a mod and if tsMuxers m2ts container structure is really 100% compilant
    Last edited by Gwar; 23rd Aug 2023 at 08:45.
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