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  1. hi can anyone please help me with this question i have some dvds and blu ray discs and some of them have scratches on them is there any device that will remove scratches off a dvd and blu ray disc i have seen some polish stuff online but i dont think that will work. cos i bought some paste stuff off amazon which said it removes scratches off dvd disc but that did not work. so does anyone know of any device were you put a dvd or blu ray disc in and it removes scratches off a dvd and blu ray disc. i know there is devices that do that cos there is a place that sells dvds and blu ray discs in my area but they use it for removeing scratches they have it in the back of the store.
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  2. Member
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    Can you play the discs or the scratches prevents playing normally?
    If they can play, perhaps you can copy to a new media.
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  3. Member Skiller's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by barry25 View Post
    so does anyone know of any device were you put a dvd or blu ray disc in and it removes scratches off a dvd and blu ray disc.
    Yes, they exist in the professional field and cost a fortune. Your best bet might be an online repair service where you can send your discs to and have them professionally resurfaced. I once did that with a couple of discs. They came back as if they were brand new. Note that, as always, deep scratches that went past the polycarbonate cannot be cut.
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  4. Member Cornucopia's Avatar
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    Also note that even those pro machines aren't miracle workers, even when the scratches are light to moderate. Reason being that they achieve their new polish by removing evenly a top layer of polycarbonate. But by removing that layer, the disc is no longer the exact thickness that the laser & optical reading system is expecting, so if it is beyond its threshold of tolerance, it cannot properly focus & read the all.

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    I've just recovered an unreadable DVD last night as DVDDecrypter and MakeMKV couldn't copy it. Get some Isopropyl Alcohol 99.9% and pour it onto the disc. Let it sit for a couple of minutes then wipe it off with a bit of kitchen towel, lint free cloth or similar then try reading the disc again. If the alcohol doesn't work, find a replacement disc.
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  6. what about this ultrasonic cleaner i have heard a few things about this would this remove scratches off a dvd or blu ray disc
    also bar72 i have done your method the the Isopropyl Alcohol 99.9% let it sit for a few minutes then wipe it off with a bit of lint free cloth which i have all that did was clean the disc. which it is not dirty it is just got a few light scratches on the disc i tried to use dvd decrypter software. it rips about 42 percent of the disc then it just says a load of errors. which it goes very slow to burn but it stays at 42 percent. i had it going to burning to my desktop as a iso file and after over 2 hours i cancelled the burning as a iso cos it stayed at 42 percent and never went up. has anyone got any other ideas that work. also i read online about something like plastic cleaner like Brilliance would that work has anyone tried that then. or has anyone used this Novus Fine Plastic Scratch Remover do any of theses things work
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  7. toothpaste + bakin soda+ polish to solve your problem, watch on youtube
    Last edited by themaster1; 21st Aug 2023 at 16:35.
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