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  1. I'm looking for a player like a productivity tool, which can timestamp a region, tag it (preferably with multiple tags and different colors), comment on that segment and archive add to a database with a screenshot and have good playback capability as well.

    I have too many tutorials and learning materials to watch but none of the players have these simple yet modern capabilities built in, I did some research on Learning management systems and those stuff are under-developed, not ideal for this kind of work.

    some CMS systems have similar capabilities but all of them are marketed as premium cloud-based services and crazy pricing.
    there are some extensions for timestamping, bookmarking youtube videos but really nothing for offline content.

    basically looking for a clean simple video player and management solution,
    something like Evernote or Notion but for video

    Any ideas? (:
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  2. Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2022
    Search Comp PM
    On Windows 10/11 you can try Zoom Player MAX, and with limited capabilities even PotPlayer. But for PotPlayer there is not official manual...

    Also you can look at:
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