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  1. I want to take a clip and overlap it with a copy and have a transition, over and over again until the 2 minute clip is about 10 hours.
    This just kills kdenline and shotcut and makes my fan go really fast.
    Any ideas?
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  2. Render 1 seamess cycle and loop it "x" times with another program, such as ffmpeg, vapoursynth, avisynth etc...

    1 seamless cycle would be clip + end of transition to the frame before the 1st frame in the clip
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  3. Member
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    Feb 2006
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    Originally Posted by dogshed View Post
    I want to take a clip and overlap it with a copy and have a transition, over and over again until the 2 minute clip is about 10 hours.
    This just kills kdenline and shotcut and makes my fan go really fast.
    Any ideas?
    try with ffmpeg - ffmpeg -stream_loop 3 -i input.mp4 -c copy output.mp4
    0 means no loop, -1 means infinite loop -
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