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  1. Hello, I'm trying to find instructions for a modded Samsung UBD 9500 Blu-ray player. This was in my dad's possession before he died and I did not find the instruction booklet to go with the modification. I do know that the player was modified by a company called BD zone which is now out of business and otherwise I would contact them. Do any of you know how to get the remote to work for this Samsung player on a region free disk? It would be greatly greatly greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
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    Originally Posted by Liamo0o View Post
    Hello, I'm trying to find instructions for a modded Samsung UBD 9500 Blu-ray player. This was in my dad's possession before he died and I did not find the instruction booklet to go with the modification. I do know that the player was modified by a company called BD zone which is now out of business and otherwise I would contact them. Do any of you know how to get the remote to work for this Samsung player on a region free disk? It would be greatly greatly greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
    see this thread -
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  3. Thank you but it appears that is a different model number. My remote does not have numbers to press
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