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  1. Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    South Africa
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    Ok so bit of a story. I've been able to get streams before from websites that end in flix, demy, etc. However, now that NFripper and Narrowvine are dead I have to do it manually. Which is fine, because then I am no longer limited to specific sites and specific scripts.

    I have my personal CDM and I can generate hundreds more with Android Studio. I've read how to get PSSH, I know of cdrm-project. My problem is the first step. Finding the manifest file or files that contain the request headers, licensing servers etc. It used to be easy a few years ago. There was a file named .manifest or .mpd etc. However, now its obfuscated. If we take a site ending in flix for example. I can't not find the manifest file anywhere. I've copied every single fetch/xhr request into curl bash and converted it with curlconverter. I've looked everywhere. Can't find it.

    Can someone explain (even dm is fine) what I am looking for from bigger streaming sites that intentionally obscure their manifest files? The basic tutorials for how to find a manifest on bitmovin work great. But for everything else? Not really. All I would like is a simple (or in-depth) explanation of what I am looking for to get the PSSH, licensing server and request headers from larger sites. I can do everything else from there.

    Please help :c

    a9b1007a4c38171f4585b18a26ed8d03:6c843bf5d376ed076 00630b1b23efd89 being the key. But I get different results every time I use something other than Eme-logger

    Eme Results

    [EME] Navigator::requestMediaKeySystemAccess
    Key System: com.widevine.alpha
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    "distinctiveIdentifier": "not-allowed",
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    browse:1 Notifications permission has been blocked as the user has dismissed the permission prompt several times. This can be reset in Page Info which can be accessed by clicking the lock icon next to the URL. See for more information.
    crbug/1173575, non-JS module files deprecated.
    (anonymous) @ chrome-error://chromewebdata/:6733
    userscript.html?name=EME%2520Logger.user.js&id=924 9dd57-c2ea-4897-972e-26953f2f2a0f:70 [EME] Navigator::requestMediaKeySystemAccess
    Key System: com.widevine.alpha
    Supported Configurations:
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    "videoCapabilities": [
    "contentType": "video/mp4;codecs=avc1.42E01E",
    "robustness": "HW_SECURE_ALL"
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    userscript.html?name=EME%2520Logger.user.js&id=924 9dd57-c2ea-4897-972e-26953f2f2a0f:70 [EME] Navigator::requestMediaKeySystemAccess
    Key System: com.widevine.alpha
    Supported Configurations:
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    "robustness": "SW_SECURE_DECODE"
    "sessionTypes": [
    "persistentState": "required"
    userscript.html?name=EME%2520Logger.user.js&id=924 9dd57-c2ea-4897-972e-26953f2f2a0f:82 [EME] MediaKeySystemAccess::createMediaKeys
    Key System: com.widevine.alpha
    "audioCapabilities": [],
    "distinctiveIdentifier": "not-allowed",
    "initDataTypes": [
    "label": "",
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    "robustness": "SW_SECURE_DECODE"
    userscript.html?name=EME%2520Logger.user.js&id=924 9dd57-c2ea-4897-972e-26953f2f2a0f:107 [EME] MediaKeys::createSession
    Session Type: temporary
    userscript.html?name=EME%2520Logger.user.js&id=924 9dd57-c2ea-4897-972e-26953f2f2a0f:96 [EME] MediaKeys:etServerCertificate
    Server Certificate: Cr0CCAMSEOVEukALwQ8307Y2+LVP+0MYh/HPkwUijgIwggEKAoIBAQDm875btoWUbGqQD8eAGuBlGY+Pxo8Y F1LQR+Ex0pDONMet8EHslcZRBKNQ/09RZFTP0vrYimyYiBmk9GG+S0wB3CRITgweNE15cD33MQYyS3z pBd4z+sCJam2+jj1ZA4uijE2dxGC+gRBRnw9WoPyw7D8RuhGSJ 95OEtzg3Ho+mEsxuE5xg9LM4+Zuro/9msz2bFgJUjQUVHo5j+k4qLWu4ObugFmc9DLIAohL58UR5k0Xn vizulOHbMMxdzna9lwTw/4SALadEV/CZXBmswUtBgATDKNqjXwokohncpdsWSauH6vfS6FXwizQoZJ9T djSGC60rUB2t+aYDm74cIuxAgMBAAE6EHRlc3QubmV0ZmxpeC5 jb20SgAOE0y8yWw2Win6M2/bw7+aqVuQPwzS/YG5ySYvwCGQd0Dltr3hpik98WijUODUr6PxMn1ZYXOLo3eED6x YGM7Riza8XskRdCfF8xjj7L7/THPbixyn4mULsttSmWFhexzXnSeKqQHuoKmerqu0nu39iW3pcx DV/K7E6aaSr5ID0SCi7KRcL9BCUCz1g9c43sNj46BhMCWJSm0mx1X FDcoKZWhpj5FAgU4Q4e6f+S8eX39nf6D6SJRb4ap7Znzn7preI vmS93xWjm75I6UBVQGo6pn4qWNCgLYlGGCQCUm5tg566j+/g5jvYZkTJvbiZFwtjMW5njbSRwB3W4CrKoyxw4qsJNSaZRTKAv SjTKdqVDXV/U5HK7SaBA6iJ981/aforXbd2vZlRXO/2S+Maa2mHULzsD+S5l4/YGpSt7PnkCe25F+nAovtl/ogZgjMeEdFyd/9YMYjOS4krYmwp3yJ7m9ZzYCQ6I8RQN4x/yLlHG5RH/+WNLNUs6JAZ0fFdCmw=
    userscript.html?name=EME%2520Logger.user.js&id=924 9dd57-c2ea-4897-972e-26953f2f2a0f:160 [EME] MediaKeySession::generateRequest
    Session ID: (not available)
    Init Data Type: cenc
    Last edited by Reclusive Eagle; 29th May 2023 at 15:02. Reason: Added some Eme logger results
    Quote Quote  

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