Hi, I have an mp4 file (350mb and approx 20min duration) that will not play because the video editor that I created it in was shut down prematurely (power outage). There's nothing wrong with the main part of the file, it's just missing or damaged the last line /lines of code (header?) that tells the player where the end is etc. Please excuse my layman's language, I'm just a novice video editor, still using an early version of Video Pad on Win 7.
The file has all the data there, but there is no duration displayed in Win Explorer, and would not be corrupted just from being terminated incorrectly. I did a lot of reading on here about various repair utilities, and downloaded MP4-Repair-untrunc-GUI. It's a simple program but it doesn't seem to be working. I tried an older version and the latest version. I loaded in a similar rendered file and the non-playing file and clicked 'Execute' and it comes up with "Done" immediately but there is nothing in the window below and no new file created in that directory. I also clicked 'Execute' with no files loaded and it still said "Done" !
Am I doing somthing wrong or does this program only work with certain types of mp4? Because I read that it is mainly used for camera recorded files. I don't see why it shouldn't work with a rendered file from Video Pad. All it needs to do is extract / copy the last line of code (header/footer?) from the good reference video file and paste it to the non-playing file.
Of course, I could just re-render it again but it takes about 9 hours and if I can just repair it in 10 minutes and then will know how to use the repair tool for next time.
Or is there another type of program that a beginner can use that can view the actual code of a video? Then I might be able to cut and paste the Footer information from a good file and repair it manually. Or is it not that easy?
Thanks for any help...!
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Where did you download the repair program from?
Try this one, I found it on my PC, doesn't have that weird behavior you describedLast edited by davexnet; 7th May 2023 at 23:47.
Hi Dave, I got it from here - on one of the software pages. Well both of them actually, as I tried the latest (2020) and then an earlier version.
Thanks for your attachment! - it looks bigger, Mb - my one, the application file was only in Kb. But it still seemed to appear to be there when opened.
I will try it out later, right now need to crash as my head's spinning from being up & awake too long
Will let you know soon! -
Make sure the reference file is rendered with the exact same settings as the corrupted mp4. Sometimes it's quite difficult to find a valid reference file, so this guide might be helpful. Also, you can try repairing the file with another tool called recover_mp4, or its online version – restore.media.
Thanks Tom, yeah I saw that one as well and that was going to be my next try. Yes I used a reference file that was almost exactly the same in every way (same video with some minor edits done the previous day). As for the Untrunc Repair - this time it actually did something however the file in question came out totally corrupted (just a small band of colour moving at the top of the screen), however the sound track was there. I just deleted it now as listening to the soundtrack, I found it wasn't right anyway. I'll just re-render it.
Then I tried untrunc gui with another working file, which was taken straight off a webcam (rather than the first one which was an edited render). This test one was a bit jerky (lots of frames missing) but it produced a working replica. So at least I know this version does work.
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