Okay, so I have 26 videos that I am trying to put on one Blu-ray, and using the option for "add title list menu" or "add classic title list", and then burn to a Blu-ray, the FIRST Title List screen works flawlessly, and I can move the highlight down and select a video and play it. But when I move down to the left/right arrows, and select them to view the next screen, it doesn't let me click on anything. In fact, there is no visible highlighter on the screen, and pressing arrow keys or Select does nothing. The only way to go back to usability is to tell it to load the Root Menu. Even then, returning to the Title List just loads that page with no highlight, and i'm stuck...

also, a second issue is, on the main screen, i have it set to only show the Play and Title List buttons...but there doesn't seem to be any way to GET to them! i mean, if i hit right, down, left, up, it does not move between the two options at all. it only acts like it is scrolling thru the slides (i have slides turned off on the main screen), and i CAN click Play. but i have to use the mouse to click on the Title List option to bring it up (this is playing on my PC, in PowerDVD). did i miss a setting to make this work? if i leave the Chapter or Setup menus there, then i can move left or down as a transition to get to Title List, but i don't WANT them!

any hope for me on either of these problems?