curl "" ^
-H "authority:" ^
-H "accept: application/vnd.api+json" ^
-H "accept-language: en" ^
-H "authorization: Bearer pZUj2HejMAGnz3OQXGaJPdPVWfRuXvBgiUOd2YxbZhs" ^
-H "if-none-match: W/^\^"9b8b98a36f2d78624ec9db48b5efed14^\^"" ^
-H "origin:" ^
-H "referer:" ^
-H "sec-ch-ua: ^\^"Not_A Brand^\^";v=^\^"99^\^", ^\^"Google Chrome^\^";v=^\^"109^\^", ^\^"Chromium^\^";v=^\^"109^\^"" ^
-H "sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0" ^
-H "sec-ch-ua-platform: ^\^"Windows^\^"" ^
-H "sec-fetch-dest: empty" ^
-H "sec-fetch-mode: cors" ^
-H "sec-fetch-site: same-site" ^
-H "user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" ^
-H "x-dmstk-accept-version: course.v2" ^
-H "x-dmstk-session-requests-id: 0cTwGmWYW6QGwETXBhEl3IEjQdLmWh4x_uccekwP3VHqgXLb0w c6xA==" ^
-H "x-dmstk-user-uuid: ef68ab6b-d88a-4b7c-9c29-c011007150a1" ^
-H "x-request-id: 0cTwGmWYW6QGwETXBhEl3IEjQdLmWh4x_uccekwP3VHqgXLb0w c6xA==" ^

Hi I was able to download all the videos in a course i bought besides the final one, which i cannot access through initial props variable, the last one is not embedded and it supposedly is from an api. When I try to access it says media type not supported 406. So anyone knows how to figure this one.