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  1. redacted
    Last edited by dark125; 14th Jun 2024 at 04:43.
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  2. Member aqzs's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by dark125 View Post
    It’s a very good script but I don’t think sharing the all script is beneficial. The devs are looking at this thread and improving security everytime.
    I would just give some parts like timestamp :
     timestamp_url = stream_url.replace('/index.m3u8', '') + '/k/timestamp'
    response = requests.get(timestamp_url, headers=headers)
    timestamp_b64 = base64.b64encode(response.content).decode()
    timestamp = base64.b64decode(timestamp_b64)
    Or the decryption part based on ranges collected by hand :
     arrays = {'g': [32, 48],
              'v': [8, 24] }
    substring = {'f': [16, 48],
                 's': [41] }
    def decrypt_key(data, apkid):
        tmp1 = data[arrays['g'][0]:arrays['g'][1]]
        tmp2 = data[arrays['v'][0]:arrays['v'][1]]
        apkid = apkid[substring['f'][0]:substring['f'][1]] # + apkid[substring['s'][0]:]
        dec1 =, AES.MODE_ECB)
        tmp3 = dec1.decrypt(tmp1)
        dec2 =, AES.MODE_ECB)
        key = dec2.decrypt(tmp2)
        return key.hex()
    I hope devs don’t see this post and improve security.. (it could be a good challenge though) (Besides, if instructions based on timestamp file url are not implemented yet, this will probably be the next challenge, easy to achieve by hand but very difficult to script because the range keeps changing according to different js files.)
    Last edited by aqzs; 13th Jun 2024 at 21:31.
    Quote Quote  
  3. Originally Posted by amigo View Post
    hoxabe, I would like to inquire about the process of downloading videos from the GoClass platform. Could you please provide detailed instructions on how to download videos?
    You have private messages disabled. Here's your key:
    --custom-hls-key 648dea11fe203008b24f492175fe674d
    The regular method worked with this (no need to invert tmp1 and tmp2), you just need to setup the python function with the right paddings.
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  4. Member aqzs's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by white_snake View Post
    You have private messages disabled. Here's your key:
    --custom-hls-key 648dea11fe203008b24f492175fe674d
    The regular method worked with this (no need to invert tmp1 and tmp2), you just need to setup the python function with the right paddings.
    He send me a message too. He was banned.

    apkId value:
    Hex key:
    N_m3u8DL-RE "" --custom-hls-key 648dea11fe203008b24f492175fe674d -M format=mkv -mt --save-name "Lecture 1A - Why Study Linear Algebra"
    Quote Quote  
  5. btw for g0class3s you need to add origin/referer to every request you make.
    Quote Quote  
  6. Originally Posted by aqzs View Post
     timestamp_url = stream_url.replace('/index.m3u8', '') + '/k/timestamp'
    response = requests.get(timestamp_url, headers=headers)
    timestamp_b64 = base64.b64encode(response.content).decode()
    Hey man, thanks for sharing the snippet. I have a question though - What are we passing in the headers inside the get function?
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  7. Member aqzs's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by hoxabe5434 View Post
    Hey man, thanks for sharing the snippet. I have a question though - What are we passing in the headers inside the get function?
    For timestamp those works fine :
    headers = {'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',}
    Quote Quote  

    can anyone please tell me what will be the decryption key for this video?

    if possible tell me the decryption function also , so that i can download the remaning videos on my own
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  9. Member aqzs's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by User2024 View Post

    can anyone please tell me what will be the decryption key for this video?

    if possible tell me the decryption function also , so that i can download the remaning videos on my own
    HTML Code:
    apkId value: 6231373436231373432363038663465653864613523630386634656538646135
    Hex key: 4b690de69db37bd34910807f94065ffb
    N_m3u8DL-RE "" --custom-hls-key 4b690de69db37bd34910807f94065ffb -M format=mkv -mt

    Use this script with those values :
    HTML Code:
    arrays = {'g': [16, 32],
              'v': [48, 64]
    substring = {'f': [0, 9],
                 's': [41]
    Quote Quote  
  10. Thanks aqzs for your help. it means a lot
    Last edited by User2024; 17th Jun 2024 at 03:29.
    Quote Quote  

    its a free trial video, so anyone can login with fake email id and watch.

    this video is hosted on learnyst platform

    can anyone help me how to download videos from learnyst platform?
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  12. Member aqzs's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by User2024 View Post

    its a free trial video, so anyone can login with fake email id and watch.

    this video is hosted on learnyst platform

    can anyone help me how to download videos from learnyst platform?
    Different system from the one in the thread. Open a new thread.
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    Every time i try to decrypt the key, i am getting different keys for the same video. and none of them actually works. i always get ERROR: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.
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  14. Member aqzs's Avatar
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    You shouldn't get different keys for the same video. To make sure my script works I always run it twice, if I get 2 different keys the values aren't the right one. Change according to values you found :
    HTML Code:
    arrays = {'g': [16, 32],
              'v': [48, 64]
    substring = {'f': [0, 9],
                 's': [41]
    Quote Quote  
  15. Originally Posted by soumya View Post
    Every time i try to decrypt the key, i am getting different keys for the same video. and none of them actually works. i always get ERROR: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.
    Post an HAR file of your session if you want help (like this).
    Quote Quote  
  16. Upto yesterday it was working fine, but from today again im getting padding value error.

    apkid : 64646330626436386230323036303733646463306264363862 30323036303733

    timestamp response : data:application/octet-stream;base64,A413OF98F92W8J9/sseaaF5yKSAmM25NM1JEanFrUCRrSX7WlhMzindoWNKw46ed

    updated decryptor function :
    (e.loadsuccess = function (t, e, r) {
    var i = r.frag,
    n = window.cjs,
    a = n.AES.decrypt,
    o = window.convertArrayToBase64,
    u = n.mode.ECB,
    d = n.enc,
    h = d.Hex.parse,
    c = n.pad.NoPadding;
    if (i.decryptdata) {
    var f = new Uint8Array(,
    pp = t.url.split('/timestamp/')[1] ?? '',
    g = f.subarray(0, 16),
    v = f.subarray(32, 48);
    if (pp === 'aav') {
    g = f.subarray(16, 32);
    v = f.subarray(48, 64);
    } else if (pp === 'scw') {
    g = f.subarray(0, 16);
    v = f.subarray(32, 48);
    } else if (pp === 'scs') {
    v = f.subarray(0, 16);
    g = f.subarray(48, 64);
    } else if (pp === 'sdq') {
    v = f.subarray(8, 24);
    g = f.subarray(32, 48);
    } else if (pp === 'sxc') {
    v = f.subarray(16, 32);
    g = f.subarray(48, 64);
    } else if (pp === 'q1wq') {
    v = f.subarray(0, 16);
    g = f.subarray(32, 48);
    } else if (pp === 'w1q') {
    g = f.subarray(0, 16);
    v = f.subarray(48, 64);
    (f = a(o(g), h(window.apkId.substring(32)), {
    mode: u,
    padding: c,
    (f = d.u8array.stringify(
    a(o(v), f, { mode: u, padding: c })
    (this.decryptkey = i.decryptdata.key =
    new Uint8Array(f.buffer)),
    (i.loader = null),
    delete this.loaders[i.type],
    this.hls.trigger(s.Events.KEY_LOADED, { frag: i });
    } else l.logger.error("after key load, decryptdata unset");

    Guys anyone pls share updated python script
    Quote Quote  
  17. Originally Posted by Raj_kumar View Post
    Upto yesterday it was working fine, but from today again im getting padding value error.

    apkid : 64646330626436386230323036303733646463306264363862 30323036303733

    timestamp response : data:application/octet-stream;base64,A413OF98F92W8J9/sseaaF5yKSAmM25NM1JEanFrUCRrSX7WlhMzindoWNKw46ed

    updated decryptor function :
    (e.loadsuccess = function (t, e, r) {
    var i = r.frag,
    n = window.cjs,
    a = n.AES.decrypt,
    o = window.convertArrayToBase64,
    u = n.mode.ECB,
    d = n.enc,
    h = d.Hex.parse,
    c = n.pad.NoPadding;
    if (i.decryptdata) {
    var f = new Uint8Array(,
    pp = t.url.split('/timestamp/')[1] ?? '',
    g = f.subarray(0, 16),
    v = f.subarray(32, 48);
    if (pp === 'aav') {
    g = f.subarray(16, 32);
    v = f.subarray(48, 64);
    } else if (pp === 'scw') {
    g = f.subarray(0, 16);
    v = f.subarray(32, 48);
    } else if (pp === 'scs') {
    v = f.subarray(0, 16);
    g = f.subarray(48, 64);
    } else if (pp === 'sdq') {
    v = f.subarray(8, 24);
    g = f.subarray(32, 48);
    } else if (pp === 'sxc') {
    v = f.subarray(16, 32);
    g = f.subarray(48, 64);
    } else if (pp === 'q1wq') {
    v = f.subarray(0, 16);
    g = f.subarray(32, 48);
    } else if (pp === 'w1q') {
    g = f.subarray(0, 16);
    v = f.subarray(48, 64);
    (f = a(o(g), h(window.apkId.substring(32)), {
    mode: u,
    padding: c,
    (f = d.u8array.stringify(
    a(o(v), f, { mode: u, padding: c })
    (this.decryptkey = i.decryptdata.key =
    new Uint8Array(f.buffer)),
    (i.loader = null),
    delete this.loaders[i.type],
    this.hls.trigger(s.Events.KEY_LOADED, { frag: i });
    } else l.logger.error("after key load, decryptdata unset");

    Guys anyone pls share updated python script
    what's the video url?
    Quote Quote  
  18. Originally Posted by LZAA View Post
    hlsdl -b -K 2AAC616013F1877619AF8AC01ABFF0A6
    > START media_playlist_get_links
    > END media_playlist_get_links
    > START media_playlist_get_links
    > END media_playlist_get_links
    HLS Stream is AES-128 encrypted.
    {"t_d":794,"d_d":0, "d_s":0}
    Downloading part 0
    Downloading part 0
    PMT wrong table id: 0x42
    PMT wrong table id: 0x42
    Downloading part 1
    Downloading part 1
    Downloading part 2

    How to find that key. -K
    Quote Quote  
  19. Code:
    (e.loadsuccess = function (t, e, r) {
                      var i = r.frag,
                        n = window.cjs,
                        a = n.AES.decrypt,
                        o = window.convertArrayToBase64,
                        u = n.mode.ECB,
                        d = n.enc,
                        h = d.Hex.parse,
                        c = n.pad.NoPadding;
                      if (i.decryptdata) {
                        var f = new Uint8Array(,
                          pp = t.url.split('/timestamp/')[1] ?? '',
                          v = f.subarray(8, 24),
                          g = f.subarray(32, 48);
                      if (pp === 'aav') {
                          v = f.subarray(16, 32); 
                          g = f.subarray(48, 64);
                        } else if (pp === 'scw') {
                          v = f.subarray(0, 16); 
                          g = f.subarray(48, 64);
                        } else if (pp === 'scs') {
                          v = f.subarray(8, 24); 
                          g = f.subarray(32, 48);
                        } else if (pp === 'sdq') {
                          g = f.subarray(0, 16); 
                          v = f.subarray(48, 64);
                        } else if (pp === 'sxc') {
                          v = f.subarray(0, 16); 
                          g = f.subarray(32, 48);
                        } else if (pp === 'q1wq') {
                          g = f.subarray(0, 16); 
                          v = f.subarray(32, 48);
                        } else if (pp === 'w1q') {
                          g = f.subarray(16, 32); 
                          v = f.subarray(48, 64);
                        (f = a(o(g), h(window.apkId.substring(16, 48)), {
                          mode: u,
                          padding: c,
                          (f = d.u8array.stringify(
                            a(o(v), f, { mode: u, padding: c })
                          (this.decryptkey = i.decryptdata.key =
                            new Uint8Array(f.buffer)),
                          (i.loader = null),
                          delete this.loaders[i.type],
                          this.hls.trigger(s.Events.KEY_LOADED, { frag: i });
                      } else l.logger.error("after key load, decryptdata unset");
    The above is the latest jscript from the jmin file - i need to get the decrypt function updated

    Currently using this,

    def _decrypt_key(data, apkId):
        tmp1 = data[8:24]
        tmp2 = data[32:48]
        apk_Id = apkId[16:48]
        apk_Id_bytes = bytes.fromhex(apk_Id)
        if len(apk_Id_bytes) != 16:
            raise ValueError(f"Key length is not valid: {len(apk_Id_bytes)} bytes")
        dec1 =, AES.MODE_ECB)
        tmp3 = dec1.decrypt(tmp1)
        dec2 =, AES.MODE_ECB)
        decrypted_key = dec2.decrypt(tmp2)
        return decrypted_key
    But unfortunately it says 15:55:10.322 ERROR: Specified key is not a valid size for this algorithm.

    As far as update to the same is concerned.
    Also, it has started saying 08:24:05.344 ERROR: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed, but i am using the latest
    apkid - 30626566356361326238353837613162306265663563613262 38353837613162

    key generated was -
    Decrypted key (hex): bcf18510e60d6867dc2ba6f53830e9ac
    Decrypted key (base64): vPGFEOYNaGfcK6b1ODDprA==

    But i don't understand why the padding issue is invalid.

    Every time i try to decrypt the key, i am getting different keys for the same video. and none of them actually works. i always get
    ERROR: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.

    Can anyone help in updating the code
    Last edited by atmakaraka; 12th Oct 2024 at 13:35. Reason: updated the latest update
    Quote Quote  
  20. Originally Posted by aqzs View Post
    Originally Posted by hoxabe5434 View Post
    Hey man, thanks for sharing the snippet. I have a question though - What are we passing in the headers inside the get function?
    For timestamp those works fine :
    headers = {'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',}
    buddy im interested in learning this i was trying to find the aes key with this
    sample video:
    which i already came to know that this is the code:2aac616013f1877619af8ac01abff0a6
    apkid:62313734362313734323630386634656538646135236 30386634656538646135

    The code given below is used by me to find the key
    timestamp_b64 ='RCQodEtGIX0zWSVLfmd3QX4FsplUReFwl/99R+Lw7p9kZVd1bCxxYGgqKUE9WyBLyAFt3hXNMuMy8YtGyS47Sg=='
    timestamp = base64.b64decode(timestamp_b64)
    def decrypt_key(data, apkid):
        tmp1 = data[16:32]
        tmp2 = data[48:64]
        dec1 =, AES.MODE_ECB)
        tmp3 = dec1.decrypt(tmp1)
        dec2 =, AES.MODE_ECB)
        key = dec2.decrypt(tmp2)
        return key.hex()
    but when i run this code im not getting the above mentioned key and the response from timestamp is changing when i reload the page
    can anyone explain me what im i missing
    Last edited by AlexXda; 18th Oct 2024 at 12:54.
    Quote Quote  
  21. Did everyone gave up on this thread isn't there any way
    Quote Quote  
  22. This is a little cleaner, so I thought I'd share:
    from Crypto.Cipher import AES
    import base64
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        data = base64.b64decode("SHhqMntgLjVocn4uVXkoWzIqxvW02AsEAyf1Wj7uL/ZQTGQ/R2dLdlwrQ2NkMXVcl1xERsZnbowFyOhzfpOmTQ==")
        APKID = "6231373436231373432363038663465653864613523630386634656538646135"
        first_data = data[16:32]
        second_data = data[48:64]
        first_key = bytes.fromhex(APKID[:9] + APKID[41:])
        cipher =
        first_decrypt = cipher.decrypt(first_data)
        cipher =
        second_decrypt = cipher.decrypt(second_data)
    Keys from just the License URL: WidevineFetch
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    anyone 2024? i tried the mentioned methods , none of them worked... is the algorithm for encryption changed now?
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  24. Originally Posted by zyavhed View Post
    anyone 2024? i tried the mentioned methods , none of them worked... is the algorithm for encryption changed now?
    nothing changed
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