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  1. Hi everyone,

    I'm creating a new thread as I didn't find a similar problem.

    I've been trying to download a video from CBS (episodes are available to everyone a week after the TV premiere) with the methods extensively described throughout the forum, but now I'm stuck.
    Found PSSH:
    Found License:
    Default headers on getwvkeys (I leave them as they are):
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:106.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/106.0
    I get this error:
    { "code":400, "error":true, "message": "Failed to get license: 403 Forbidden"}.
    I wonder whether I found the correct license or if I should change something with the headers or use a proxy? Videos on are geo-blocked for me, but I had no problem getting the keys from eg. Also, I didn't need a VPN to get a PSSH and URL license from CBS.

    If anyone is sure that it is simply impossible to download from CBS, please let me know.
    Quote Quote  
  2. Your Key

    Classic Widevine encryption...don't work for me with getwvkeys (Problem Geoloc)
    Quote Quote  
  3. Huge thanks for the key, cedric8528 - it worked beautifully, but I ran into another problem. Everything merged correctly, but the mpd link downloaded only the last 5 minutes of the episode (I tried to use aria2c as well, same result).

    I used this link:
    Console output returns the "HTTP Error 405: Method Not Allowed":
    ytdlp.exe --allow-u -N 8 -f bv,ba ""
    WARNING: You have asked for UNPLAYABLE formats to be listed/downloaded. This is a developer option intended for debugging.
             If you experience any issues while using this option, DO NOT open a bug report
    [generic] manifest: Requesting header
    WARNING: [generic] Could not send HEAD request to HTTP Error 405: Method Not Allowed
    [generic] manifest: Downloading webpage
    WARNING: [generic] Falling back on generic information extractor.
    [generic] manifest: Extracting information
    [info] manifest: Downloading 2 format(s): 3-43, 6-43
    [dashsegments] Total fragments: 47
    [download] Destination: manifest [manifest].mp4
    WARNING: The download speed shown is only of one thread. This is a known issue and patches are welcome
    [download] 100% of 145.75MiB in 00:05
    [dashsegments] Total fragments: 47
    [download] Destination: manifest [manifest].m4a
    WARNING: The download speed shown is only of one thread. This is a known issue and patches are welcome
    [download] 100% of 4.20MiB in 00:03
    Do you perhaps know what the problem is?
    Quote Quote  
  4. LuckyBold
    I wonder whether I found the correct license or if I should change something with the headers or use a proxy?
    maybe you need to use in header request a parameter authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImt...etc. but it's hard to figure it out.
    Last edited by mister_ nex; 4th Dec 2022 at 14:05.
    Quote Quote  
  5. Downloads ok with N_M3U8DL-RE, put your keys in keys.txt

    [Attachment 67985 - Click to enlarge]

    If your on Winx64 you need this version

    If not, other versions are available here:

    n_m3u8dl-re.exe --help
    N_m3u8DL-RE (Beta version) 20221117

    n_m3u8dl-re <input> [options]

    <input> Input Url or File

    --tmp-dir <tmp-dir> Set temporary file directory
    --save-dir <save-dir> Set output directory
    --save-name <save-name> Set output filename
    --base-url <base-url> Set BaseURL
    --thread-count <number> Set download thread count [default: 8]
    --download-retry-count <number> The number of retries when download segment error [default: 3]
    --auto-select Automatically selects the best tracks of all types [default: False]
    --skip-merge Skip segments merge [default: False]
    --skip-download Skip download [default: False]
    --check-segments-count Check if the actual number of segments downloaded matches the expected
    number [default: True]
    --binary-merge Binary merge [default: False]
    --del-after-done Delete temporary files when done [default: True]
    --no-date-info Date information is not written during muxing [default: False]
    --write-meta-json Write meta json after parsed [default: False]
    --append-url-params Add Params of input Url to segments, useful for some websites, such as [default: False]
    -mt, --concurrent-download Concurrently download the selected audio, video and subtitles [default:
    -H, --header <header> Pass custom header(s) to server, Example:
    -H "Cookie: mycookie" -H "User-Agent: iOS"
    --sub-only Select only subtitle tracks [default: False]
    --sub-format <SRT|VTT> Subtitle output format [default: SRT]
    --auto-subtitle-fix Automatically fix subtitles [default: True]
    --ffmpeg-binary-path <PATH> Full path to the ffmpeg binary, like C:\Tools\ffmpeg.exe
    --log-level <DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|OFF|WARN> Set log level [default: INFO]
    --ui-language <en-US|zh-CN|zh-TW> Set UI language
    --urlprocessor-args <urlprocessor-args> Give these arguments to the URL Processors.
    --key <key> Pass decryption key(s) to mp4decrypt/shaka-packager. format:
    --key KID1:KEY1 --key KID2:KEY2
    --key-text-file <key-text-file> Set the kid-key file, the program will search the KEY with KID from the
    file.(Very large file are not recommended)
    --decryption-binary-path <PATH> Full path to the tool used for MP4 decryption, like C:\Tools\mp4decrypt.exe
    --use-shaka-packager Use shaka-packager instead of mp4decrypt to decrypt [default: False]
    --mp4-real-time-decryption Decrypt MP4 segments in real time [default: False]
    -M, --mux-after-done <OPTIONS> When all works is done, try to mux the downloaded streams. Use "--morehelp
    mux-after-done" for more details
    --custom-hls-method <METHOD> Set HLS encryption method
    --custom-hls-key <FILE|HEX|BASE64> Set the HLS decryption key. Can be file, HEX or Base64
    --custom-hls-iv <FILE|HEX|BASE64> Set the HLS decryption iv. Can be file, HEX or Base64
    --use-system-proxy Use system default proxy [default: True]
    --custom-proxy <URL> Set web request proxy, like
    --live-perform-as-vod Download live streams as vod [default: False]
    --live-real-time-merge Real-time merge into file when recording live [default: False]
    --live-keep-segments Keep segments when recording a live (liveRealTimeMerge enabled) [default:
    --live-wait-time <SEC> Manually set the live playlist refresh interval
    --mux-import <OPTIONS> When MuxAfterDone enabled, allow to import local media files. Use
    "--morehelp mux-import" for more details
    -sv, --select-video <OPTIONS> Select video streams by regular expressions. Use "--morehelp select-video"
    for more details
    -sa, --select-audio <OPTIONS> Select audio streams by regular expressions. Use "--morehelp select-audio"
    for more details
    -ss, --select-subtitle <OPTIONS> Select subtitle streams by regular expressions. Use "--morehelp
    select-subtitle" for more details
    --morehelp <OPTION> Set more help info about one option
    --version Show version information
    -?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
    Last edited by codehound; 4th Dec 2022 at 15:01.
    Quote Quote  
  6. Originally Posted by codehound View Post
    Downloads ok with N_M3U8DL-RE, put your keys in keys.txt
    Yes, you're absolutely right. I should've checked it as well.

    Thank you all, I really appreciate your help.
    Quote Quote  
  7. I'm also trying to get a CBS video. Details as follows.
    License url:
    I'm using a working US proxy with using the default headers but get the response:
    Error 405: {"code":100102,"message":"Method 'GET' not allowed for ''."}
    I've tried adding bits to the headers such as referer & authorization but then get a different error.

    I'd like to know if it's possible to get the keys with or WKS-KEYS.

    Quote Quote  
  8. Member
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    Originally Posted by synopeas View Post
    I'm also trying to get a CBS video. Details as follows.
    License url:
    I'm using a working US proxy with using the default headers but get the response:
    Error 405: {"code":100102,"message":"Method 'GET' not allowed for ''."}
    I've tried adding bits to the headers such as referer & authorization but then get a different error.

    I'd like to know if it's possible to get the keys with or WKS-KEYS.


    --key 7c991b01c5f74df1af96ea98721564c0:105277d8d161018700dedd494559a7b3

    edit: cdrm didn't work for me, but i notice that the headers contain "authorization" parameter, which is probably necessary
    Quote Quote  
  9. Thanks ampersand, the keys worked. I tried to do this myself with WKS-KEYS but got "unable to parse license - check protobufs"
    Quote Quote  
  10. I need a Vpn usa to watch CBS video....and I need to keep it connected to get the keys.
    Otherwise I have the same message as you.

    I hope you have valid L3 cdm...
    Quote Quote  
  11. Thanks cedric. The cdm is valid. You were right, I needed a VPN for WKS-KEYS as well. I also needed to weed out the unnecessary headers.
    Quote Quote  
  12. Member
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    Originally Posted by synopeas View Post
    Thanks cedric. The cdm is valid. You were right, I needed a VPN for WKS-KEYS as well. I also needed to weed out the unnecessary headers.
    I didn't have to weed out any headers with WKS
    Generally with WKS whatever site I've tried (and it isn't that many) the headers from what curl-converter gives me always seem to be fine
    But yes, a VPN is a must-have
    Quote Quote  
  13. Thats not a bad generalization to be fair. Although many sites require literally none at all. Others only need just the 'token(s)' or unique variable value(s) passing.
    Last edited by codehound; 31st Dec 2022 at 17:48.
    Quote Quote  
  14. Originally Posted by ampersand View Post
    I didn't have to weed out any headers with WKS
    Generally with WKS whatever site I've tried (and it isn't that many) the headers from what curl-converter gives me always seem to be fine
    My experience ist just the opposite. With nearly each site that worked with WKS I had to delete at least some headers.
    Quote Quote  
  15. I, too, am having trouble downloading from! I used to be able to download full episodes for years but it seems they have changed something. The only thing I can download now are ads. The video itself won't download. Does anyone have any help. Here's an example video:
    Quote Quote  
  16. Originally Posted by Mich79 View Post
    I, too, am having trouble downloading from! I used to be able to download full episodes for years but it seems they have changed something. The only thing I can download now are ads. The video itself won't download. Does anyone have any help. Here's an example video:
    have you tried codehounds advice?

    heres the key
    --key b78e1e86ddfe4a498754100a87967af0:4f949bbed6c9e16c8fea70f5e6df29fd
    Quote Quote  
  17. Originally Posted by Mich79 View Post
    I, too, am having trouble downloading from! I used to be able to download full episodes for years but it seems they have changed something. The only thing I can download now are ads. The video itself won't download. Does anyone have any help. Here's an example video:
    To add, I am trying to download using TubeDigger. I don't know how to do all the other stuff. I am used to just pasting the url and it downloads, lol.
    Quote Quote  
  18. hello how can i download this video who can help me please thank you
    Quote Quote  
  19. You can download it with N_m3u8DL-RE and the good key to decrypt your video.

    N_m3u8DL-RE.exe --key 49e952b339dd41e1991300813b2c21f0:745c8d61e7124f002dab6178b4777c16 "" -M format=mp4
    [Attachment 68582 - Click to enlarge]

    some readings

    your file
    Last edited by cedric8528; 7th Jan 2023 at 23:50.
    Quote Quote  
  20. I installed mpd detector extension in chrome but I still couldn't download this video, do you have a step-by-step tutorial or a video for me, thank you
    Quote Quote  
  21. Can someone download this video for me? Please and thank you in advance! I'd be very appreciative.
    Quote Quote  
  22. ^^^ thank you so much!!!!!!
    Quote Quote  
  23. Can someone please download this episode for me?
    Quote Quote  
  24. Originally Posted by Mich79 View Post
    Can someone please download this episode for me?
    Quote Quote  
  25. Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
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    your mpd (done removed Ads)
    N_m3u8DL-RE -M format=mkv --key 1d6d4b51887847f1b80fe3ff1d4f56c1:6fe85b143804e393f06e29b5855cc1d2 "PATH your cbs.mpd" --save-name video
    Last edited by iamghost; 19th May 2023 at 04:41.
    Quote Quote  
  26. Originally Posted by Silv3r View Post
    Originally Posted by Mich79 View Post
    Can someone please download this episode for me?
    Thank you so very much. I'm so sad I can no longer use Tubedigger to download from CBS. It used to work so easily. Now, all I get are ads. So, again, thank you.
    Quote Quote  
  27. Originally Posted by ampersand View Post
    Originally Posted by synopeas View Post
    I'm also trying to get a CBS video. Details as follows.
    License url:
    I'm using a working US proxy with using the default headers but get the response:
    Error 405: {"code":100102,"message":"Method 'GET' not allowed for ''."}
    I've tried adding bits to the headers such as referer & authorization but then get a different error.

    I'd like to know if it's possible to get the keys with or WKS-KEYS.


    --key 7c991b01c5f74df1af96ea98721564c0:105277d8d161018700dedd494559a7b3

    edit: cdrm didn't work for me, but i notice that the headers contain "authorization" parameter, which is probably necessary
    Hey I have a very similar problem, can you please look into this as well ? :
    Quote Quote  
  28. I realize I am totally pushing my luck but if anyone could download these two episodes for me, I would be very grateful. If not, I totally understand.
    Quote Quote  
  29. Originally Posted by Mich79 View Post
    I realize I am totally pushing my luck but if anyone could download these two episodes for me, I would be very grateful. If not, I totally understand.
    Your files
    Quote Quote  

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