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  1. I just tested my original CDM on a differet website and i was able to get keys

    [Attachment 72918 - Click to enlarge]

    Just not with CBS. I'll try out those CDMs and see. Thank you!
    Last edited by monsterbubble; 5th Aug 2023 at 14:20.
    Quote Quote  
  2. UPDATE: So i try one of the other CDM and i was able to get the key from cbs. So, it was basically my CDM version.

    Many thanks to all who helped.
    Last edited by monsterbubble; 5th Aug 2023 at 14:21.
    Quote Quote  
  3. Originally Posted by iamghost View Post
    [Attachment 72907 - Click to enlarge]

    must add proxy url
    copy below and save as
    import json
    import random
    import uuid
    import time
    import httpx
    from lxml import html
    class Settings:
        def __init__(self, userCountry: str = None, randomProxy: bool = False) -> None:
            self.randomProxy = randomProxy
            self.userCountry = userCountry
            self.ccgi_url = ""
            self.ext_ver = self.get_ext_ver()
            self.ext_browser = "chrome"
            self.user_uuid = uuid.uuid4().hex
            self.user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36"
            self.product = "cws"
            self.port_type_choice: str
            self.zoneAvailable = ["AR", "AT", "AU", "BE", "BG", "BR", "CA", "CH", "CL", "CO", "CZ", "DE", "DK", "ES", "FI",
                                  "FR", "GR", "HK", "HR", "HU", "ID", "IE", "IL", "IN", "IS", "IT", "JP", "KR", "MX", "NL",
                                  "NO", "NZ", "PL", "RO", "RU", "SE", "SG", "SK", "TR", "UK", "US", "GB"]
        def get_ext_ver(self) -> str:
            about = httpx.get("").text
            if 'window.pub_config.init({"ver":"' in about:
                version = about.split('window.pub_config.init({"ver":"')[1].split('"')[0]
                return version
            # last know working version
            return "1.199.485"
    class Engine:
        def __init__(self, Settings) -> None:
            self.settings = Settings
        def get_proxy(self, tunnels, tls=False) -> str:
            login = f"user-uuid-{self.settings.user_uuid}"
            proxies = dict(tunnels)
            protocol = "https" if tls else "http"
            for k, v in proxies["ip_list"].items():
                return "%s://%s:%s@%s:%d" % (
                    k if tls else v,
        def generate_session_key(self, timeout: float = 10.0) -> json:
            post_data = {"login": "1", "ver": self.settings.ext_ver}
                headers={"User-Agent": self.settings.user_agent},
        def zgettunnels(
            self, session_key: str, country: str, timeout: float = 10.0
        ) -> json:
            qs = {
                "country": country.lower(),
                "limit": 1,
                "ping_id": random.random(),
                "ext_ver": self.settings.ext_ver,
                "browser": self.settings.ext_browser,
                "uuid": self.settings.user_uuid,
                "session_key": session_key,
                f"{self.settings.ccgi_url}zgettunnels", params=qs, timeout=timeout
        def sleep() -> None:
            min_tunnels_pause = 10
            max_tunnels_pause = 25
            def rand_range(low: int, hi: int) -> float:
                if low >= hi:
                    raise Exception("RandRange: low boundary is greater or equal to high boundary")
                delta = hi - low
                return low + random.random() * delta
            sleep_duration = int(rand_range(min_tunnels_pause, max_tunnels_pause))
            # sleep_duration = 10 # seems 10 is enough
            print("Please wait for "+str(sleep_duration)+" seconds.")
    class Hola:
        def __init__(self, Settings) -> None:
            self.myipUri: str = ""
            self.settings = Settings
        def get_country(self) -> str:
            if not self.settings.randomProxy and not self.settings.userCountry:
                self.settings.userCountry = httpx.get(self.myipUri).json()["country"]
            if (
                not self.settings.userCountry in self.settings.zoneAvailable
                or self.settings.randomProxy
                self.settings.userCountry = random.choice(self.settings.zoneAvailable)
            return self.settings.userCountry
    def init_proxy(data):
        settings = Settings(
        )  # True if you want random proxy each request / "DE" for a proxy with region of your choice (German here) / False if you wish to have a proxy localized to your IP address
        settings.port_type_choice = data[
        ]  # direct return datacenter ipinfo, peer "residential" (can fail sometime)
        hola = Hola(settings)
        engine = Engine(settings)
        userCountry = hola.get_country()
        session_key = engine.generate_session_key()
        tunnels = engine.zgettunnels(session_key, userCountry)
        return engine.get_proxy(tunnels)
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        CC = input("Input desired country code: ")
        test = init_proxy({"zone": CC, "port": "peer"})
    find pssh inside mpd
    [Attachment 72908 - Click to enlarge]

    your header is
    [Attachment 72909 - Click to enlarge]

    YES iamghost, THANK YOU!! The "Authorization:Bearer ..." string added to the HEADERS was the final missing piece I needed! I never would have known to add that. [That's why you're the expert and I'm the noob.] BTW, I did not need the PROXY. This worked at "" and "". Have not yet verified "" as I'm still waiting for approval.

    I know I'm being lazy -- just wanted the quickest solution for now. But I guess you guys are telling me I really need to setup my own L3 CDM so I can stop relying on these other sites. THANKS TO ALL for your clues/help in getting to the solution!
    Quote Quote  
  4. Down another rabbit hole here. Decided to see if I could set up a CDM. Since "" is now gone, could not get WKS-Keys. Snooped around for quite awhile looking for it or something else, but was unsuccessful. ;-(

    UPDATE #1: Finally got WKS-Keys from "" via Wayback Machine from 2023-01-11 capture. Copied CDM from Karoolus's post #44 above [tried all 4 sets]. Updated "" with "authorization" string. Tried protobuf v3.19.5 & v3.20.3. Every invocation gives "unable to parse license - check protobufs" error. ;-( User "monsterbubble", starting in post #47 above, had same problem. Maybe I don't understand the setup properly?

    UPDATE #2: DOH! It's WORKING! I had a stale "Authorization" string value in my headers!

    Thanks AGAIN for all your help guys!
    Last edited by zimmerma379; 8th Aug 2023 at 17:30.
    Quote Quote  
  5. did you try looking at the stickied threads?
    Quote Quote  
  6. Search, Learn, Download! Karoolus's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Originally Posted by zimmerma379 View Post
    Down another rabbit hole here. So decided to see if I could set up a CDM. Since is now gone, could not get WKS-Keys. Snooped around for quite awhile looking for it or something else, but was unsuccessful. ;-(
    Are you not able to find WKS-Keys because CDRM-project is down? Or did I just get that wrong?
    Quote Quote  
  7. Originally Posted by ElCap View Post
    did you try looking at the stickied threads?
    I thought I understood what the term "sticky threads" meant; but I can not find them here. ;-(
    Quote Quote  
  8. Originally Posted by ElCap View Post
    Ah, I see now. I thought you guys were referring to some "sticky" REPLIES that were supposed to be at the top of THIS thread. Thanks!
    Quote Quote  
  9. Originally Posted by Karoolus View Post
    Originally Posted by zimmerma379 View Post
    Down another rabbit hole here. So decided to see if I could set up a CDM. Since is now gone, could not get WKS-Keys. Snooped around for quite awhile looking for it or something else, but was unsuccessful. ;-(
    Are you not able to find WKS-Keys because CDRM-project is down? Or did I just get that wrong?
    FINALLY got it to work! See "UPDATES" in my post #64 above. Thanks for all your help Karoolus!
    Last edited by zimmerma379; 8th Aug 2023 at 17:32.
    Quote Quote  
  10. Could someone download these two episodes for me? If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it! Thank you.
    Quote Quote  

    HTML Code:"]

    Decryption Keys:
    HTML Code:
    --key 0bf7a3077f8140fbbd830306d914885f:a126c9f26e17ef79e03734b8309610d0


    HTML Code:"]
    Decryption Keys:
    HTML Code:
    --key fca5b6eef17c4b1fa0a226c3d5fa36cb:cfac22bcc3872ab053aa047a82a65731
    Last edited by skipmack46; 15th Sep 2023 at 20:30.
    Quote Quote  
  12. ^^^ I don't know what any of that means. I was hoping someone could download the episodes for me. ☹
    Quote Quote  
  13. Originally Posted by Mich79 View Post
    ^^^ I don't know what any of that means. I was hoping someone could download the episodes for me. ☹
    why don't you read other posts on this forum and take the program and use the info I just handed you and download your own?
    Quote Quote  
  14. Originally Posted by Mich79 View Post
    ^^^ I don't know what any of that means. I was hoping someone could download the episodes for me. ☹
    HTML Code:
    N_m3u8DL-RE --key 0bf7a3077f8140fbbd830306d914885f:a126c9f26e17ef79e03734b8309610d0 ""]" -M format=mp4
    HTML Code:
    N_m3u8DL-RE --key fca5b6eef17c4b1fa0a226c3d5fa36cb:cfac22bcc3872ab053aa047a82a65731 ""]" -M format=mp4
    Quote Quote  
  15. Sorry. I have tried before and it did not work for me. Previously, someone was kind enough to just post the download links. I do hope someone will take pity on me and provide downloads for those two episodes above. If not, I totally understand. Thanks, anyway!
    Quote Quote  
  16. Could anyone download this episode for me or briefly explain to me how to do it myself? Thank you so much
    Quote Quote  
  17. Thank you so much!

    Do you mind to briefly explain how you did this?
    I tried reading some post and managed to find the manifest.mpd and the getlicense request with Chrome Dev Tools. After this I tried using wks-keys, modified the with all headers from the getlicense request, ran, input the PSSH from the manifest.mpd (the first, short one from "<Period id="0"...") and the getlicense request url.
    But I always ended up with an error: "TypeError: 'body' must be a bytes-like object, file-like object, or iterable. Instead was 1"
    Quote Quote  
  18. Originally Posted by Mich79 View Post
    Originally Posted by Karoolus View Post
    ah right, my downloader does this automatically so I forgot to mention that
    Have you posted that downloader publicly?
    Care to share how the downloader handles the ads?

    Also, I swear to God, when I opened the first link, Stream Detector gave me 2 mpds*... and seems like the one was without the ads. And that one wasn't present in network tab. Really weird.
    It was really weird to me because I was deleting the lines of the mpd with ads, saved it, and accidentally saw that it has the same size now, like the one without ads (I actually had no idea that the other mpd was one without ads, thought it was a separate mpd with only ads or something).

    Originally Posted by ehurdler View Post
    I manually edit my .mpd files to get rid of the ads. If someone has an automated way, I would love to hear it
    I open the .mpd into notepad++
    Got to View -> Fold Level -> 2
    Now everything is "closed"/"folded"
    Highlight each section that looks similar to:
      <Period id="mid-roll-4-ad-1" duration="PT30.03S">
    Shift+Right arrow then delete the line/lines all with mid or pre-roll ads.
    Thanks for this.

    Oh my God... if I turn off the VPN, the video doesn't play, but mpd without ads actually shows up.

    There's some lucky star I was born under... I think I'm one of the few people on earth that accidentally finds "bugs" like this.
    Also I'm really exhausted and can't wait to go to bed so I might be missing something here, will check again tomorrow when I'll be fresh.
    Last edited by [ss]vegeta; 15th Oct 2023 at 14:28.
    Quote Quote  
  19. Hi everyone,

    I ran into a problem with the mpd link for the first time today. I'm trying to download this video:

    There was always one mpd link found by eme logger and it was quite simple (no ad info there), e.g.
    But now, when trying to download, the timing of the video and audio does not match - only the subtitles download correctly and have the correct timing. The downloaded video is an ad instead of an episode, and not even the one that occurs before the episode and definitely shorter than the timing listed.

    [Attachment 74647 - Click to enlarge]

    Turning on/off adblock doesn't help, nor does switching between different IP addresses (I use vpn). CBS has made it harder to get links for a while now - previously it was possible to do it without vpn.

    Has anyone encountered a similar problem?
    Quote Quote  
  20. If someone could download this video for me, I'd sure appreciate it. Thank you in advance for any help!
    Quote Quote  
  21. Originally Posted by ehurdler View Post
    Originally Posted by zimmerma379 View Post
    Thanks for your replies iamghost & Karoolus! I was following a process I used some time ago for itvX videos. I would find the PSSH using a Tampermonkey "EME Logger" user-script. I would get the license & MPD URLs from Chrome DevTools. And then use "cdrm-project" to get the key.

    But I think something is different here with this CBS URL? Are they not using MPDs? The "EME Logger" user-script does NOT find a PSSH. When I use "N_m3u8DL-RE" to process the MPD URL I did find [<...>/manifest.mpd...], it was the COMMERCIAL that plays beforehand; NOT the actual video.

    Another MPD URL then appears, which looks promising, but the MPD portion is the MPD for the ad again:<...>&c66=mediaurl,https%253A%252F%252Fp content%252F2497752%252Fvid%252FgPd2a68tmV_XuX3lBK KQFtrPTStW8Lxb%252FDLS%252Fstreams%252F8621e8e8-b8e5-4a86-a3c6-247d1a8b15ba%252Fmanifest.mpd

    I also see some M3U8 URLs, but they are just a bunch of hex as text:

    So I'm stuck. Any further tips would be appreciated.

    UPDATE: OK, so I see now that the first MPD URL I see [<...>/manifest.mpd...]] seems to be the one I want. But there are so many elements in it -- I'm not sure yet which are for the commercial(s) that I should delete. Also, I still can NOT find the PSSH.
    My process is pretty basic.
    As everyone advised already; if you have WKS-Keys or one of the other solutions to get the keys......, this is my process:

    Load your video of choice from cbs with Dev Tools open.
    On Network Tab, search for .mpd and play video.

    The one .mpd it loads, right click on it and save it somewhere.
    Also with .mpd file selected in Network tab, view response.
    If you scroll down a bit you'll see the PSSH, it's the shorter one.

    You can use that as others pointed out with your preferred method to get keys.

    I manually edit my .mpd files to get rid of the ads. If someone has an automated way, I would love to hear it
    I open the .mpd into notepad++
    Got to View -> Fold Level -> 2
    Now everything is "closed"/"folded"
    Highlight each section that looks similar to:
      <Period id="mid-roll-4-ad-1" duration="PT30.03S">
    Shift+Right arrow then delete the line/lines all with mid or pre-roll ads.
    re-save file.
    Run through like imaghost showed above, you should get video file without ads.
    How to remove all ads from this .mpd file please help ?

    Quote Quote  
  22. Member
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    Originally Posted by kartik View Post

    How to remove all ads from this .mpd file please help ?

    just keep <Period id="1 to 7" duration="PT3M2.181999999S"> all the way down to <period>
    if you see from <Period id="mid-roll-4-ad-1" duration="PT30.03S"> delete all of it till you see <Period id="1 to 7" duration="PT3M2.181999999S"> coming next
    Quote Quote  
  23. Originally Posted by iamghost View Post
    Originally Posted by kartik View Post

    How to remove all ads from this .mpd file please help ?

    just keep <Period id="1 to 7" duration="PT3M2.181999999S"> all the way down to <period>
    if you see from <Period id="mid-roll-4-ad-1" duration="PT30.03S"> delete all of it till you see <Period id="1 to 7" duration="PT3M2.181999999S"> coming next
    [Attachment 75345 - Click to enlarge]
    Thank you so much for the help iamghost.
    Quote Quote  
  24. The latest version of dash-mpd-cli has a pretty nifty feature for ignoring Periods which contain advertising. You give it an XPath expression that matches elements you want to drop/ignore when downloading. Here, something like

    dash-mpd-cli -v --drop-elements "//mpd:Period[contains(@id, '-ad-')]" https://site/manifest.mpd
    (Can't actually check because the manifest here has expired.)

    Last edited by pteque; 9th Dec 2023 at 11:43. Reason: Fix XPath syntax
    Quote Quote  
  25. Could someone please download these two episodes for me. Please and thanks very much for help. Merry Christmas.
    Quote Quote  

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