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  1. Do not send me DM's
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    Originally Posted by deccavox View Post
    Originally Posted by Samuel View Post
    Originally Posted by adrian44 View Post
    So, a bunch of programs I want to obtain in 1080p from ITVx will disappear in days, and thought I'd check one final time if any of you gentlemen had yet figured out a way or a command that lets one obtain that resolution. At the moment best I can get is 896x504. Thank you
    Pretty easy to get manifest for 1080p, the difficult part is decrypting them since it requires a L1 device for anything over 576.
    Is it? I've tried just streaming (ie. not downloading) ITVX in both latest versions of Chrome & Firefox and also on an Android emulator within Windows (Bluestacks). In each case, the visual quality is SD only. Now those browsers work perfectly fine with Amazon Prime Video and Netflix, they produce perfectly excellent 1080p. So my browsers can decrypt L1 just fine.
    So, my conclusion is ITVX is a load of shite and a big con.
    Britbox still works fine (and is L3 encryted). But here in the UK that only gives 720p HD and shitty 96Kbps audio. But it's better than ITVX.
    Most of ITV1 and much of the new "ITVX only" series are on STV player, most of which is not encrypted (apart from some US series, which are L3 encrypted and segmented).
    Britbox and the old ITVHub+ addons when used within an Amazon Prime subs do give 1080p and 224Kbps audio (assuming that you have software to download from there).
    ITVX streams depend on device AND user strings.
    Browsers, (with a narrow exception; secure and trusted platform) will only provide sd, there is no bypass for this.
    Android via an emulator will be missing the required and essential trustzone credentials for L1 encryption.

    The firestick apk is a wrapper with a set user string (as every access point re: browser, apk) and device certificate. The fire stick app will provide a 1080p stream that is L1 encrypted.
    And at this point the discussion ends.
    L1 is beyond the scope of this site. It's a fecking pain to obtain, and any suspected l1 key leak results in key revokes within hours.

    ITVX is sd only for l3.
    You will not get 1080p via a browser or emulation, at least not bluestacks,
    From a provider POV ITVX works perfectly fine.
    From a, ahem, 'hoarding', POV it's a headache that you will not be able to resolve.
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  2. Member
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    Here's my version of an ITVX Downloader which will run in Windows, and I believe I have made it platform proof so should run on linux and a Mac. I have only tested it on Windows, so if anybody wants to confirm the other platforms, please do, and to let me know of any errors that may occur.
    Some of the code I have based on A_n_g_e_l_a's excellent version here: so I really must thank her for the inspiration.

    If you have a subscription with Britbox, it works perfectly well with that as well. You'll get 720p video instead of 504p. Still shitty 96Kbps audio though.

    It works from within WKS-KEYS folder using your own cdm, but you only need the pywidevine folder. So you can delete the, and files.
    Use your own cdm within the .\pywidevine\L3\cdm\devices\android_generic folder

    Your final video file you will find in the 'Completed' folder.

    It goes without saying you are expected to have suitably placed ffmpeg.exe, ffprobe.exe, aria2c.exe, mp4decrypt.exe, yt-dlp.exe

    Please enjoy!
    ####version (20230108-1)
    ITVX downloader
    inspired by A_n_g_e_l_a to whom I give a huge thank you to.
    All you need is the mpd. Apparently, using 'The Stream Detector' browser plugin means you can avoid logging in to the site. I just filter for mpd in Network within Developer tools.
    I believe I have coded it to make it universal (ie. Windows, Linux & Mac). I have only tested it on a Windows system though.
    Works from within WKS-KEYS folder using your own cdm, but you only need the pywidevine folder. So you can delete the, and files.
    Use your own cdm within the .\pywidevine\L3\cdm\devices\android_generic folder
    import os
    import base64
    import requests
    from pywidevine.L3.cdm import deviceconfig
    from base64 import b64encode
    from pywidevine.L3.decrypt.wvdecryptcustom import WvDecrypt
    import shutil
    import glob
    ##########useful when used within VS Code to tell it which directory you're in
    abspath = os.path.abspath(__file__)
    dname = os.path.dirname(abspath)
    headers = {
        'Accept': '*/*',
        'Accept-Language': 'en-GB,en;q=0.9',
        'Connection': 'keep-alive',
    def cls():
        # posix is os name for Linux or mac
        if( == 'posix'):
            os.system('clear')  # clear is the bash command
        # else screen will be cleared for windows (os name is actually nt for Windows)
            os.system('cls')  # cls is the batch command
    def WV_Function(pssh, lic_url, cert_b64=None):
        wvdecrypt = WvDecrypt(init_data_b64=pssh, cert_data_b64=cert_b64, device=deviceconfig.device_android_generic)                   
        widevine_license =, data=wvdecrypt.get_challenge(), headers=None)
        license_b64 = b64encode(widevine_license.content)
        Correct, keyswvdecrypt = wvdecrypt.start_process()
        if Correct:
            return keyswvdecrypt  
    def message(message):
    	print("-" * (len(message)+6) + "\n" + "   " + message + "\n" + "-" * (len(message)+6))
    def findlicense(mpd_url):
        bit = mpd_url.split('/',8)
        ContentID = bit[7].rsplit('_',2 )
        license = "" + ContentID[0]
        print("\nlicence URL found is " + license)
        return license
    def generate_pssh(kid: str):
        str1 = '000000387073736800000000edef8ba979d64acea3c827dcd51d21ed000000181210'
        str3 = '48e3dc959b06'
        return base64.b64encode(bytes.fromhex(str1+kid+str3)).decode()
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        mpd_url = input("enter mpd: ")
        # get mpd file listings
        mpd_text = requests.get(mpd_url, headers = headers).text
        # find KID
        index_kid = mpd_text.find("cenc:default_KID=")
        for count, i in enumerate(mpd_text[index_kid: ]):
    	    if i == ">":
                    kid = mpd_text[index_kid+18: index_kid+count-1]
        kid = kid.replace('-', '')
        message("KID found is " + kid)
        #get PSSH
        pssh = generate_pssh(kid)
        message("PSSH found is " + pssh)
        #get lience URL
        lic_url = findlicense(mpd_url)
        #get KEY
        keys = WV_Function(pssh, lic_url)
        message("KID:KEY found is " + (keys[0]))
        keys = str(keys[0])
        division = keys.find(":")
        key = (keys[division+1:])
        print(f"   KEY# is {key}")
        os.system(f'yt-dlp --allow-u -f bestvideo --downloader aria2c "{mpd_url}" -o encryptVid.mp4')
        os.system(f'yt-dlp --allow-u -f bestaudio --downloader aria2c "{mpd_url}" -o encryptAud.m4a')
        print("==============================\n\n Decrypting\n\n==============================")
        os.system(f"mp4decrypt --show-progress --key 1:{key} encryptVid.mp4 video_decrypt.mp4")
        os.system(f"mp4decrypt --show-progress --key 1:{key} encryptAud.m4a audio_decrypt.m4a")
        if not os.path.exists("Throwaway"):
        if not os.path.exists("Completed"):
        output_name = input("What do you want to call your final file? (do not include file .extension like .mp4) ")
        output_name = f"{output_name}.mp4"
        os.system(f"ffmpeg -i video_decrypt.mp4  -i audio_decrypt.m4a -c:v copy -c:a copy mux_file.mp4")
        os.rename("mux_file.mp4", f'{output_name}')
        shutil.move(f'{output_name}', "./Completed")
        for data in glob.glob("*_decrypt*.*"):
        for data in glob.glob("encrypt*.*"):
        print(f"All done.\n\n Your final file '{output_name}' is in 'Completed' folder")
        input("\n\n\        Press 'Enter' key when you're ready for the 'Throwaway' folder to be deleted ")
    Last edited by deccavox; 9th Jan 2023 at 08:29.
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  3. Do not send me DM's
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    Why use mp4decrypt over shaka-packager?
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  4. Member
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    Originally Posted by Sorenb View Post
    Why use mp4decrypt over shaka-packager?
    That's probably down to me Mr Sorenb, Sir, as Deccavox has adapted an earlier post of mine. I think a suitable answer would be 'for no particular reason' except habit. It works. And when coding, I'll often cut and paste from what I've written before.
    Last edited by A_n_g_e_l_a; 1st Jun 2023 at 05:51.
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  5. Do not send me DM's
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    shaka with n-m3 for rte works if the keys are correctly formated in a text file
    rte issues 5 keys
    in fish, but the loop approach is still the same.
    for n in ${array[@]}
        n-m3u8dl-re $MPD --use-shaka-packager --key-text-file 1key.txt -sv res="$n" --save-name=$n"p"
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    Originally Posted by Sorenb View Post
    in fish, but the loop approach is still the same.
    for n in ${array[@]}
        n-m3u8dl-re $MPD --use-shaka-packager --key-text-file 1key.txt -sv res="$n" --save-name=$n"p"
    Thanks; v. helpful
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  7. Member
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    Originally Posted by A_n_g_e_l_a View Post
    Originally Posted by Sorenb View Post
    Why use mp4decrypt over shaka-packager?
    That's probably down to me Mr Sorenb, Sir, as Deccavox has adapted an earlier post of mine. I think a suitable answer would be 'for no particular reason' except habit. It works. And when coding, I'll often cut and paste from what I've written before.

    In the same vein you might also ask why hasn't N_m3u8DL-RE been used to do the download, decrypting and merging all in one pass?
    I have this is my current ITVX downloader
    def getnm3u8(mpd_url, pssh):
        divides("getting encrypted streams")
        # decrypt
        lic_url = findlicense(mpd_url)
        keys = WV_Function(pssh, lic_url)
        for key in keys:
            mykeys += ('--key ' + key)
        key = mykeys
        divides("key found")
        command = [
            key,  ## has --key already encoded
    But I don't call that def as N_m3u8DL-RE will not download from ITVX for me - not sure why? Also found N_m3u8DL-RE doesn't appear to like lots of keys -some of which may not work. (
    You're quite right A_n_g_e_l_a. I was "brought up" with mp4decrypt and have used it for some years now, simply because it's never failed me. I'd never even heard of shaka-packager lol.

    Regarding N_m3u8DL-RE. I used to use N_m3u8DL-CLI but I found it only worked with RTE player and All4. I'll have a look at -RE (and also shaka). But I probably won't change my methods there, unless I can see a clear advantage (apart from saving a few lines of code). It's good to know they exist though.
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    Originally Posted by [ss]vegeta View Post
    Here's your "crash course".
    Now do your job and do a little bit of reading on this forum. Try to find all the tools I use.
    For the first part of getting PSSH via console, you need Eme logger script with TamperMonkey add-on.
    Thank you for the crash course. Followed it on my mac and it worked perfectly. I have very limited knowledge of coding but was able to follow along.

    Does anybody know how to get 1080 HD from ITVx? I managed to get a 896x504 video after following the above tutorial. But would be even better to get 1080 if its possible? This is the show I'm downloading:
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  9. Do not send me DM's
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    Originally Posted by seanadl View Post
    Originally Posted by [ss]vegeta View Post
    Here's your "crash course".
    Now do your job and do a little bit of reading on this forum. Try to find all the tools I use.
    For the first part of getting PSSH via console, you need Eme logger script with TamperMonkey add-on.
    Thank you for the crash course. Followed it on my mac and it worked perfectly. I have very limited knowledge of coding but was able to follow along.

    Does anybody know how to get 1080 HD from ITVx? I managed to get a 896x504 video after following the above tutorial. But would be even better to get 1080 if its possible? This is the show I'm downloading:
    Grab it from STV.TV.
    it will be in 1080p, unencrypted.
    In regard to 1080p ITVX streams, bah, you're having a laugh, aren't you?

    I'll put it in the easiest terms I can, as it has been stated already in this thread, while there does exist a 1080p 6 channel stream for ITVX content, you, yes YOU reading this, will not be able to get it.
    It is a L1 encrypted stream, I'll repeat that, L1 encrypted.
    That in itself should be enough for most to know that it's beyond their capabilities.
    Secondly, that 1080p manifest is tied to device certification, the server will not issue a mpd manifest for 1080p content if the device certificate is outdated, mismatched or malformed.
    That requires an advanced knowledge of particular devices and their trustzones to obtain
    It's safe to say, if that sounds hard, that's because it is.

    Now, here's an added tip, especially for this site.
    There are an awful lot of bullshit artists posing as knowledgeable 'hackers', and may send you PM's offering to help. Or in my case asking/demanding I do the work for them.
    Ignore them.
    Quote Quote  
  10. Member
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    Originally Posted by Sorenb View Post
    Originally Posted by seanadl View Post
    Originally Posted by [ss]vegeta View Post
    Here's your "crash course".
    Now do your job and do a little bit of reading on this forum. Try to find all the tools I use.
    For the first part of getting PSSH via console, you need Eme logger script with TamperMonkey add-on.
    Thank you for the crash course. Followed it on my mac and it worked perfectly. I have very limited knowledge of coding but was able to follow along.

    Does anybody know how to get 1080 HD from ITVx? I managed to get a 896x504 video after following the above tutorial. But would be even better to get 1080 if its possible? This is the show I'm downloading:
    Grab it from STV.TV.
    it will be in 1080p, unencrypted.
    In regard to 1080p ITVX streams, bah, you're having a laugh, aren't you?
    Ah thanks for that. worked perfectly for that show.

    For this one, not so much.

    Am I right in thinking that because this one is American, it's encrypted?

    Now, here's an added tip, especially for this site.
    There are an awful lot of bullshit artists posing as knowledgeable 'hackers', and may send you PM's offering to help. Or in my case asking/demanding I do the work for them.
    Ignore them.
    Thanks for the heads up!
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  11. Do not send me DM's
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    Originally Posted by seanadl View Post
    Originally Posted by Sorenb View Post
    Originally Posted by seanadl View Post
    Originally Posted by [ss]vegeta View Post
    Here's your "crash course".
    Now do your job and do a little bit of reading on this forum. Try to find all the tools I use.
    For the first part of getting PSSH via console, you need Eme logger script with TamperMonkey add-on.
    Thank you for the crash course. Followed it on my mac and it worked perfectly. I have very limited knowledge of coding but was able to follow along.

    Does anybody know how to get 1080 HD from ITVx? I managed to get a 896x504 video after following the above tutorial. But would be even better to get 1080 if its possible? This is the show I'm downloading:
    Grab it from STV.TV.
    it will be in 1080p, unencrypted.
    In regard to 1080p ITVX streams, bah, you're having a laugh, aren't you?
    Ah thanks for that. worked perfectly for that show.

    For this one, not so much.

    Am I right in thinking that because this one is American, it's encrypted?

    Now, here's an added tip, especially for this site.
    There are an awful lot of bullshit artists posing as knowledgeable 'hackers', and may send you PM's offering to help. Or in my case asking/demanding I do the work for them.
    Ignore them.
    Thanks for the heads up!
    The 60 minutes Prince Harry interview, is not encrypted. At least, not for me. I just accessed the manifest and pulled the steam data
    [stv:player] 4e42: Downloading webpage
    [brightcove:new] 6318417810112: Downloading JSON metadata
    [brightcove:new] 6318417810112: Downloading m3u8 information
    [brightcove:new] 6318417810112: Downloading m3u8 information
    [brightcove:new] 6318417810112: Downloading m3u8 information
    [brightcove:new] 6318417810112: Downloading m3u8 information
    [brightcove:new] 6318417810112: Downloading MPD manifest
    [brightcove:new] 6318417810112: Downloading MPD manifest
    [brightcove:new] 6318417810112: Downloading MPD manifest
    [brightcove:new] 6318417810112: Downloading MPD manifest
    [info] Available formats for 6318417810112:
    ID                                          EXT RESOLUTION │   FILESIZE   TBR PROTO │ VCODEC        VBR ACODEC      ABR ASR MORE INFO
    hls-audio-0-en__Main_-0                     mp4 audio only │                  m3u8  │ audio only        unknown             [en] en (Main)
    hls-audio-0-en__Main_-1                     mp4 audio only │                  m3u8  │ audio only        unknown             [en] en (Main)
    hls-audio-1-en__Main_-0                     mp4 audio only │                  m3u8  │ audio only        unknown             [en] en (Main)
    hls-audio-1-en__Main_-1                     mp4 audio only │                  m3u8  │ audio only        unknown             [en] en (Main)
    hls-audio-2-en__Main_-0                     mp4 audio only │                  m3u8  │ audio only        unknown             [en] en (Main)
    hls-audio-2-en__Main_-1                     mp4 audio only │                  m3u8  │ audio only        unknown             [en] en (Main)
    dash-faa1aff1-6312-46b1-ab8e-f4f5ae5a12d7-0 m4a audio only │ ~ 12.37MiB   63k dash  │ audio only        mp4a.40.2   63k 48k [en] DASH audio, m4a_dash
    dash-faa1aff1-6312-46b1-ab8e-f4f5ae5a12d7-1 m4a audio only │ ~ 12.37MiB   63k dash  │ audio only        mp4a.40.2   63k 48k [en] DASH audio, m4a_dash
    dash-faa1aff1-6312-46b1-ab8e-f4f5ae5a12d7-2 m4a audio only │ ~ 12.37MiB   63k dash  │ audio only        mp4a.40.2   63k 48k [en] DASH audio, m4a_dash
    dash-faa1aff1-6312-46b1-ab8e-f4f5ae5a12d7-3 m4a audio only │ ~ 12.37MiB   63k dash  │ audio only        mp4a.40.2   63k 48k [en] DASH audio, m4a_dash
    dash-4864f0e2-b08d-48c5-97e4-ad1c2ecb9efc-0 m4a audio only │ ~ 18.85MiB   96k dash  │ audio only        mp4a.40.2   96k 48k [en] DASH audio, m4a_dash
    dash-4864f0e2-b08d-48c5-97e4-ad1c2ecb9efc-1 m4a audio only │ ~ 18.85MiB   96k dash  │ audio only        mp4a.40.2   96k 48k [en] DASH audio, m4a_dash
    dash-4864f0e2-b08d-48c5-97e4-ad1c2ecb9efc-2 m4a audio only │ ~ 18.85MiB   96k dash  │ audio only        mp4a.40.2   96k 48k [en] DASH audio, m4a_dash
    dash-4864f0e2-b08d-48c5-97e4-ad1c2ecb9efc-3 m4a audio only │ ~ 18.85MiB   96k dash  │ audio only        mp4a.40.2   96k 48k [en] DASH audio, m4a_dash
    dash-7e0822f7-a5cb-44f8-b3f5-7e29837fe6aa-0 m4a audio only │ ~ 24.94MiB  127k dash  │ audio only        mp4a.40.2  127k 48k [en] DASH audio, m4a_dash
    dash-7e0822f7-a5cb-44f8-b3f5-7e29837fe6aa-1 m4a audio only │ ~ 24.94MiB  127k dash  │ audio only        mp4a.40.2  127k 48k [en] DASH audio, m4a_dash
    dash-7e0822f7-a5cb-44f8-b3f5-7e29837fe6aa-2 m4a audio only │ ~ 24.94MiB  127k dash  │ audio only        mp4a.40.2  127k 48k [en] DASH audio, m4a_dash
    dash-7e0822f7-a5cb-44f8-b3f5-7e29837fe6aa-3 m4a audio only │ ~ 24.94MiB  127k dash  │ audio only        mp4a.40.2  127k 48k [en] DASH audio, m4a_dash
    dash-6f6bc0b2-72e1-48d8-b913-e5be9ce674a7-0 mp4 384x216    │ ~ 43.21MiB  220k dash  │ avc1.42000d  220k video only          DASH video, mp4_dash
    dash-6f6bc0b2-72e1-48d8-b913-e5be9ce674a7-1 mp4 384x216    │ ~ 43.21MiB  220k dash  │ avc1.42000d  220k video only          DASH video, mp4_dash
    dash-6f6bc0b2-72e1-48d8-b913-e5be9ce674a7-2 mp4 384x216    │ ~ 43.21MiB  220k dash  │ avc1.42000d  220k video only          DASH video, mp4_dash
    dash-6f6bc0b2-72e1-48d8-b913-e5be9ce674a7-3 mp4 384x216    │ ~ 43.21MiB  220k dash  │ avc1.42000d  220k video only          DASH video, mp4_dash
    hls-311-0                                   mp4 384x216    │ ~ 61.14MiB  311k m3u8  │ avc1.42000d  311k video only
    hls-311-1                                   mp4 384x216    │ ~ 61.14MiB  311k m3u8  │ avc1.42000d  311k video only
    hls-311-2                                   mp4 384x216    │ ~ 61.14MiB  311k m3u8  │ avc1.42000d  311k mp4a.40.2    0k
    hls-311-3                                   mp4 384x216    │ ~ 61.14MiB  311k m3u8  │ avc1.42000d  311k mp4a.40.2    0k
    dash-ff25a61c-916d-43c8-828b-0df5637e9c5e-0 mp4 512x288    │ ~ 76.79MiB  391k dash  │ avc1.4d0015  391k video only          DASH video, mp4_dash
    dash-ff25a61c-916d-43c8-828b-0df5637e9c5e-1 mp4 512x288    │ ~ 76.79MiB  391k dash  │ avc1.4d0015  391k video only          DASH video, mp4_dash
    dash-ff25a61c-916d-43c8-828b-0df5637e9c5e-2 mp4 512x288    │ ~ 76.79MiB  391k dash  │ avc1.4d0015  391k video only          DASH video, mp4_dash
    dash-ff25a61c-916d-43c8-828b-0df5637e9c5e-3 mp4 512x288    │ ~ 76.79MiB  391k dash  │ avc1.4d0015  391k video only          DASH video, mp4_dash
    hls-535-0                                   mp4 512x288    │ ~105.21MiB  536k m3u8  │ avc1.4d0015  536k video only
    hls-535-1                                   mp4 512x288    │ ~105.21MiB  536k m3u8  │ avc1.4d0015  536k video only
    hls-535-2                                   mp4 512x288    │ ~105.21MiB  536k m3u8  │ avc1.4d0015  536k mp4a.40.2    0k
    hls-535-3                                   mp4 512x288    │ ~105.21MiB  536k m3u8  │ avc1.4d0015  536k mp4a.40.2    0k
    dash-0cfb7562-0d5e-45f8-bcf6-47fe53522bbc-0 mp4 768x432    │ ~146.12MiB  744k dash  │ avc1.4d001e  744k video only          DASH video, mp4_dash
    dash-0cfb7562-0d5e-45f8-bcf6-47fe53522bbc-1 mp4 768x432    │ ~146.12MiB  744k dash  │ avc1.4d001e  744k video only          DASH video, mp4_dash
    dash-0cfb7562-0d5e-45f8-bcf6-47fe53522bbc-2 mp4 768x432    │ ~146.12MiB  744k dash  │ avc1.4d001e  744k video only          DASH video, mp4_dash
    dash-0cfb7562-0d5e-45f8-bcf6-47fe53522bbc-3 mp4 768x432    │ ~146.12MiB  744k dash  │ avc1.4d001e  744k video only          DASH video, mp4_dash
    hls-958-0                                   mp4 768x432    │ ~188.17MiB  958k m3u8  │ avc1.4d001e  958k video only
    hls-958-1                                   mp4 768x432    │ ~188.17MiB  958k m3u8  │ avc1.4d001e  958k video only
    hls-958-2                                   mp4 768x432    │ ~188.17MiB  958k m3u8  │ avc1.4d001e  958k mp4a.40.2    0k
    hls-958-3                                   mp4 768x432    │ ~188.17MiB  958k m3u8  │ avc1.4d001e  958k mp4a.40.2    0k
    dash-5611d155-7975-49af-a548-e75eff9aee6f-0 mp4 1024x576   │ ~235.48MiB 1199k dash  │ avc1.4d001f 1199k video only          DASH video, mp4_dash
    dash-5611d155-7975-49af-a548-e75eff9aee6f-1 mp4 1024x576   │ ~235.48MiB 1199k dash  │ avc1.4d001f 1199k video only          DASH video, mp4_dash
    dash-5611d155-7975-49af-a548-e75eff9aee6f-2 mp4 1024x576   │ ~235.48MiB 1199k dash  │ avc1.4d001f 1199k video only          DASH video, mp4_dash
    dash-5611d155-7975-49af-a548-e75eff9aee6f-3 mp4 1024x576   │ ~235.48MiB 1199k dash  │ avc1.4d001f 1199k video only          DASH video, mp4_dash
    hls-1458-0                                  mp4 1024x576   │ ~286.46MiB 1459k m3u8  │ avc1.4d001f 1459k video only
    hls-1458-1                                  mp4 1024x576   │ ~286.46MiB 1459k m3u8  │ avc1.4d001f 1459k video only
    hls-1458-2                                  mp4 1024x576   │ ~286.46MiB 1459k m3u8  │ avc1.4d001f 1459k mp4a.40.2    0k
    hls-1458-3                                  mp4 1024x576   │ ~286.46MiB 1459k m3u8  │ avc1.4d001f 1459k mp4a.40.2    0k
    dash-79e54cc9-289a-4f36-8171-d7f687d16487-0 mp4 1280x720   │ ~366.87MiB 1868k dash  │ avc1.4d001f 1868k video only          DASH video, mp4_dash
    dash-79e54cc9-289a-4f36-8171-d7f687d16487-1 mp4 1280x720   │ ~366.87MiB 1868k dash  │ avc1.4d001f 1868k video only          DASH video, mp4_dash
    dash-79e54cc9-289a-4f36-8171-d7f687d16487-2 mp4 1280x720   │ ~366.87MiB 1868k dash  │ avc1.4d001f 1868k video only          DASH video, mp4_dash
    dash-79e54cc9-289a-4f36-8171-d7f687d16487-3 mp4 1280x720   │ ~366.87MiB 1868k dash  │ avc1.4d001f 1868k video only          DASH video, mp4_dash
    hls-2194-0                                  mp4 1280x720   │ ~430.99MiB 2194k m3u8  │ avc1.4d001f 2194k video only
    hls-2194-1                                  mp4 1280x720   │ ~430.99MiB 2194k m3u8  │ avc1.4d001f 2194k video only
    http-2118k-720p-0                           mp4 1280x720   │  406.95MiB 2118k http  │ H264        2118k unknown      0k     MP4
    http-2118k-720p-1                           mp4 1280x720   │  406.95MiB 2118k https │ H264        2118k unknown      0k     MP4
    hls-2194-2                                  mp4 1280x720   │ ~430.99MiB 2194k m3u8  │ avc1.4d001f 2194k mp4a.40.2    0k
    hls-2194-3                                  mp4 1280x720   │ ~430.99MiB 2194k m3u8  │ avc1.4d001f 2194k mp4a.40.2    0k
    dash-78b9a0c7-2001-47e8-821f-6e8747bd51e3-0 mp4 1920x1080  │ ~696.42MiB 3546k dash  │ avc1.640028 3546k video only          DASH video, mp4_dash
    dash-78b9a0c7-2001-47e8-821f-6e8747bd51e3-1 mp4 1920x1080  │ ~696.42MiB 3546k dash  │ avc1.640028 3546k video only          DASH video, mp4_dash
    dash-78b9a0c7-2001-47e8-821f-6e8747bd51e3-2 mp4 1920x1080  │ ~696.42MiB 3546k dash  │ avc1.640028 3546k video only          DASH video, mp4_dash
    dash-78b9a0c7-2001-47e8-821f-6e8747bd51e3-3 mp4 1920x1080  │ ~696.42MiB 3546k dash  │ avc1.640028 3546k video only          DASH video, mp4_dash
    hls-4040-0                                  mp4 1920x1080  │ ~793.50MiB 4040k m3u8  │ avc1.640028 4040k video only
    hls-4040-1                                  mp4 1920x1080  │ ~793.50MiB 4040k m3u8  │ avc1.640028 4040k video only
    hls-4040-2                                  mp4 1920x1080  │ ~793.50MiB 4040k m3u8  │ avc1.640028 4040k mp4a.40.2    0k
    hls-4040-3                                  mp4 1920x1080  │ ~793.50MiB 4040k m3u8  │ avc1.640028 4040k mp4a.40.2    0k
    the 1080p file is 706mb

    Unique ID                                : 91475085871445813126951148648856192399 (0x44D175F0BB435AE637A0EFC7FA02858F)
    Complete name                            : 60 Minutes S55E17 Prince Harry 1080p STV WebDl aac h264.mkv
    Format                                   : Matroska
    Format version                           : Version 4
    File size                                : 706 MiB
    Duration                                 : 26 min 48 s
    Overall bit rate mode                    : Variable
    Overall bit rate                         : 3 679 kb/s
    Movie name                               : 60 Minutes S55E17 Prince Harry
    Description                              : Prince Harry and Anderson Cooper speak in the royal's first American television interview about his new memoir, "Spare."
    Writing application                      : Lavf59.27.100
    Writing library                          : Lavf59.27.100
    ErrorDetectionType                       : Per level 1
    ID                                       : 1
    Format                                   : AVC
    Format/Info                              : Advanced Video Codec
    Format profile                           : High@L4
    Format settings                          : CABAC / 4 Ref Frames
    Format settings, CABAC                   : Yes
    Format settings, Reference frames        : 4 frames
    Codec ID                                 : V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC
    Duration                                 : 26 min 48 s
    Bit rate mode                            : Variable
    Bit rate                                 : 3 547 kb/s
    Maximum bit rate                         : 5 340 kb/s
    Width                                    : 1 920 pixels
    Height                                   : 1 080 pixels
    Display aspect ratio                     : 16:9
    Frame rate mode                          : Constant
    Frame rate                               : 25.000 FPS
    Color space                              : YUV
    Chroma subsampling                       : 4:2:0
    Bit depth                                : 8 bits
    Scan type                                : Progressive
    Bits/(Pixel*Frame)                       : 0.068
    Stream size                              : 680 MiB (96%)
    Title                                    : Video
    Default                                  : Yes
    Forced                                   : No
    Color range                              : Limited
    Color primaries                          : BT.709
    Transfer characteristics                 : BT.709
    Matrix coefficients                      : BT.709
    ID                                       : 2
    Format                                   : AAC LC
    Format/Info                              : Advanced Audio Codec Low Complexity
    Codec ID                                 : A_AAC-2
    Duration                                 : 26 min 48 s
    Bit rate                                 : 127 kb/s
    Channel(s)                               : 2 channels
    Channel layout                           : L R
    Sampling rate                            : 48.0 kHz
    Frame rate                               : 46.875 FPS (1024 SPF)
    Compression mode                         : Lossy
    Stream size                              : 24.4 MiB (3%)
    Title                                    : English
    Language                                 : English
    Default                                  : Yes
    Forced                                   : No
    Text #1
    ID                                       : 3
    Format                                   : ASS
    Codec ID                                 : S_TEXT/ASS
    Codec ID/Info                            : Advanced Sub Station Alpha
    Duration                                 : 26 min 28 s
    Bit rate                                 : 187 b/s
    Frame rate                               : 0.362 FPS
    Count of elements                        : 575
    Compression mode                         : Lossless
    Stream size                              : 36.2 KiB (0%)
    Title                                    : English Advanced Substation Alpha
    Language                                 : English
    Default                                  : Yes
    Forced                                   : No
    Last edited by Sorenb; 14th Jan 2023 at 10:06.
    Quote Quote  
  12. Member
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    Ah that's strange. I used AllMyTube to download the first vid from STV (harry - the interview) - but trying the 60 minutes one it keeps failing to download.
    Quote Quote  
  13. Member
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    Actually scrap the above response. Managed to get something downloading using yt-dlp instead.
    Quote Quote  
  14. Do not send me DM's
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    Originally Posted by seanadl View Post
    Ah that's strange. I used AllMyTube to download the first vid from STV (harry - the interview) - but trying the 60 minutes one it keeps failing to download.
    I have no idea what AllMyTube is. Can't help you there. Sorry.
    Quote Quote  
  15. Do not send me DM's
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    Originally Posted by seanadl View Post
    Actually scrap the above response. Managed to get something downloading using yt-dlp instead.
    Finally, a sensible use of knowledge.
    Quote Quote  
  16. Hello everyone -- newbie here

    I'll be honest, I know nothing about coding so I'm having diffs with the help on here, fantastic though it is.

    How long do you think it would take me to get things working?

    There are a couple of vintage series I wouldn't mind grabbing, just in case they disappear from ITVX. One is 30 eps the other 26 (all half hours).

    720p is perfectly fine.

    Quote Quote  
  17. Originally Posted by Dino Crochetti View Post
    Hello everyone -- newbie here

    I'll be honest, I know nothing about coding so I'm having diffs with the help on here, fantastic though it is.

    How long do you think it would take me to get things working?

    There are a couple of vintage series I wouldn't mind grabbing, just in case they disappear from ITVX. One is 30 eps the other 26 (all half hours).

    720p is perfectly fine.

    Have you watched vegetas video at the start of this thread?
    How much of that made sense to you? How much can you do on your own?
    If you're looking to backup some shows that will go missing soon, then learning this might be beneficial to you.

    Getting 504p from itvx is simple enough, but 720p is a little bit trickier
    I'd start with getting 504p first and then try for 720p later.

    What series are you after? Maybe someone can get the keys for you or recommend a different source.
    Quote Quote  
  18. Originally Posted by ElCap View Post
    Have you watched vegetas video at the start of this thread?
    How much of that made sense to you? How much can you do on your own?
    If you're looking to backup some shows that will go missing soon, then learning this might be beneficial to you.

    Getting 504p from itvx is simple enough, but 720p is a little bit trickier
    I'd start with getting 504p first and then try for 720p later.

    What series are you after? Maybe someone can get the keys for you or recommend a different source.
    Cheers--I have watched the video a few times. It doesn't make a lot of sense but I could probably have a try at it with endeavour. It may take a while. I do mess about with video formats and the like.

    The reason I wanted the series (Catweazle) is because it's on there in HD, albeit unrestored.

    It's obviously been scanned direct from film prints and I really like how it looks. I have the series on DVD, but this is a considerable upgrade IMO.
    Quote Quote  
  19. All concerned. Many thanks for all the info and tutorials in this thread. Obviously special thanks to [ss]vegetta for the crash course post and tut.

    Complete newbie to this stream ripping, obviously a bit of a learning curve and a few mistakes and errors along the way, but that's the name of the game when learning something new. Now successfully downloading/decrypting/muxing ITVX stuff. So far I've drawn a blank on getting accompanying subs for a program, out of luck Googling and searching the forum. Is there any method of ripping the subs, a browser extension (preferably Chrome) a Tampermonkey script or such like? TIA.

    Update: This worked. With browser developer tools open, play the stream and turn subs on/off, watch under the Network tab for the .vtt file (may take a couple of attempts by refreshing the browser). Copy its url and download in your download manager or however you do, I used this online converter to convert to SRT .srt subs. Put next to the completed .mp4 or mux into .mkv.

    Last edited by NuŠleus; 15th Jan 2023 at 09:23.
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  20. Do not send me DM's
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    Originally Posted by NuŠleus View Post
    All concerned. Many thanks for all the info and tutorials in this thread. Obviously special thanks to [ss]vegetta for the crash course post and tut.

    Complete newbie to this stream ripping, obviously a bit of a learning curve and a few mistakes and errors along the way, but that's the name of the game when learning something new. Now successfully downloading/decrypting/muxing ITVX stuff. So far I've drawn a blank on getting accompanying subs for a program, out of luck Googling and searching the forum. Is there any method of ripping the subs, a browser extension (preferably Chrome) a Tampermonkey script or such like? TIA.

    Update: This worked. With browser developer tools open, play the stream and turn subs on/off, watch under the Network tab for the .vtt file. Copy its url and download in your download manager or however you do, I used this online converter to convert to SRT .srt subs. Put next to the completed .mp4 or mux into .mkv.

    Just get subtitleedit
    subtitleedit /convert <originalsub.vtt> subrip
    will d the job in a second.

    with mkvmerge, start learning how to tag the tracks properly. Steep-ish learning curve that have a great payoff

    mkvmerge -o <output.mkv> --title "<video name>"  <video-input.mp4> --track-name 0:"<audio track name>" --language 0:"<audio track iso code>" <audio track.m4a>  --track-name 0:"<subtitle name>" <>
    For additional meta tags, use a txt file with the xml codes and inport as gloabal tags (confusing name, blame the dev)
    Last edited by Sorenb; 15th Jan 2023 at 09:28.
    Quote Quote  
  21. I've got quite far now using vegeta's video but the final step is failing.

    I do have the two files downloaded and ready for de-encryption.

    Here's what the cmd says:

    C:\>mp4decrypt.exe --key cda4baf8d5c94191ba61ac2cd6444427:134860cf119989d17 49ecd8c44960a26 itvv.mp4 itvv_dec.mp4
    ERROR: cannot open output file (itvv_dec.mp4) -5

    C:\>mp4decrypt.exe --key cda4baf8d5c94191ba61ac2cd6444427:134860cf119989d17 49ecd8c44960a26 itva.m4a itva_dec.mp4
    ERROR: cannot open output file (itva_dec.mp4) -5

    Any ideas why it's not working? I'm pretty sure I haven't missed any steps. Cheers for getting me this far!
    Quote Quote  
  22. Do not send me DM's
    Join Date
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    double check the kid:key pairs
    if correct, attempt it differently

    mp4decrypt.exe --key 1:<key> <input file> <outputfile>
    also, this
    "ERROR: cannot open output file (itva_dec.mp4)"
    might be a permissions' error on Windows. Check your system.
    Quote Quote  
  23. Originally Posted by Sorenb View Post
    Just get subtitleedit
    subtitleedit /convert <originalsub.vtt> subrip
    will d the job in a second.
    Thank you, I use that all the time, didn't realise it would accept .vtt and export as .srt! Cheers.

    Completely off topic but why cant I use any of the formatting tools for bbcode/smilies etc in the compose post box? Thought it may be my ad blocker uBlock Origin but it isn't, strange. Problem is my end, something in my Chrome is stopping bbcode icons in the compose post box working, working fine in Edge.

    Originally Posted by Sorenb View Post
    with mkvmerge, start learning how to tag the tracks properly. Steep-ish learning curve that have a great payoff

    mkvmerge -o <output.mkv> --title "<video name>"  <video-input.mp4> --track-name 0:"<audio track name>" --language 0:"<audio track iso code>" <audio track.m4a>  --track-name 0:"<subtitle name>" <>
    For additional meta tags, use a txt file with the xml codes and inport as gloabal tags (confusing name, blame the dev)
    Thanks. I use MKVToolNix constantly, the GUI, have muxed endless MKV's, always correct language codes, any forced subs etc.
    Last edited by NuŠleus; 15th Jan 2023 at 10:28.
    Quote Quote  
  24. seems to be a problem of permissions...

    Try to put "mp4decrypt.exe" in another folder...for example "documents" or "Download"
    Quote Quote  
  25. Frustrating to get this far... mp4decrypt.exe in another folder didn't work nor did changing key to key1

    Still getting:

    C:\>mp4decrypt.exe --key cda4baf8d5c94191ba61ac2cd6444427:134860cf119989d17 49ecd8c44960a26 itvv.mp4 itvv_dec.mp4
    ERROR: cannot open output file (itvv_dec.mp4) -5

    C:\>mp4decrypt.exe --key cda4baf8d5c94191ba61ac2cd6444427:134860cf119989d17 49ecd8c44960a26 itva.m4a itva_dec.mp4
    ERROR: cannot open output file (itva_dec.mp4) -5

    C:\>ffmpeg.exe -i itvv.mp4 -i itva_dec.mp4 -c copy itv.mp4
    Quote Quote  
  26. This came up too so if it works, it will work I guess?

    Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'itvv.mp4':
    major_brand : iso6
    minor_version : 0
    compatible_brands: iso6dash
    Duration: 00:25:53.40, start: 0.040000, bitrate: 2307 kb/s
    Stream #0:0[0x1](und): Video: h264 (High) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p(tv, bt470bg, progressive), 1024x576 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 2294 kb/s, 25 fps, 25 tbr, 600 tbn (default)
    handler_name : USP Video Handler
    vendor_id : [0][0][0][0]
    encoder : AVC Coding
    itva_dec.mp4: No such file or directory
    Quote Quote  
  27. I suppose you are in the new folder (using CD) where you have put mp4decrypt....
    Quote Quote  
  28. Now what do you mean cedric..? I'm using Local Disc (C). I've put all the .exe files I needed in there. Also that's where the two media files are downloaded to.

    Guys--I got it to work! I moved everything to a folder called 'Reddit' as in the instructional video.

    The only difference is, I had to mux the video and audio together, they came out separate--but it worked!

    Thank you all so, so much for this and esp. vegeta!
    Last edited by Dino Crochetti; 15th Jan 2023 at 10:09.
    Quote Quote  
  29. No problem, you are welcome. You learned a lot.

    Especially that you need to have a folder called Reddit in your system drive. Everything else will fail otherwise
    Quote Quote  
  30. Hi, can someone tell me except what programs I need to download from itvx, I use windows 10
    Quote Quote  

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