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  1. I've been using the GUI for CCextractor for sometime. Works very well. It occurred to me that perhaps I could have an option to use it in the context menu and by right clicking on a video, have it extract the subtitles. (FileBot allows this for renaming videos which I have on my NAS.) I have spend quite a bit of time trying to find anything suggesting this can be done.

    For that matter, I know the website speaks in great deal of the CLI options, but in my downloads of CCextractor and even the directory where it is installed, I cannot find any executable that runs under the command prompt to even offer those CLI options.

    I have applied the question to their forum and wrote an email to their project lead with no response as of yet.

    IF not CC extractor, is there another application that can run under the context menu and do what I am seeking. I record my videos from a HDHomeRun tuner OTA.

    Thank you!
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  2. Member
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    I am not proficient at writing scripts so I can't give you much advice on that subject. However, I was able to find an executable in the CCExtractor folder that runs under the command prompt to display a list of CLI options.

    I'm using a laptop running Windows 11. I downloaded and installed the latest version of CCExtractor GUI, then opened the Command Prompt window. After typing "cd C:\Program Files (x86)\CCExtractor\" and pressing the Enter key, I typed "ccextractorwin" and pressed the Enter key. This displayed a list of CLI options in the Command Prompt Window.

    I do recall that adding to a context menu manually requires editing the registry. I don't know how to run a script from a context menu.
    Ignore list: hello_hello, tried, TechLord, Snoopy329
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  3. Member
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    This is to create a 'Send to' context shortcut.
    The procedure is 3 steps.

    1. Download and extract the ccextractor compressed files to a folder.

    Mine are here:
    C:\Lib\CCExtractor 0.94\

    2. Create a batch file with this content:
    "C:\Lib\CCExtractor 0.94\ccextractorwinfull.exe" %1 -o ""
    Store the batch file somewhere, mine is here: "C:\Bat\ccextract.cmd"

    3. In your SendTo folder create a shortcut to the batch file you created in step 2.
    For me it's this folder:
    C:\Users\pcspeak\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows \SendTo\ - right click New/Shortcut - browse to the ccextract.cmd batch file.

    The input is whatever video you right click on and 'Send to' / ccextract.cmd - e.g. 'Movie Name.mp4'. The output, in the same folder, is 'Movie'

    The parameters in the ccextract.cmd batch file will need tweaking to suit your requirements. I've used ccextractor exactly ONCE. I'm no expert.

    Last edited by pcspeak; 16th Oct 2022 at 01:40. Reason: spellnig
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  4. Wow! Thank you both! I do not know how I missed the ccextractorwinfull.exe in the directory, but I am so grateful for both your help. Now I have something to work with and then some.
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  5. It works perfectly.

    "C:\Lib\CCExtractor 0.94\ccextractorwinfull.exe" %1 -o ""

    Only thing left, is how can I select several mpg files in the same directory, and have CCextractor handle them all once, one at a time and then quit.

    The GUI version of CCExtractor allows for multiple sections.
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  6. Member
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    This may not be accurate.
    I believe there is a default keyboard buffer limit, which can be increased.
    Perhaps a VideoHelp user knows more.
    I believe if you try to send a large number of files, say 15, to the batch file as input parameters (they're still called arguments in my old head) then the buffer overflows and nothing works or only partially works.

    Change the batch file to read:

    "C:\Lib\CCExtractor 0.94\ccextractorwinfull.exe" %1 -o ""
    if not %1=="" goto :Loop
    Highlight a number of videos and 'Send to' the batch file.
    I'd start with a smallish number, say 4. Then work your way up 'til something breaks.

    To have the batch file automatically exit, delete the 'pause'

    Last edited by pcspeak; 16th Oct 2022 at 10:24.
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  7. Member
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    This is what started me off with the 'Send to' method.
    In my SendTo folder I've created New shortcuts.
    "C:\Users\pcspeak\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\Automatically Add to iPAD.lnk"
    "C:\Users\pcspeak\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\Automatically Add to iPhone.lnk"
    The shorcuts point to these folders:
    "C:\Users\pcspeak\Music\iPad\iTunes Media\Automatically Add to iTunes"
    "C:\Users\pcspeak\Music\iPhone\iTunes Media\Automatically Add to iTunes"
    Now I can 'Send to' either Apple device folder, then when I run iTunes and sync my devices the files get automatically added to that device.
    I usually send: epub, jpg & pdf files.

    It's worth occasionally checking the
    "C:\Users\pcspeak\Music\iPad\iTunes Media\Automatically Add to iTunes\Not Added\"
    "C:\Users\pcspeak\Music\iPhone\iTunes Media\Automatically Add to iTunes\Not Added\"
    folders to see if something failed.

    Sorry for hijacking your thread but I thought it was something worth adding to the conversation.
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  8. Works like a charm.

    I decided to see if I could go another step. Like FileBot, have it run directly from the Context menu rather than from the Send To in the context menu.

    I have made some progress in that the command shows up, but the action does not take place. I thought if I could get one file to work, I could work on multiple files. Here is what I have thus far.
    [Attachment 67257 - Click to enlarge]

    I am doing this in the registry.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\CCextr actorCommands]

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Folder\shell\C CextractorCommands]

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Explorer\CommandStore\shell\CCextractor .Extract.Movies]
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Explorer\CommandStore\shell\CCextractor .Extract.Movies\command]
    @="C:\Program Files (x86)\CCextractor\ccextractorwinfull.exe" %1 -o ""

    Again, I figured I would set this for just one movie though the goal would be to handle all movies selected.
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