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  1. I got the tools and learning how to do with it.
    Last edited by gadumuc; 21st Sep 2022 at 08:54.
    Quote Quote  
  2. I've personally not had to deal with vdocipher. However, if I'm not mistaken, the process is a little different for that.

    Are you using
    Quote Quote  
  3. Originally Posted by darkw4v3 View Post
    I've personally not had to deal with vdocipher. However, if I'm not mistaken, the process is a little different for that.

    Are you using
    Hi, I don't have such script, do you have one or anyplace I could get one?
    Quote Quote  
  4. Originally Posted by darkw4v3 View Post
    Thank you very much, now I will need to read around here about how to use it!
    Again thank you dearly darkw4v3
    Quote Quote  
  5. Originally Posted by gadumuc View Post
    Thank you very much, now I will need to read around here about how to use it!
    Again thank you dearly darkw4v3
    Sure thing.

    You should be able to poke around the other scripts in that zip to determine it's usage.

    It might need to be modified a little also.
    Quote Quote  
  6. hello,

    I just finish my script to search for the keys for decryption against the key.db file and also save the decryption keys in the key.db file or create another of your choice.

    [Attachment 66991 - Click to enlarge]

    if you are interested let me know. I will share in the forum.
    Quote Quote  
  7. Originally Posted by thedebutent59 View Post

    I just finish my script to search for the keys for decryption against the key.db file and also save the decryption keys in the key.db file or create another of your choice.

    [Attachment 66991 - Click to enlarge]

    if you are interested let me know. I will share in the forum.
    please, shere!
    Quote Quote  
  8. hello,

    you can try this kid code: 6c5c7d3b45af3de7beb2e8f07c9b4a00
    Here is the scrypt for search in the key.db file :
    import sqlite3, os, pyfiglet
    from pathlib import Path
    choix = 0
    BLUE = '\x1b[38;5;27m'
    RED = '\x1b[38;5;160m' 
    GREEN = '\x1b[38;5;46m'
    CYAN = '\x1b[38;5;14m'
    YELLOW = '\x1b[38;5;226m'
    END = '\x1b[0;0m'
    path = Path('keys.db')
    if path.is_file():
     title = pyfiglet.figlet_format('Search Keys database', font='slant', width=150)
     print(f'{CYAN}----------Menu Wks-Keys----------{END}')
     print(f'{YELLOW}Entrer le code 1 pour le code Kid.{END}')
     print(f'{YELLOW}Entrer le code 2 pour le code PSSH.{END}')
     print(F'{YELLOW}Entrer le code 3 pour quitter le programme{END}')
     while (choix!=3):
       print(f'{YELLOW}Choisissez 1 ou 2 ou 3 : {END} {BLUE}', end='')
       choix = input()
       if choix in ['1','2','3']:
        print("Choix incorrect !")
     print(f'{Red}[Eurreur] : Veuillez vérifier que le fichier key.db existe!{END}')	
    def searchsqlite(code, query):
          sqliteConnection = sqlite3.connect('keys.db')
          cursor = sqliteConnection.cursor()
          print(f'{GREEN}[INFO] : Connecté à SQLite{END}')
          sqlite_select_query = """SELECT keys FROM DATABASE WHERE {0} == '{1}';""".format(query,code)
          records = cursor.fetchall()
          if records:
            for key in records:
             wv = key[0].split(":")
             print(f'{BLUE}[KEY] :{wv[1]}:{wv[2].replace("}]","")}{END}')
          else: print(f'{RED}[Erreur] : Aucun {query} à était trouver dans le fichier keys.db.{END}')
      except error as error:
           print(f'{RED}[ERREUR] : Impossible de lire les données de la table sqlite.{END}', error)
            if sqliteConnection:
               print(f'{GREEN}[INFO] : La connexion SQLite est fermée{END}')
    def VérificationLenght(num):
     if len(num) != 32:
       print(f"{RED}La clé ne peut pas étre inférieur ou supérieur à la longueur de cette instance : {num}{END}")
      return num
    if choix == '1':
      print(f'{YELLOW}Veuillez entrer le code kid : {END}{BLUE}', end='')
      code = input()
      if VérificationLenght(code) :
    elif choix == '2':
      print(f'{YELLOW}Veuillez entrer le code PSSH : {END}{BLUE}', end='')
      code = input()
    elif choix == '3':
    it will be necessary to install manual sqlite3 in your computer with cmd.
    pip install pysqlite3
    Quote Quote  
  9. hi, here is the code to create and edit the key.db file.
    import sqlite3, os, pyfiglet
    import datetime
    import time
    from time import strptime
    from pathlib import Path
    a = time.ctime()
    BLUE = '\x1b[38;5;27m'
    RED = '\x1b[38;5;160m' 
    GREEN = '\x1b[38;5;46m'
    CYAN = '\x1b[38;5;14m'
    YELLOW = '\x1b[38;5;226m'
    END = '\x1b[0;0m'
    path = Path('keys.db')
    def CreateDatabase():
          sqliteConnection = sqlite3.connect('keys.db')
          cursor = sqliteConnection.cursor()
          print(f"{GREEN}[INFO] : Connecté à SQLite.{END}")
          sqlite_select_query = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "DATABASE" ( "KID" TEXT, "pssh" TEXT, "time" TEXT, "keys" TEXT, PRIMARY KEY("KID") )"""
          print(f"{GREEN}[INFO] : Table SQLite créer.{END}")
      except sqlite3.Error as error:
          print(f"{RED}[ERREUR] : Erreur lors de la création d'une table DATABASE.{END}")
           if sqliteConnection:
             print(f"{GREEN}[INFO] : La connexion SQLite est fermée.{END}")
    if not path.is_file(): 
    def EditDatabase(Kid,Pssh,Key,a):
         sqliteConnection = sqlite3.connect('keys.db')
         cursor = sqliteConnection.cursor()
         print(f"{GREEN}[INFO] : Connecté à SQLite.{END}")
         sqlite_insert_query = """INSERT INTO DATABASE (KID, pssh, time, keys) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);"""
         data_key = (Kid, Pssh, datetime.datetime.strptime(a, "%c"), "[{"'"key"'": "'"%s:%s"'"}]" % (Kid, Key))
         cursor.execute(sqlite_insert_query, data_key)
         print(f"{GREEN}[INFO] : Enregistrement inséré avec succès dans la table DATABASE.{END}")  
      except sqlite3.Error as error:
          print(f"{RED}[ERREUR] : Impossible de écrire les données de la table DATABASE.{END}")
          if sqliteConnection:
            print(f"{GREEN}[INFO] : La connexion SQLite est fermée.{END}")  
    def VérificationLenght(num):
     if len(num) != 32:
       print(f"{RED}La clé ne peut pas étre inférieur ou supérieur à la longueur de cette instance : {num}{END}")
      return num
    title = pyfiglet.figlet_format('Edite Keys database', font='slant', width=150)
    print(f'{CYAN}----------Edite Database Keys----------{END}')
    print(f'{YELLOW}Veuillez entre le code KID : {END}{BLUE}', end='')
    Kid = input()
    if VérificationLenght(Kid):
     print(f'{YELLOW}Veuillez entre le code PSSH : {END}{BLUE}', end='')
     Pssh = input()
     print(f'{YELLOW}Veuillez entre le code HEY : {END}{BLUE}', end='')
     Key = input()
     if VérificationLenght(Key):
    sorry for the code is translated into French, it's up to you to change the code into English.
    here is how I did to find the key.db with sqlite3 with python but you can create a name of your choice. Regards,
    Quote Quote  

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