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  1. Hi, here a ***

    and however

            for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=^=" %%g in ('FFProbe -hide_banner -loglevel fatal -pretty -show_streams -select_streams v:0 -show_streams %FirstFile% 2^>^&1') DO (
            if "%%~g"=="time_base" set "time_base=%%~h"
    	if "%%~g"=="r_frame_rate" set "frame_rate=%%~h"
    	if "%%~g"=="duration_ts" set "duration_ts=%%~h"
            if "%%~g"=="pix_fmt" set "pixel_fmt=%%~h"
            for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=/" %%g in ("%time_base%") do (
            set "time_base_denom=%%~g"
            set /a "time_base_num=%%~h"
            for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=/" %%g in ("%frame_rate%") do (
            set /a "frame_rate_num=%%~g"
            set "frame_rate_denom=%%~h"
            Set /a "fps_b=(%frame_rate_num%)/(%frame_rate_denom%)"
    echo 1 %frame_rate_num%
    echo 2 %frame_rate_denom%
    echo 3 %time_base_denom%
    echo 4 %time_base_num%
    echo 5 %r_frame_rate%
    echo 6 %frame_rate%
    echo 7 %fps_b%
    echo 8 %pixel_fmt%
    my example out:

    1 30000
    2 1001
    3 1
    4 30000
    6 30000/1001
    7 29
    8 yuv420p
    but I need to get the result of fps_b = 29,970 and not simply 29
    How can I do? thanks
    Quote Quote  
  2. You can do it with fixed point math:

    But make your life simple: download a command line calculator app that natively support floating point:
    Quote Quote  
  3. yes but I'm inside a batch
    for the moment seems that this works but is rudimental

    assuming %firstFile% as input

    echo %firstFile%
    rem #### SEARCH for durations: advanced ####
    	Set AUCount=0;
    	Set VDCount=0;
    	Set STCount=0;
    	Set "V_Number_Of_Frames="
    	for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=^=" %%g in ('FFProbe -hide_banner -loglevel fatal -pretty -show_format -show_streams %FirstFile% 2^>^&1') DO (
    		CALL :Process_Item "%%~g" "%%~h"
            if "%V_Time_Base%"=="" (
    		echo  ERROR: V_Time_Base not found, impossibile rilevare il FrameRate
    	if NOT "%V_Time_Base%"=="" (
    		for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=/" %%g in ("%V_Time_Base%") do (
    			set "V_Time_Base_Denom=%%~g"
    			set /a "V_Time_Base_Num=%%~h*10000"
            if "%V_Frame_Rate%"==""  (
    		echo  ERROR: V_Frame_Rate, impossibile rilevare il FrameRate
    	if NOT "%V_Frame_Rate%"=="" (
    		for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=/" %%g in ("%V_Frame_Rate%") do (
                            set /a "V_Frame_Rate_Pure=%%~g"
                            set "V_Frame_Rate_Denom_cat=%%~h*100"
    			set /a "V_Frame_Rate_Num=%%~g*10000"
    			set "V_Frame_Rate_Denom=%%~h"
    	if "%V_Number_Of_Frames%"=="" Set /a "V_Number_Of_Frames=V_Duration/((V_Time_Base_Num/V_Time_Base_Denom)/(V_Frame_Rate_Num/V_Frame_Rate_Denom))"
            set /a "FPSforVirtualdubX2=%V_Number_Of_Frames%"
            set /a "FPSforVirtualdubdiv2=%V_Number_Of_Frames%/2"
            set "FPSforVirtualdub=%V_Number_Of_Frames%"
            rem #### calculate realFPS with 2 fps calculators
            echo WScript.Echo Eval^(WScript.Arguments^(0^)^)>"%~dp1FPScalculator1.vbs"
            echo Result=Replace^(Result,",","."^)>>"%~dp1FPScalculator1.vbs"
            echo WScript.Echo Result>>"%~dp1FPScalculator1.vbs"         
            IF NOT "%V_Frame_Rate_Pure%"=="" IF NOT "%V_Frame_Rate_Denom%"=="" for /f %%n in ('cscript //nologo "%~dp1FPScalculator1.vbs" "%V_Frame_Rate_Pure%/%V_Frame_Rate_Denom%"') do (set RealFPS2temp=%%n)
            echo %RealFPS2temp%>"%~dp1RealFPS2temp.txt"
            v:\automazioneclip\system\fart.exe "%~dp1RealFPS2temp.txt" , "."
            set /p RealFPS2=<"%~dp1RealFPS2temp.txt"
            echo Numerator = WScript.Arguments^(0^)>"%~dp1FPScalculator2.vbs"
            echo Denom = WScript.Arguments^(1^)>>"%~dp1FPScalculator2.vbs"
            echo Result=Numerator/Denom>>"%~dp1FPScalculator2.vbs"                
            echo WScript.Echo Result>>"%~dp1FPScalculator2.vbs"
            echo Result=Replace^(Result,",","."^)>>"%~dp1FPScalculator2.vbs"        
            echo WScript.Echo Result>>"%~dp1FPScalculator2.vbs"
            echo Result=Round^(Numerator/Denom,2^)>>"%~dp1FPScalculator2.vbs"       
            echo Result=Replace^(Result,",","."^)>>"%~dp1FPScalculator2.vbs"        
            echo WScript.Echo Result>>"%~dp1FPScalculator2.vbs"
            set fcount=1
            IF NOT "%V_Frame_Rate_Pure%"=="" IF NOT "%V_Frame_Rate_Denom%"=="" FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%F IN (`cscript /nologo "%~dp1FPScalculator2.vbs" %V_Frame_Rate_Pure% %V_Frame_Rate_Denom%`) DO (set var!fcount!=%%F
            set /a fcount=!fcount!+1
           echo %var2%>"%~dp1RealFPStemp.txt"
           set /p RealFPS=<"%~dp1RealFPStemp.txt"
          IF EXIST RealFPS2temp.txt DEL RealFPS2temp.txt
          if exist "%cd%\FPScalculator1.vbs" del "%cd%\FPScalculator1.vbs"
          if exist "%cd%\FPScalculator2.vbs" del "%cd%\FPScalculator2.vbs"
          if exist "%cd%\RealFPStemp.txt" del "%cd%\RealFPStemp.txt"
          if exist "%cd%\RealFPStemp2.txt" del "%cd%\RealFPStemp2.txt"
    goto :continuazione
    :Process_Item <item_field> <item_data>
    	if "%~2"=="N/A" goto :eof
    	if "%~1"=="[/STREAM]" (
    		set "CType="
    		goto :eof
    	if "%~1"=="[/FORMAT]" (
    		set "CType="
    		goto :eof
    	if "%~1"=="[FORMAT]" (
    		set "CType=FORMAT"
    		goto :eof
    	if "%~1"=="index" Set "cur_index=%~2"
    	if "%~1"=="codec_name" Set "cur_codec=%~2"
    	if "%~1"=="codec_type" (
    		if "%~2"=="audio" (
    			set /a AUCount+=1
    			set "CType=audio"
    		if "%~2"=="video" (
    			Set /a VDCount+=1
    			set "CType=video"
    		if "%~2"=="subtitle" (
    			Set /a STCount+=1
    			set "CType=subtitle"
    		goto :eof
    	if "%CType%"=="FORMAT" (
    		if "%~1"=="TAG:company_name" set "T_Company_Name=%~2"
    		if "%~1"=="TAG:product_name" set "T_Product_Name=%~2"
    		if "%~1"=="TAG:product_version" set "T_Product_Version=%~2"
    		if "%~1"=="TAG:timecode" set "TIMECODE=%~2"
    		goto :eof
    	if "%CType%"=="video" (
    		if %VDCount% GTR 1 (
    			echo Multiple Video Streams!!!!
    		if "%~1"=="time_base" set "V_Time_Base=%~2"
    		if "%~1"=="r_frame_rate" set "V_Frame_Rate=%~2"
    		if "%~1"=="duration_ts" set "V_Duration=%~2"
    		if "%~1"=="width" set "V_Width=%~2"
    		if "%~1"=="height" set "V_Height=%~2"
    		if "%~1"=="sample_aspect_ratio" set "V_PAR=%~2"
    		if "%~1"=="nb_frames" set "V_Number_Of_Frames=%~2"
    		goto :eof
    goto :eof
    echo RealFPS is %RealFPS%
    echo RealFPS2 is %RealFPS2%
    echo %firstFile%
    Quote Quote  
  4. Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Search Comp PM

    suggestion: Use the commandline line version of MediaInfo and you'll get this out of the box:

    ID                             : 1
    Frame rate mode                : Constant
    Frame rate                     : 23.976 (24000/1001) FPS
    You can then parse through the output.

    Quote Quote  

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