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  1. What title says.
    The switches for the commands don't work. For example I want to use /randomize to randomize the playlist content but the command is simply ignored. Tried other commands and no go.

    This is what I was trying to do:

    "C:\Program Files\DAUM\PotPlayer\PotPlayerMini64.exe" "E:\Perfil\Desktop\Newfolder\*.dpl" /randomize

    The player only recognizes the exact path and filename but not the wildcard for example despite saying it supports it.

    My final goal is to make a context menu that only plays the .dpl file present in a folder, this to make a faster load of the playlist instead of letting potplayer make the playlist from the folder contents every time. I managed to make this menu but I'm lacking the correct command line to make it work as I need and that's where I realized that command line switches are ignored (even when passing them from cmd).

    Below the command line help from the program:

    Usage: PotPlayerMini64.exe ["content"] [/switch]
    "content"	:You can specify a file, folder or URL as content.
                    -You can specify multiple contents by separating them with a space.
    		-You can specify titles for URLs by separating them with a backslash (\) at the end of URLs. ("http://...\title of this url")
                	-Wildcards (*,?) are allowed.
                  	-The setting "Misc > When Files Opened" affects this when a file is specified.
    - 		:Plays streaming media from stdin
                    -Example usage: youtube-dl.exe -o - -f best[ext=webm] | PotPlayerMini64.exe -
    /filedlg	:Opens the open file dialog box.
    /urldlg        	:Opens the open URL dialog box.
    /folderdlg	:Opens the open folder dialog box.
    /simple	   	:Opens file navigator.
    /cap	   	:Runs screen capture.
    /cam	   	:Runs webcam/Other devices.
    /atv[:ch]	:Runs Analog TV device from the specified channel.
    /dtv[:ch[-idx]]	:Runs Digital TV device from the specified channel.
    /dvd       	:Runs DVD device.
    /cd[:drive]	:Runs the specified drive.
    /add		:Appends the specified content(s) into playlist.
    /insert		:Inserts the specified content(s) just below the item being played in playlist.(Or adds at the end of playlist if there is nothing playing at the time)
    /autoplay 	:Plays the last played item.
    /same	   	:Loads and plays the specified contents as multiple streams.
                	-You can independently select loaded video and audio streams under Video/Audio/Filters context menus.
    /sort		:Sorts the specified contents by name before adding them into playlist.
    /randomize	:Sorts the specified contents by randomly before adding them into playlist.
    /new 		:Plays the specified content(s) within a new instance of the program.
                    -The setting "F5 > General > Multiple instances" does not affect this.
    /current 	:Plays the specified content(s) within an existing instance of the program.
                    -The setting "F5 > General > Multiple instances" does not affect this.
    /clipboard      :Appends content(s) from clipboard into playlist and starts playback immediately.
    /seek=time      :Starts playback of the specified/last played content from the specified time point.
                    -time format is: (OR specify seconds only e.g. /seek=1800 to start at 30th min)
    /sub="subfile"  :Loads the specified subtitle(s) from the specified paths or URLs.
    /user_agent="ua":Sets user agent header for HTTP(S) requests.
    /referer="ref"  :Sets referer header for HTTP(S) requests.
    /headers="hdrs" :Appends the specified header(s) to HTTP(S) requests.
    /title="title"  : Use title
    config="name"	:Activates the specified preset.
    Quote Quote  
  2. Oh, I see... this community is dead.
    Quote Quote  
  3. Try to contact developer via email, he accept this way only, go to program homepage, scroll down and click to "Contact us".
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  4. I'm a Super Moderator johns0's Avatar
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    The community isn't dead,not many people here use potplayer and line commands.
    I think,therefore i am a hamster.
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  5. what if you placed all the dpl files into a single directory. That way there is no need for the wildcard character

    "C:\Program Files\DAUM\PotPlayer\PotPlayerMini64.exe" "E:\Perfil\Desktop\dpl_files" /randomize
    Quote Quote  

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