Hi, I'm a ***

and however

if possible I would create a batch that in drag & drop mode test if the video part and the audio part of a single file exist or not.

At the moment I have do this rudimental

@Echo Off                               

if exist test.txt del test.txt

FFProbe64bit2014.exe -loglevel error -show_entries stream=codec_type -of default=nw=1 %1>test.txt
set "testVideoPart=0"
set "testAudioPart=0"
findstr /c:"codec_type=video" "test.txt"
IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 (set "testVideoPart=1")
if "%testVideoPart%"=="1" echo Video Exist
if NOT "%testVideoPart%"=="1" echo Video does not exist

findstr /c:"codec_type=audio" "test.txt"
IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 (set "testAudioPart=1")
if "%testAudioPart%"=="1" echo Audio Exist
if NOT "%testAudioPart%"=="1" echo Audio does not exist cat

if exist test.txt del test.txt
but it generate alwais a test.txt file. Is there a way to insert the value in a "virtual" enviroment variable and not in a .txt file? or another procedure thanks?