Hi cats,
I have a example.mp4 that have the video track but no audio.
Simply I need to generate with ffmpeg a example.wav mute audio track that have the same lenght of the example.mp4
is it pobbile? thanks
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That's why I gave the command line for aac audio.
AFAIK ffmpeg would convert a .wav audio track to .aac or .mp3 automatically by removing-c:a copy .
Like this:
Code:ffmpeg -i input.wav -c:v copy output.mp4
Last edited by cholla; 20th Jul 2022 at 09:32.
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i anullsrc -t 300 -c:a pcm_s16le out.wav
Adjust the -t parameter to the needed length in seconds and replace pcm_s16le with the required type of sample format. See https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/audio%20types for a list.Last edited by zing269; 20th Jul 2022 at 06:46. Reason: Fix code tags, spelling
maybe I have do a mess but in some way I think to have get the target, but exactly I don't know why. This is the subroutine
Code:IF NOT "%OnlyOneTrackMonoStereo%"=="1" IF NOT "%multipleAudioStreamDetected%"=="1" IF NOT EXIST "%cd%\decisor.mov" If NOT "%isMXF%"=="1" ffmpeg64bitAug2019.exe -loglevel quiet -y -threads auto -y -f concat -safe 0 -i concatList.txt -map 0:? -vcodec copy -acodec copy "%cd%\decisor.mov" IF NOT "%OnlyOneTrackMonoStereo%"=="1" IF NOT "%multipleAudioStreamDetected%"=="1" if NOT "%isMXF%"=="1" fart.exe "%cd%\decisor.avs" "###spaceForSource##" "%cd%\decisor.mov" IF NOT "%OnlyOneTrackMonoStereo%"=="1" IF NOT "%multipleAudioStreamDetected%"=="1" if NOT "%isMXF%"=="1" ffmpeg64bit2014.exe -y -loglevel quiet -threads auto -i "%cd%\decisor.avs" -acodec copy "%cd%\decisor.wav" IF NOT "%OnlyOneTrackMonoStereo%"=="1" IF NOT "%multipleAudioStreamDetected%"=="1" if NOT "%isMXF%"=="1" IF EXIST "%cd%\AllWav\canaleAudio1_2.wav" del "%cd%\AllWav\canaleAudio1_2.wav" IF NOT "%OnlyOneTrackMonoStereo%"=="1" IF NOT "%multipleAudioStreamDetected%"=="1" if NOT "%isMXF%"=="1" if NOT "%isMXF%"=="1" copy /y "%cd%\decisor.wav" "%cd%\AllWav\canaleAudio1_2.wav" IF NOT "%OnlyOneTrackMonoStereo%"=="1" IF NOT "%multipleAudioStreamDetected%"=="1" if NOT "%isMXF%"=="1" ffmpeg64bit2014.exe -y -threads auto -i "%cd%\decisor3OR4.avs" -acodec copy "%cd%\AllWav\canaleAudio3_4.wav" rem #### check duration of avigen file #### if exist aviGenDuration.txt del aviGenDuration.txt Set "aviGenDuration=undef" FFProbe64bit2014.exe -loglevel fatal -show_entries format=duration -of csv="p=0" -sexagesimal "%cd%\decisor.mov">aviGenDuration.txt set /p aviGenDuration=<aviGenDuration.txt if exist aviGenDuration.txt del aviGenDuration.txt echo durata pari a %aviGenDuration% IF "%testEsistenzaAudio%"=="0" ffmpeg34_64bit.exe -y -f lavfi -i aevalsrc=0 -i "%cd%\decisor.mov" -af "pan=stereo:c0=c0:c1=c1" -c:a pcm_s16le -ar 48000 -shortest -t %aviGenDuration% decisor.wav IF NOT "%OnlyOneTrackMonoStereo%"=="1" if NOT "%isMXF%"=="1" IF NOT "%multipleAudioStreamDetected%"=="1" v:\automazioneclip\core\ffmpeg34_64bit.exe -loglevel quiet -y -threads auto -i "%cd%\decisor.mov" -i "%cd%\decisor.wav" -i "%cd%\decisor.wav" -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 -vcodec copy -c:a pcm_s16le -ar 48000 "%cd%\decisorRemuxed.mov" IF NOT "%OnlyOneTrackMonoStereo%"=="1" If NOT "%isMXF%"=="1" IF NOT "%multipleAudioStreamDetected%"=="1" IF NOT "%testEsistenzaAudio%"=="0" ren "%cd%\decisorRemuxed.mov" "concatHD.mov" & echo "%cd%\allwav\usataRoutineDecisorCon%numeroCanaliAudio%canaliAudio">"%cd%\allwav\usataRoutineDecisorCon%numeroCanaliAudio%canaliAudio.txt" IF NOT "%OnlyOneTrackMonoStereo%"=="1" If NOT "%isMXF%"=="1" IF NOT "%multipleAudioStreamDetected%"=="1" IF "%testEsistenzaAudio%"=="0" ren "%cd%\decisorRemuxed.mov" "concatHD.mov" & echo "%cd%\allwav\usataRoutineDecisorCon%numeroCanaliAudio%canaliAudio">"%cd%\allwav\AudioAssenteInOrigineVieneGeneratoAudioMuto.txt" IF NOT "%OnlyOneTrackMonoStereo%"=="1" If NOT "%isMXF%"=="1" IF NOT "%multipleAudioStreamDetected%"=="1" IF "%testEsistenzaAudio%"=="0" copy /y "%cd%\decisor.wav" "%cd%\AllWav\canaleAudio1_2.wav"
Yes a mess.
I believe you will end up with a .MOV file.
Is this correct?
Did you try this as it worked for me:
Code:ffmpeg -f lavfi -i aevalsrc=0 -i input.mp4 -c:v copy -c:a aac -map 0 -map 1:v -shortest output.mp4
A valid audio MP4 must contain an MPEG audio track (mp3 or aac).
This means you can not have a .WAV audio track in a .MP4 container.
Or a PCM audio track. -
[Attachment 65959 - Click to enlarge]
mmm it maybe good, but I don't know exactly if it works also for conCat input (ffmpeg.exe -loglevel quiet -y -threads auto -y -f concat -safe 0 -i concatList.txt ...) -
What is the purpose of using concat ?
Also why is the silent audio track needed? -
He will probably give the "excuse" that he's a "cat", as if that solves anything.
Scott -
because I need to concatenate all the .mp4 of the drone dji footage, and I need to put all in avisynth. But avisynth parse all with a necessary audio track (also if mute). Dji osmo for example does have audio inside each .mp4 but the drone does not have any audio track
First is the acc in the ffmpeg code I posted acceptable for the silent audio track ?
What is the codec of the audio tracks in the Dji Osmo .MP4s ?
Someone else is going to need to help with this.
I haven't used avisynth by itself only as part of other software.
I'm not good at creating batch files.
I have only used concat with a few DVDs.
I take it you are trying to put several drone videos together into one? -
Concatenation only works reliably when all elements have the same stream configuration. So either drop the audio of the osmo files prior to concat, and then do a video stream only concat, or do what cholla said and add an aac tracks to the drone files - prior to the concat - and then concat with video and audio streams.
Or, do separate concats for video-only streams vs v+a streams.
Avisynth scripts can be designed to work with audio, or ignore audio. If must have audio, avisynth can also generate a silent track for use with silent clips in combination along with tracks WITH audio.
But you must be consistent, as neither AVISynth nor ffmpeg, nor most other editing/processing apps I can think of will be happy with a checkerboard of audio-noaudio-audio-noaudio.
My recommendation to you is that you use fprobe to assist with script-based ffmpeg generation of an aac track for video-only clips, then remux, then when they are all consistent do the concat.
Scott -
This was the original post & what was asked for:
Since the .MP4 contaier can't have a .wav or PCM audio track I used aac.
The code I posted produces a silent audio track the same length as the video track.
It was afterwards all the concat or other joining came up.
If I was doing this I would join all the videos with silent & sound audio track with MKVToolNix.
Into one .mkv . Problem solved.
I might even try ProWo's Cleaver but I have only used it a little bit.
So I can't say that it would work for sure.
It would use FFMPEG though.
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