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  1. Hi,

    I used to download video from by getting the master.mpd url and using it in yt-dlp. Now, there isn't any master but an index.mpd and it doesn't work.

    I've also tried to use HLS Downloader extension and nothing appear.

    Where can I find some information about a tutorial on how to download videos like that ?

    thanks in advance


    solution see post of cedric
    Last edited by valda; 18th Jun 2022 at 07:40. Reason: solved
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  2. Try with ffmpeg

    ffmpeg -user_agent "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:101.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/101.0" -headers "Cookie: auth.strategy=local; visid_incap_2379695=piMB6JQXT/aPlmuenWQUswDOrGIAAAAAQUIPAAAAAABgh/OWgTch/IpvTVDt3e+O; nlbi_2379695=392pVC/LaWmCo9yNiF4IcQAAAACVfoau9MbkEGT5K+aSMaKO; incap_ses_466_2379695=frRicM++Fmt/I5zjP5F3BgDOrGIAAAAAqsV94rgRyvs74B+epb3cjA==; _gcl_au=1.1.1060663411.1655492090; _ga=GA1.2.1476864080.1655491574; _gid=GA1.2.771399222.1655491574; _ga_0204YNR4C1=GS1.1.1655492095.1.1.1655492195.0; _tt_enable_cookie=1; _ttp=53543081-450a-49c3-af6a-1ee4ff4a8922; _ga_8P8SY3683N=GS1.1.1655492113.1.1.1655492219.0; auth._token.local=Bearer%20eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjRkYzRlNzQ1LWNmZmYtNDc2My04YjYwLTU2M2Y2OWNhM2MwNiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJiMzJjYTE0Zi0wNzA5LTQ5NWEtOTE4NC04YmQ4NDhjZjdlNmIiLCJqdGkiOiJkMTU5ZjJjMmFiZTZkODZiYzFjZTRiZTBmNmEyZTA1OTRiM2VlMjVmYTBmYjViNzllZjM4OTFiM2ZlZDY2Y2JjNDJhMWY1MWM5MDY5N2U2OCIsImlhdCI6MTY1NTQ5MjIyNywibmJmIjoxNjU1NDkyMjI3LCJleHAiOjE2NjYwMzMwMjcsInN1YiI6IjYwMTRlZTZiLWE3OTctNDNmYS1hZGQxLWY2ZjU3ZWYyMTQ5YiIsInNjb3BlcyI6W10sInJvbGVzIjpbIlJPTEVfVVNFUiJdfQ.CmDQCvhz-nMFQ3ESNsUN33XLqrEZr0ahquGis6R81hNkm0rZawVCZIeWWFrTU3v4mX2DuNvBfEtJS8mOmfNpjulafmjZR1lum08ZIzAq2UM3vFOaPXshpi19SNKeC2TPrZQUVZwSELnkiVx3PYdPsesD-1iV0d6zAqywuQYVAwHpaBi44_GwVtogMMEZONHZP5SnaPnsYGJocccIdwieT78lY4Rs1aCLoXbeSFX-d0YTe-M5nGfACn8HDMExgl7chXMeb0BH8grbl3f0rrN1CeN6C6BnSnMfsV0gXt6PwBUZVO9ssk3CPwQj1V9AHKhlqIxFbYk_dfRa_2M0aS4r4Q; auth._token_expiration.local=1666033027000; auth._refresh_token.local=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; auth._refresh_token_expiration.local=1658084218692" -referer "" -i "" -c copy "index.ts"
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  3. thanks for the help cedric.

    can you explain how you got the auth._token.local, auth._token_expiration.local, auth._refresh_token.local, auth._refresh_token_expiration.local, gid, ga, ttp ?
    I looked with the console but I might not looked at the right place.

    with your command line, how would you specify a resolution (available from the stream) like 720p.

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  4. Stream detector Addon for "Firefox" will help you to find the good link.

    FFmpeg download the best possible resolution...(1080 here)
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  5. tanks cedric for your hint, anyway with yt-dlp download from mpd not work. wired
    i think mpd is wrong. for this i have try to download from dash stream, add cookie and output like -o vid.ts
    but no luck ... download don't start

    also i have try to download mpd and edit but nothing work

    someone have an alternative solution to download with yt-dlp?
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  6. issue solved, thanks to cedric
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  7. why you have delete your link? this link is public, and maybe need some user to bypass you same issue

    and also whs912km raises a question still to be solved ...

    and they never delete links, they serve everyone

    the link was this: (let's see if you can delete my post too... )
    and also i want post here a fake link, which i created, and that you could have done for all those who helped you or read your post
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  8. Originally Posted by lomero View Post
    why you have delete your link? this link is public, and maybe need some user to bypass you same issue
    I wanted to avoid the admin of the link to find this post in case they are looking to increase their security ... can't see why this is wrong, the explanation work for a link containing the "index.mpd". if someone else had the same issue there is enough information to get it working.

    I don't care if it's working with ffmpeg, i didn't ask to make it work with ytb-dl, as a result in my point of view the topic is solved

    have a nice day and chill out
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  9. @lomero, thanks for preserving the link.

    I wanted to avoid the admin of the link to find this post in case they are looking to increase their security
    ... Very funny

    Sad situation when people get what they want and delete info that would help others

    Again, thanks lomero
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  10. yes, me too. thank you lomero for your words and to preserving the link
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  11. Originally Posted by jack_666 View Post
    ... Very funny
    This is actually very possible.

    Don't you remember that I found a hole once, and actually the admin of the site within a few days created a new account here, made his nick almost the same as the thread starter, and fixed the "hole"?
    It was sad!
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  12. anyway whs912km this video have dash segment then yt-dlp does not work

    as cedric8528 says, work fine with ffmpeg:
    ffmpeg -i "https://mpd" -c copy video.ts
    but use an mpd quickly because it expires fast
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  13. Code:
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  14. thanks karapuz for your suggestion

    another little question: with ffmpeg how to choose res quality? whit the simple command post by lomero we can download at best res (1080) but if i want 720p or 540p only how to select different stream?
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