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  1. Member
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    Sep 2021
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    I have one audio file (aac format) named: 1.aac, and one video file (mp4 format) named: 1.mp4, the video file has no audio, and its duration is 5 seconds longer than the audio file.
    Let’s say that: 1.aac file has duration of 55 seconds, and 1.mp4 file has duration of 1 minute.
    I want to make one video file: merge.mp4 with audio from 1.aac, and video from 1.mp4.
    But with one requirement that the audio start from the 5th second, therefore, the audio and video will end at the same time at the end of merge.mp4.
    I can’t find any example on how to do this using MP4Box, however, FFMPEG has such parameter, but I prefer to use MP4Box, as it is faster and better.
    I am using MP4Box version 2.0 on Windows 10.
    Please advise,
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  2. You can use clever Ffmpeg-GUI.
    Load your mp4 video, click main, click multiplex, add the aac audio stream, insert 5000 in the audio stream Delay column, click multiplex. Done.
    Last edited by ProWo; 4th May 2022 at 11:56.
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  3. Member
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    Sep 2021
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    I know how to use ffmpeg in CLI, but I don't quite like ffmpeg, be in CLI or GUI. I want to know if I can do this by MP4Box in CLI.
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  4. Code:
    -delay  tkID=TIME (string):    set track start delay in ms

    "mp4box" -add "video.h264"#1:fps=blah -add "audio.aac"#2:delay=5000 -new "output.mp4"

    You can use a muxing delay, but a better strategy is to add blank audio so the delay is zero. Sometimes software or hardware can mishandle delays, especially large ones
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