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  1. Hello

    Can someone help me or send me my video that i want to download from this link:
    I tried it but it's DRM protected

    Thanks in advance!!
    Quote Quote  
  2. you can use yt-dlp to download it
    heres the key to decrypt it
    theres lots of threads explaining both of those processes
    Quote Quote  
  3. what do you mean with decrypt?
    Quote Quote  
  4. The programme works for youtube videos, but if I download a drm video then the following message appears:
    ERROR: This video is DRM protected; Try selecting another format with --format or add --check-formats to automatically fallback to the next best format
    Last edited by thitom; 11th Apr 2022 at 04:29.
    Quote Quote  
  5. thitom wrote/ask

    Can someone ... send me my video

    here is the requested video
    Quote Quote  
  6. Originally Posted by jack_666 View Post
    thitom wrote/ask

    Can someone ... send me my video

    here is the requested video
    How did you do this?
    Quote Quote  
  7. Originally Posted by thitom View Post
    The programme works for youtube videos, but if I download a drm video then the following message appears:
    ERROR: This video is DRM protected; Try selecting another format with --format or add --check-formats to automatically fallback to the next best format
    yt-dlp --allow-u "mpd url"
    Quote Quote  
  8. Originally Posted by ElCap View Post
    Originally Posted by thitom View Post
    The programme works for youtube videos, but if I download a drm video then the following message appears:
    ERROR: This video is DRM protected; Try selecting another format with --format or add --check-formats to automatically fallback to the next best format
    yt-dlp --allow-u "mpd url"
    Is this in the command line or in a specific application?
    Quote Quote  
  9. Originally Posted by thitom View Post
    Is this in the command line or in a specific application?
    In the command prompt, run from the same folder where you have yt-dlp.exe
    Quote Quote  
  10. It appears that yt-dlp broke this feature? I've tried -F and --allow-u, but neither will download a DRM file.
    Quote Quote  
  11. No, works here.
    Quote Quote  
  12. Originally Posted by Obo View Post
    No, works here.
    Did you have to do anything special?

    I updated to the latest yt-dlp, and ran this:

    yt-dlp -F --allow-u ""
    And got this:

    ERROR: [ParamountPlus] dBZs_V_9zPjxY11M_On6nyiaN5rwQCj8: This video is DRM protected
    Quote Quote  
  13. If I run this command as you did I get:

    yt-dlp -F --allow-u "" 
    WARNING: You have asked for UNPLAYABLE formats to be listed/downloaded. This is a developer option intended for debugging. 
             If you experience any issues while using this option, DO NOT open a bug report
    [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
    [ParamountPlus] dBZs_V_9zPjxY11M_On6nyiaN5rwQCj8: Downloading JSON metadata
    ERROR: [ParamountPlus] dBZs_V_9zPjxY11M_On6nyiaN5rwQCj8: Unable to download JSON metadata: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden (caused by <HTTPError 403: Forbidden>); please report this issue on , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are on the latest version using  yt-dlp -U
    And adding -v to confirm that I am running the latest vesion:
    yt-dlp -v -F --allow-u "" 
    [debug] Command-line config: ['-v', '-F', '--allow-u', '']
    WARNING: You have asked for UNPLAYABLE formats to be listed/downloaded. This is a developer option intended for debugging. 
             If you experience any issues while using this option, DO NOT open a bug report
    [debug] Encodings: locale UTF-8, fs utf-8, pref UTF-8, out utf-8, error utf-8, screen utf-8
    [debug] yt-dlp version stable@2023.10.07 [377e85a17]
    [debug] Lazy loading extractors is disabled
    [debug] Python 3.9.6 (CPython arm64 64bit) - macOS-14.0-arm64-arm-64bit (LibreSSL 2.8.3)
    [debug] exe versions: ffmpeg 4.4.4 (fdk,setts), ffprobe 4.4.4, rtmpdump 2.4
    [debug] Optional libraries: Cryptodome-3.15.0, brotli-1.0.9, certifi-2022.06.15.2, mutagen-1.45.1, sqlite3-3.39.5, websockets-10.3
    [debug] Proxy map: {}
    [debug] Loaded 1886 extractors
    [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
    [ParamountPlus] dBZs_V_9zPjxY11M_On6nyiaN5rwQCj8: Downloading JSON metadata
    ERROR: [ParamountPlus] dBZs_V_9zPjxY11M_On6nyiaN5rwQCj8: Unable to download JSON metadata: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden (caused by <HTTPError 403: Forbidden>); please report this issue on , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are on the latest version using  yt-dlp -U
    Either you are not running the latest version or you are not telling the whole story. Why do I get a 403 and you don't?
    Quote Quote  
  14. Here's the full output -- the only thing I can guess is that my version of Python is older, or there's some kind of region-lock issue that's serving us different files (I'm in the US).

    Do you have a DRM download URL that works for you? I could try that on my end.

    >yt-dlp -v
    [debug] Command-line config: ['-v']
    [debug] Encodings: locale cp1252, fs utf-8, pref cp1252, out utf-8, error utf-8, screen utf-8
    [debug] yt-dlp version stable@2023.10.07 [377e85a17] (win_exe)
    [debug] Python 3.8.10 (CPython AMD64 64bit) - Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0 (OpenSSL 1.1.1k 25 Mar 2021)
    [debug] exe versions: ffmpeg (setts), ffprobe
    [debug] Optional libraries: Cryptodome-3.19.0, brotli-1.1.0, certifi-2023.07.22, mutagen-1.47.0, sqlite3-3.35.5, websockets-11.0.3
    [debug] Proxy map: {}
    [debug] Loaded 1886 extractors

    Usage: yt-dlp [OPTIONS] URL [URL...]

    yt-dlp: error: You must provide at least one URL.
    Type yt-dlp --help to see a list of all options.

    >yt-dlp -F --allow-u ""
    WARNING: You have asked for UNPLAYABLE formats to be listed/downloaded. This is a developer option intended for debugging.
    If you experience any issues while using this option, DO NOT open a bug report
    [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
    [ParamountPlus] dBZs_V_9zPjxY11M_On6nyiaN5rwQCj8: Downloading JSON metadata
    [ParamountPlus] dBZs_V_9zPjxY11M_On6nyiaN5rwQCj8: Downloading JSON metadata
    [ParamountPlus] dBZs_V_9zPjxY11M_On6nyiaN5rwQCj8: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
    [ParamountPlus] dBZs_V_9zPjxY11M_On6nyiaN5rwQCj8: Downloading JSON metadata
    [ParamountPlus] dBZs_V_9zPjxY11M_On6nyiaN5rwQCj8: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
    [ParamountPlus] dBZs_V_9zPjxY11M_On6nyiaN5rwQCj8: Downloading MPD manifest
    ERROR: [ParamountPlus] dBZs_V_9zPjxY11M_On6nyiaN5rwQCj8: This video is DRM protected
    Quote Quote  
    is that the actual url?
    Quote Quote  
  16. Originally Posted by ElCap View Post
    is that the actual url?
    Oddly enough, yes.

    CBS and Paramount+ merged a while back, and now the domain holds all of the CBS content.

    So people discovered that if you want CBS content, you have to go to and add a fake folder to the URL, and the domain will resolve/redirect to the CBS file. It's almost like there's a catch on the domain to redirect to the CBS content if it's not found on Paramount+.

    The end result is that you can type anything you want between "shows" and "video", and it'll trick the domain into resolving to the file you want.
    Quote Quote  
  17. It seems to be an extractor specific thing if the allow-unplayable-formats option has an effect or not. Look e.g. at the RAI extractor: before reporting DRM the allow-unplayable-formats option is evaluated. Which is not the case in the paramountplus extractor. That's kind of inconsistent, but I guess a bug report on github would be shut down more or less immediately. In the end it's considered a developer option for debugging purposes.

    I guess all you can do is to remove the check at your end.
    Quote Quote  
  18. Ahhh, gotcha. Just my luck. =) Thanks Obo
    Quote Quote  
  19. yt-dlp --allow-u -F ""
    WARNING: You have asked for UNPLAYABLE formats to be listed/downloaded. This is a developer option intended for debugging.
    If you experience any issues while using this option, DO NOT open a bug report
    [generic] Extracting URL:
    [generic] stream: Downloading webpage
    WARNING: [generic] Falling back on generic information extractor
    [generic] stream: Extracting information
    [info] Available formats for stream:
    ────────────────────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────
    thumb_160x90-0 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_160x90-1 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_160x90-2 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_160x90-3 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_160x90-4 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_160x90-5 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_160x90-6 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_320x180-0 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_320x180-1 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_320x180-2 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_320x180-3 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_320x180-4 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_320x180-5 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_320x180-6 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    7-0 m4a audio only │ 130k dash │ audio only ec-3 130k 48k [en-US] DRM, DASH audio, m4a_dash
    7-1 m4a audio only │ 130k dash │ audio only ec-3 130k 48k [en-US] DRM, DASH audio, m4a_dash
    7-2 m4a audio only │ 130k dash │ audio only ec-3 130k 48k [en-US] DRM, DASH audio, m4a_dash
    7-3 m4a audio only │ 130k dash │ audio only ec-3 130k 48k [en-US] DRM, DASH audio, m4a_dash
    7-4 m4a audio only │ 130k dash │ audio only ec-3 130k 48k [en-US] DRM, DASH audio, m4a_dash
    7-5 m4a audio only │ 130k dash │ audio only ec-3 130k 48k [en-US] DRM, DASH audio, m4a_dash
    7-6 m4a audio only │ 130k dash │ audio only ec-3 130k 48k [en-US] DRM, DASH audio, m4a_dash
    8-0 m4a audio only │ 131k dash │ audio only mp4a.40.2 131k 48k [en-US] DRM, DASH audio, m4a_dash
    8-1 m4a audio only │ 131k dash │ audio only mp4a.40.2 131k 48k [en-US] DRM, DASH audio, m4a_dash
    8-2 m4a audio only │ 131k dash │ audio only mp4a.40.2 131k 48k [en-US] DRM, DASH audio, m4a_dash
    8-3 m4a audio only │ 131k dash │ audio only mp4a.40.2 131k 48k [en-US] DRM, DASH audio, m4a_dash
    8-4 m4a audio only │ 131k dash │ audio only mp4a.40.2 131k 48k [en-US] DRM, DASH audio, m4a_dash
    8-5 m4a audio only │ 131k dash │ audio only mp4a.40.2 131k 48k [en-US] DRM, DASH audio, m4a_dash
    8-6 m4a audio only │ 131k dash │ audio only mp4a.40.2 131k 48k [en-US] DRM, DASH audio, m4a_dash
    2-0 mp4 416x234 │ 140k dash │ avc1.640028 140k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    2-1 mp4 416x234 │ 143k dash │ avc1.640028 143k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    2-2 mp4 416x234 │ 144k dash │ avc1.640028 144k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    2-3 mp4 416x234 │ 145k dash │ avc1.640028 145k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    2-4 mp4 416x234 │ 146k dash │ avc1.640028 146k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    2-5 mp4 416x234 │ 148k dash │ avc1.640028 148k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    2-6 mp4 416x234 │ 149k dash │ avc1.640028 149k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    3-0 mp4 640x360 │ 461k dash │ avc1.640028 461k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    3-1 mp4 640x360 │ 463k dash │ avc1.640028 463k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    3-2 mp4 640x360 │ 471k dash │ avc1.640028 471k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    3-3 mp4 640x360 │ 476k dash │ avc1.640028 476k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    3-4 mp4 640x360 │ 476k dash │ avc1.640028 476k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    3-5 mp4 640x360 │ 481k dash │ avc1.640028 481k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    3-6 mp4 640x360 │ 482k dash │ avc1.640028 482k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    5-0 mp4 768x432 │ 912k dash │ avc1.640028 912k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    5-1 mp4 768x432 │ 919k dash │ avc1.640028 919k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    5-2 mp4 768x432 │ 941k dash │ avc1.640028 941k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    5-3 mp4 768x432 │ 946k dash │ avc1.640028 946k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    5-4 mp4 768x432 │ 955k dash │ avc1.640028 955k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    5-5 mp4 768x432 │ 961k dash │ avc1.640028 961k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    5-6 mp4 768x432 │ 967k dash │ avc1.640028 967k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    0-0 mp4 960x540 │ 1841k dash │ avc1.640028 1841k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    0-1 mp4 960x540 │ 1845k dash │ avc1.640028 1845k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    0-2 mp4 960x540 │ 1847k dash │ avc1.640028 1847k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    0-3 mp4 960x540 │ 1881k dash │ avc1.640028 1881k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    0-4 mp4 960x540 │ 1887k dash │ avc1.640028 1887k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    0-5 mp4 960x540 │ 1893k dash │ avc1.640028 1893k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    0-6 mp4 960x540 │ 1902k dash │ avc1.640028 1902k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    1-0 mp4 1024x576 │ 2571k dash │ avc1.640028 2571k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    1-1 mp4 1024x576 │ 2582k dash │ avc1.640028 2582k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    1-2 mp4 1024x576 │ 2634k dash │ avc1.640028 2634k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    1-3 mp4 1024x576 │ 2635k dash │ avc1.640028 2635k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    1-4 mp4 1024x576 │ 2650k dash │ avc1.640028 2650k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    1-5 mp4 1024x576 │ 2652k dash │ avc1.640028 2652k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    1-6 mp4 1024x576 │ 2662k dash │ avc1.640028 2662k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    6-0 mp4 1280x720 │ 3700k dash │ avc1.640028 3700k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    6-1 mp4 1280x720 │ 3719k dash │ avc1.640028 3719k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    6-2 mp4 1280x720 │ 3720k dash │ avc1.640028 3720k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    6-3 mp4 1280x720 │ 3728k dash │ avc1.640028 3728k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    6-4 mp4 1280x720 │ 3772k dash │ avc1.640028 3772k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    6-5 mp4 1280x720 │ 3804k dash │ avc1.640028 3804k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    6-6 mp4 1280x720 │ 3807k dash │ avc1.640028 3807k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    4-0 mp4 1920x1080 │ 5566k dash │ avc1.640028 5566k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    4-1 mp4 1920x1080 │ 5620k dash │ avc1.640028 5620k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    4-2 mp4 1920x1080 │ 5632k dash │ avc1.640028 5632k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    4-3 mp4 1920x1080 │ 5639k dash │ avc1.640028 5639k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    4-4 mp4 1920x1080 │ 5678k dash │ avc1.640028 5678k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    4-5 mp4 1920x1080 │ 5722k dash │ avc1.640028 5722k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    4-6 mp4 1920x1080 │ 5770k dash │ avc1.640028 5770k video only DRM, DASH video, mp4_dash
    Quote Quote  
  20. Originally Posted by LZAA View Post
    yt-dlp --allow-u -F ""

    Hrmmm, when I select one of the video formats, I get this output:

    >yt-dlp -F "" -o %(id)s.%(ext)s
    [generic] Extracting URL:
    [generic] stream: Downloading webpage
    WARNING: [generic] Falling back on generic information extractor
    [generic] stream: Extracting information
    WARNING: This video is drm protected and only images are available for download. use --list-formats to see them
    [info] Available formats for stream:
    ────────────────────────────────────────────────── ───────────────────────
    thumb_160x90-0 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_160x90-1 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_160x90-2 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_160x90-3 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_160x90-4 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_160x90-5 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_160x90-6 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_320x180-0 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_320x180-1 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_320x180-2 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_320x180-3 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_320x180-4 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_320x180-5 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    thumb_320x180-6 mhtml unknown │ mhtml │ images DASH storyboards (jpeg)
    Quote Quote  
  21. yt-dlp --allow-u -F ""
    Quote Quote  

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