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  1. Hello,

    I have a big quantity of mini clips (10 to 12 frames) to join together to create one single video, and the amount of clips is around 50,000. I have tried many solutions, ffmpeg, regular editors (Davinci, Premiere), etc... but they can't handle the quantity. Can you advise me of a good solution that would help me joining that much clips without too much issue (Software with GUI preferable please)? Thanks.
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  2. Although I've never concatenated 50000 clips with ffmpeg I suspect it capable of doing so. But you need to build a text file with a list of all the files:

    file 'file00001.mp4'  
    file 'file00002.mp4'  
    file 'file50000.mp4'
    and use a command like:

    ffmpeg -y -safe 0 -f concat -i list.txt -c copy output.mp4
    You can use the CLI command "DIR /B *.mp4" > list.txt" to create a list. It will have only the bare filenames so you'll have to use Notepad or some other text editor to add the preceding "file '" and ending "'" (easily done with a global replace). If your files aren't mp4 files just replace all the "mp4" with the correct extension.
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  3. Member Cornucopia's Avatar
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    "... without too much issue." There's the rub.

    1st, and most important issue is clip format similarity - resolution, framerate, codec, GOP composition...
    Whoops, that's more than one issue.
    Next, player gracefulness when encountering dissimilar clip transitions
    Next, not all codecs will be accepted into the mp4 container.

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  4. Member
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    To go with jagabo's idea.

    for %%a in (*.mp4) do echo file '%%a' >> list.txt
    ffmpeg -safe 0 -f concat -i list.txt -c copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb Output.mp4
    The highlighted parameter is what I use. It may not be needed.

    Cornucopia is right. Things will probably go amiss.
    You may need to do an encode of them all first. I would, to a .ts format.
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  5. That ffmpeg might work of course with some prep.
    Vapoursynth could be used if clips need to be converted to the same format.
    The only downside is that total number of frames are needed beforehand, final video length, or just overshoot that total, but black frames will be padded.

    Frames are generated on the fly basically, on need to get basis, RAM does not get bloated:
    PHP Code:
    #python code, not php
    import vapoursynth as vs
    from vapoursynth import core
    import os

    r'D:\directory_with_many_files'    #directory where sources are
    EXT   =  "mp4"          #source extensions
    WIDTH =  1920
    500000     #total number of frames for whole video
    FPSNUM 25
    vs.YUV420P8    #or vs.RGB24 for 8bit rgb, depending on your source
    SOURCE_PLUGIN core.lsmas.LibavSMASHSource  #depends what your source is

    def get_clips():
    filename in os.listdir(DIRECTORY):
                here could be clip converted to the same format
                or different source plugins could be used based on source extension etc.
    path os.path.join(DIRECTORYfilename)
    clip SOURCE_PLUGIN(path)

    class Clip_handler:
    def __init__(selfget_clips):
    self.clip_generator get_clips()
    self.clip_length 0
    .clip_frame = -1
    .clip 1

        def load_new_clip
    self.clip next(self.clip_generator)
    except StopIteration:
    self.clip None
    self.clip_length self.clip.num_frames
    .clip_frame 0
        def get_frame
    self.clip is None:
    def fetch_frame(selfnf):
    .clip_frame += 1
    if self.clip_length == 0:
    self.clip_length  -= 1
    return self.get_frame()
    placeholder_clip core.std.BlankClip(width=WIDTHheight=HEIGHTformat=FORMATlengthLENGTH)
    placeholder_clip core.std.AssumeFPS(placeholder_clipfpsnum FPSNUMfpsden FPSDEN)
    clip_handler Clip_handler(get_clips)
    joined_clips core.std.ModifyFrame(clip=placeholder_clipclips=placeholder_clipselector=clip_handler.fetch_frame)
    Last edited by _Al_; 28th Mar 2022 at 23:30.
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  6. Member
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    This would be my first attempt, first creating .ts format files, all with the same video and audio attributes.

    All the things said by Cornucopia need to be taken into account for the first ffmpeg pass.
    I included a few parameters. Modify or delete or add to as required.
    I'd not be worried about the size of the final mp4 until you get a workable output.
    The trick is to NOT lose any quality when creating the mp4.

    -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb - cannot be used for .ts input streams. So it's not needed.

    for %%a in (*.mp4) do ffmpeg -i "%%a" -vf scale=640:360 -c:v mpeg2video -qscale:v 2 -r 30 -c:a mp2 -b:a 192k "%%~na.ts"
    for %%a in (*.ts) do echo file '%%a' >> list.txt
    ffmpeg -safe 0 -f concat -i list.txt -c copy Output.mp4
    Last edited by pcspeak; 28th Mar 2022 at 23:56.
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