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  1. Hello everyone,

    How can I download all the little chunks of the encrypted video in a synchronized order?

    The website is

    I have the proper decryption keys which works. I'm planning to download all the encrypted video and then decrypt them manually one by one using some automation.

    The website uses Widevine DRM encryption.

    Last edited by rajhlinux; 25th Mar 2022 at 19:30.
    Quote Quote  
  2. Alright I seem to got it working:

    I use this program called "yt-dlp".

    This is the command I enter on CMD:

    yt-dlp --allow-unplayable-formats --force-generic-extractor " J9.eyJwYXRoIjoib3V0L3YxL2MxNmUwMGNiZThlNzRmZDg4M2N kMzVlZTlhMzNjN2JmLzA2YzhkYzEyZGEyNzQ1ZjFiMGI0ZTdjM mMwMzJkZmVmLzg0MmQ0YjhlMmUwMTRmYmJiODdjNjQwZGRjODl kMDM2LyIsImV4cCI6MTY0ODI4NjIxNX0.wReSM4Q72bdTgnD7X Gf8REQ3-QuDdXnVg0gjUOX1FrU&provider=cloudfront&v=1" -o output.mp4

    Need to use "--force-generic-extractor" to get it working else it wont download anything.

    Then I tried decrypting the video and audio using "shaka-packager".

    This is the command I enter on CMD:

    shaka-packager.exe input=C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\udemy\ 4,stream=video,output=C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\ude my\decrypttt.mp4.mp4 input=C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\udemy\output.f20.m4 a,stream=audio,output=C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\ude my\decryptt_audio.m4a --enable_raw_key_decryption --keys label=0:key_id=75175f4a6e1c40a597273c3b41339246:ke y=d4d019341ba95d60be4b560e6e877ebd:87651d63fa52676 672a714815c64f5d9

    However both video and audio are not decrypted (same goes for using "bento mp4decrypt")...

    This is the CDM I used:

    Here is the ".mpd" file:

    Here is the decrypt key: aefc537bda2a545a80d72d93824ffcc9:32fccf818a6e210d8 ef1acec269deb6d

    Here is the KEY ID: 75175f4a6e1c40a597273c3b41339246

    Here are the encrypted video and audio file to inspect/test:

    Last edited by rajhlinux; 26th Mar 2022 at 01:21.
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