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  1. Ok, so I'm trying to convert a 4k mkv movie with the main audio in DTS to a 4k mkv with pcm 24 but. After reading I found where pcm is lossless . Why you ask, I just bought an 85 inch 4k Samsung neo QLED and I'm using a hard drive to play files on my tv and quests what, Samsung does not support DTS via hard drive connected by usb, I know, odd. Anyway, I found a command line to do this and I'm new to syntax. I ran the command line and I received an audio codec error. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Below is the command line I used.

    ffmpeg -i input.mkv -c copy -c:a s24be -acodec pcm_s24b output.mkv
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  2. Hard to say without you sharing the error message and output of ffmpeg, but "-c copy -c:a s24be" seems wrong since you on one hand tell ffmpeg to copy all streams and then tell it ot reencode a stream.
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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  3. I'm just wanting to copy the video quality as it's mkv hevc 265 but change the audio track from DTS to Pcm because pcm is lossless and my darn TV hard drive does not play DTS. So, yes, I'm copying the video and trying to change the audio. What command would I type ? I appreciate any help, this is so frustrating.
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  4. Code:
    ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vcodec copy -c:a s24be -acodec pcm_s24be output.mkv
    tells ffmpeg to copy the video and reencode the audio.
    If your source also has subtitle you probably want to add '-scodec copy' to let ffmpeg know that it should also copy the subtitles.

    In case that does not work post the call you used and the output it produced.

    Cu Selur
    Last edited by Selur; 4th Mar 2022 at 00:24. Reason: pcm_s24b -> pcm_s24be
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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  5. Originally Posted by insurancepi View Post
    ffmpeg -i input.mkv -c copy -c:a s24be -acodec pcm_s24b output.mkv
    ffmpeg -i input.mkv -c:v copy -c:a pcm_s24le output.mkv
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  6. pcm_s24be = big endian
    pcm_s24le = little endian
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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  7. Thanks so much, I'm going to try it right now. Question, what is the difference between big endian and little. Sorry for my lack of knowledge, I'm just now getting back into video work.
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  8. 'le' is usually used on PCs while MacOS usually uses 'be'
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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  9. Thanks! You are super smart! , I just used that syntax and it's encoding now. I think I understand the equation. I'm studying up on this , but it's like learning a new language. I will let you know how it turns out. The file is 45Gig so it might take a while. I do have another question or problem.
    I've got several movies where the default language is not in English. I've used a program that lets me see all the languages and strip the ones I don't want, however, I can't remove the flagged language that's with the video and it's not in English. The 0 language or default, main always plays as the default on my tv when the file is on my hard drive connected to tv. So, what I want to do is copy the 4k mkv hevc video, but remove the flagged default language and replace it with English. I have a program called mkvtoolnix GUI that I've used to remove the foreign and other languages that I don't need, but I can't remove the default or flagged audio. When I produce that file with mkv toolnix it produces a file that still has the foreign audio as default, the English track is there too as I did not remove it but ffmpeg is the only took I have found that can unflag and flag another language as default. Do you have any idea how I would do that? What the code would be? I read where it can be done, but I can't find the formula.
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  10. It worked, but it's not loud at all and hardly any base and it's a heavy base sci Fi movie. Id like to encode the mkv with DTS to AAC 6ch 48000... Is this code close? Minus the output. Any help would be appreciated.

    ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vn -ac 6 -ar 48000 -ab 400k -c:a aac 6ch.m4a
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  11. You might want to read up on audio normalisation and dynamic range compression, or may by someone who uses ffmpeg for DTS -> xy conversions can suggest something to you.
    (personally I prefer using a gui and don't use ffmpeg for audio conversions)
    -> looking at would be my suggestion
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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  12. [QUOTE=insurancepi;2650450]It worked, but it's not loud at all /QUOTE]
    Forget the commandline an use a GUI
    Here is an example:
    [Attachment 63815 - Click to enlarge]

    Download here:
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  13. @ProWo: out of curiousity: Since I see no selection for it in the GUI, does it use little or big endian pcm output? (probably little endian since it's aimed for Windows only users)
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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  14. Originally Posted by Selur View Post
    @ProWo: out of curiousity: Since I see no selection for it in the GUI, does it use little or big endian pcm output? (probably little endian since it's aimed for Windows only users)
    Little Endian
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