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  1. Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Harstad - Norway
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    Hello, i am trying to digitize our VHS home tapes from the early 90s, i am presented with a really annoying issue regarding color flickering in bright blue and reds also yellows, the strange thing is, out of 3 capture devices i have the least expensive one does not have this issue, however the cheap one tends to drop frames more often, it seems like i can't win no matter what i do, i have tried different VCRs, different cables, capture software, different device settings, different firmware, nothing helps, i have attached a link to a sample from one of my videos where you can clearly see how bad it is, the footage you see in the video sample was captured on the elgato video capture, and yes i know it's not the most fancy thing out there but since it works for a lot of people, also the fact that getting hands on professional hardware is close to impossible nowadays it seems to be my best option, but as it currently stands both it and the Magix have bad color flickering and green banding on the colors i mentioned above, as of now the capture device that performs the best over all is my cheap no brand grabber which i find a bit ironical.

    Link to video sample:

    I also uploaded the capture file to google drive straight out of AmarecTV for better viewing:
    Last edited by HansensUniverse; 1st Feb 2022 at 04:14.
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  2. Member DB83's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    United Kingdom
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    This is camera footage. Why is it on VHS ? I guess there was a poor transfer.
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  3. The issue as I see it is heavy dotcrawl and rainbowing of saturated colors of Composite video. There exist dotcrawl and rainbow etc. filters in AviSynth which you could try - I have some doubts though.
    The much better solution would be capturing via S-Video (if the VCR supports it) and use a DVD recorder in passthrough via S-Video.
    Last edited by Sharc; 1st Feb 2022 at 06:31.
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