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  1. Hello everyone,
    I'm new to the forum but I've been editing videos for years. I'd always used Sony Vegas, but started using Adobe Premiere Pro CC v12.0 only a couple of years ago, and it has almost always worked flawlessly.

    Since a couple of months though, I've started experiencing strange issues while editing:
    • Whenever I move the slider in the timeline, the preview is not responsive at all, and I have to wait at least 3 seconds for the proper frame to appear in the preview; the same delay happens whenever I click the "play" button (I have to wait 3 seconds before the preview starts playing);
    • At the beginning of these 3 seconds, I noticed 100% CPU activity spikes in the task manager;
    • If I try to edit too fast (cuts, trims, move clips, every other action), the chances of the software to crash are almost 90%... I've been editing a 45 min video project and probably I've run into hundreds of crashes. It just freezes and I have to kill the process in the task manager.

    I'm thinking that the crash is caused by the first issue: in fact, I've noticed that if I wait for the preview to load (3 seconds after I stop moving the slider), PP will never crash. The crashes only occurs if actions are made in those 3 seconds of pre-loading.

    I'm sure that months ago the software was not so sluggish. I've tryed with the following fixes:
    • Clear media cache files
    • Reset workspaces
    • Disable GPU acceleration
    • Reduce the preview size
    • Converting all of the footages I'm working with into GoPro Cineform codec using shutter encoder

    None of this solved the problem... The conversion into Cineform helped a lot in the first stages of the project (faster video playback and editing, less crashes), but as soon as it started becoming bigger, I got the same bug again.

    Are there any other things I could try? Is it possible that the "Essential audio" tool in the "Audio" workspace is causing the issue? I used it a lot to correct the audio levels.

    EDIT: the strange thing is that if I hold the slider with the left click, after those 3 seconds, the preview starts to be 100% responsive (I can see the video frames updating in real time when moving the slider).

    System Specs:
    • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20GHz 3.19 GHz
    • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6 GB
    • RAM: 16 GB

    Footage Specs:
    • Container: MPEG-4 (JVT)
    • Codec: avc1 (avc1/isom)
    • Acquired with DJI Osmo Pocket and DJI Mavic Mini

    Thanks in advance for the help!
    Last edited by Trial4life; 14th Jan 2022 at 03:40.
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  2. It turned out that Essential sounds was the cause of the lag! In fact, if I delete all of the audio tracks, everything goes instantly super fast.

    Do you know how can I use essential sounds without encountering this issue? Have newer versions of Premiere solved it?
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