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  1. Hi Guys,

    I can successfully do Channel 5 - My 5 - using herokuapp.

    However I cant seem to get it to work on Channel 4 - All 4 - I just get error 404.

    Anyone had success with All 4?

    Cheers, Gaz
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  2. psaframe
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
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    Put your link here i will help you...
    Quote Quote  
  3. Thanks!

    I'm new to this only started looking at this kind of stuff a couple of days ago so big noob here!!
    I'm trying to get this series "Skint" just first episode below.

    Channel 5 OD is fine so seems a bit different with All 4

    Cheers, Gaz

    MPD =="video"&&((DisplayHeight>=288)&&(DisplayHeight<= 576)))||type!="video"&ts=1641823842&e=600&st=56OiB LGazQwDrzFpd-WxBb3ORE5EP5l8JejYiFOz-Fc&mpd_segment_template=time



    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
    Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
    Content-Length: "6281"
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/97.0.4692.71 Safari/537.36

    I get:

    Error 404:<br>
    Quote Quote  
  4. Actually it wont let me DL the MPD either - this has happened a few times
    This is what YTDL returns

    Cheers, Gaz

    WARNING: [generic] Could not send HEAD request to ==video&&((DisplayHeight>=288)&&(DisplayHeight<=57 6)))||type!=video&ts=1641824816&e=600&st=Ysli0PYQn kzo0bA0ySzG-XPNlD_3Elv858xMjJ4TJ7E&mpd_segment_template=time: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request
    [generic] stream.mpd?c3: Downloading webpage
    ERROR: [generic] Unable to download webpage: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request (caused by <HTTPError 400: 'Bad Request'>); please report this issue on . Make sure you are using the latest version; see on how to update. Be sure to call yt-dlp with the --verbose flag and include its complete output. (caused by <HTTPError 400: 'Bad Request'>); please report this issue on . Make sure you are using the latest version; see on how to update. Be sure to call yt-dlp with the --verbose flag and include its complete output.
    Quote Quote  
  5. Originally Posted by theshakez View Post
    Actually it wont let me DL the MPD either - this has happened a few times
    This is what YTDL returns

    Cheers, Gaz

    WARNING: [generic] Could not send HEAD request to ==video&&((DisplayHeight>=288)&&(DisplayHeight<=57 6)))||type!=video&ts=1641824816&e=600&st=Ysli0PYQn kzo0bA0ySzG-XPNlD_3Elv858xMjJ4TJ7E&mpd_segment_template=time: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request
    [generic] stream.mpd?c3: Downloading webpage
    ERROR: [generic] Unable to download webpage: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request (caused by <HTTPError 400: 'Bad Request'>); please report this issue on . Make sure you are using the latest version; see on how to update. Be sure to call yt-dlp with the --verbose flag and include its complete output. (caused by <HTTPError 400: 'Bad Request'>); please report this issue on . Make sure you are using the latest version; see on how to update. Be sure to call yt-dlp with the --verbose flag and include its complete output.

    I couldn't find the MPD link, did you find the MPD from the network tab?

    Also is this a comedy or documentary?
    Quote Quote  
  6. It a documentary series

    Yes from the network tab.
    MPDs from channel 5 are fine

    Channel 5 example is fine:

    Weird its not finding it on the All 4 stuff
    Quote Quote  
  7. psaframe
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    Search PM
    PHP Code:
    content key: 00000000000000000000000003323603:8d44cadccc1ac15b9dec500e44e18668
    Quote Quote  
  8. Originally Posted by theshakez View Post
    It a documentary series

    Yes from the network tab.
    MPDs from channel 5 are fine

    Channel 5 example is fine:

    Weird its not finding it on the All 4 stuff
    Thanks, which browser are you using to get the MPD?

    I've tried both FF and Chrome but nothing appears as soon as i point MPD in the filter dialog box.
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  9. All4 is far more complicated than my5. All4 requires extra data in the form of json tokens etc and I don't believe that can currently be done with herokuapp.

    Also... All4 mpd's are time sensitive. They expire after a few minutes
    Quote Quote  
  10. WOW!!

    Also I still get error 404 on herokuapp what I try to get the keys myself.

    Is there a better tool? Obviously don't want to be asking you guys all the time

    Cheers Gaz

    Thanks again.

    Found the new mpd with that Chrome plugin I just found. Again still learning this lol
    Last edited by theshakez; 10th Jan 2022 at 10:14.
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  11. search for mpd in network tab of dev tools in Chrome... it always gives the address
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  12. That worked guys.

    So how can I get these keys myself is the some other tool I can use?

    Please DM me if these should be private questions.

    Thanks again guys!!
    Quote Quote  
  13. Bumping this for a potential solution or help, both herokuapp & wks-key give errors trying to get keys for any all4 content.
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  14. Do not send me DM's
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    Originally Posted by pauli3 View Post
    Bumping this for a potential solution or help, both herokuapp & wks-key give errors trying to get keys for any all4 content.
    See here

    Extra info is needed for wks-keys to work
    Quote Quote  
  15. Just wondered if anyone could PM me what extra is needed for all4, i have sent various JSON requests but i still seem to be missing something minor as headers seem fine, have noticed they seem to have 3 license requests but i keep getting the protobufs error, even with the JSON info correctly formatted in the file, just wondering if a bearer token is needed as well?

    Grateful for any tips.
    Quote Quote  
  16. Originally Posted by BadJoker View Post
    Just wondered if anyone could PM me what extra is needed for all4, i have sent various JSON requests but i still seem to be missing something minor as headers seem fine, have noticed they seem to have 3 license requests but i keep getting the protobufs error, even with the JSON info correctly formatted in the file, just wondering if a bearer token is needed as well?

    Grateful for any tips.
    token from the licence request payload
    Quote Quote  
  17. Is that in the header using the authorization string, or in the license url?

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  18. I know it's a hot topic and people get frustrated with the same questions but could someone clear one thing out for me please..

    Is it possible to make this work with medvm/widevine_keys (because I've seen people here claim they succeeded)?
    When I modify the file and send the required json payload, I get a license key in a form of:
    ...which I then pass to:

    license_b64 = json.loads(response.content.decode())['license']
    This results in an error:
    ValueError: Ciphertext with incorrect length.
    Anybody willing to share any pointers where should I go from here? Maybe via a private message.. That would be much appreciated.
    Quote Quote  
  19. Originally Posted by joasis View Post
    ValueError: Ciphertext with incorrect length.
    Last time I got this on udemy, it meant my CDM was revoked. I was trying a lot of semi-failed requests... maybe the same happened to you.
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  20. That's probably the case. Thanks [ss]vegeta!
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  21. Member
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    Originally Posted by T33V33 View Post
    Originally Posted by BadJoker View Post
    Just wondered if anyone could PM me what extra is needed for all4, i have sent various JSON requests but i still seem to be missing something minor as headers seem fine, have noticed they seem to have 3 license requests but i keep getting the protobufs error, even with the JSON info correctly formatted in the file, just wondering if a bearer token is needed as well?

    Grateful for any tips.
    token from the licence request payload
    I tried doing that but I'm getting following errors on widevine_keys-main :-

    license response status: <Response [500]>
    server reports: {"status": {"success": false, "type": "An internal error with the LSP Module occurred"}}
    server did not issue license, make sure you have correctly pasted all the required headers in the Also check json/raw params of POST request.
    And on I'm getting error 404.

    Can You tell me what I'm doing wrong??
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  22. c4 need a proper py to get keys ...
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  23. Originally Posted by theshakez View Post
    Hi Guys,

    I can successfully do Channel 5 - My 5 - using herokuapp.

    However I cant seem to get it to work on Channel 4 - All 4 - I just get error 404.

    Anyone had success with All 4?

    Cheers, Gaz
    Did you ever achieve this? If so could you point me in the right direction please?
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  24. Member
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    Also interested on this, if someone has the answer tell pls
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  25. [Deleted]
    Quote Quote  
  26. Thanks for sharing the script code.
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  27. Originally Posted by [ss]vegeta View Post
    Thanks for sharing the script code.
    Hi, I've seen a lot of your useful guides on here regarding DRM/widevine but I am having a lot of difficulty with 4oD/channel 4. Would you mind sharing the script, the mpd link doesn't even seem to work in yt-dlp...

    Edit: I have the script for getting the key but it seems impossible to get the mpd to download, I just get Error 400 bad request

    I think it's a problem with the parameters but removing anything after filter= just breaks it
    Last edited by PoisonedPi; 4th Feb 2023 at 19:14.
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  28. If I remember correctly and I can be totally wrong now but there was a thing where you had to refresh the page few times and you get a different link to mpd that works.
    Maybe that still works. Maybe it doesn't. Maybe it wasn't even for C4.

    Works fine on my end btw

    ytdlp.exe --allow-u ""
    WARNING: You have asked for UNPLAYABLE formats to be listed/downloaded. This is a developer option intended for debugging.
             If you experience any issues while using this option, DO NOT open a bug report
    [generic] stream.mpd?c3: Downloading webpage
    WARNING: [generic] Falling back on generic information extractor
    [generic] stream.mpd?c3: Extracting information
    [info] stream.mpd?c3: Downloading 1 format(s): video=2961791+audio_eng=128000
    WARNING: You have requested merging of multiple formats while also allowing unplayable formats to be downloaded. The formats won't be merged to prevent data corruption.
    [dashsegments] Total fragments: 470
    [download] Destination: stream [stream.mpd?c3].fvideo=2961791.mp4
    [download]   3.8% of ~959.80MiB at    4.78MiB/s ETA 03:37 (frag 18/470)
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  29. Thanks I was being a total idiot and was leaving the quotations marks out, which are supposed to surround the mpd address. I managed to successfully download and decrypt it into an mp4. Everything seems to be perfect, I'm just assuming its the highest bitrate that you can download, as changing the mpd parameters messes it up
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