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  1. Hello there,

    I few weeks ago I came here to ask for help. I wanted to run MediaInfo CLI from the sendTo contextual menu. From the send to menu is easy, just place the batch script in there.
    But I wanted to have the nfo created be the default one, but just with the file name and not the path in the general part of the nfo.
    I got 4 versions of it, 2 for a single file (without the path in the file name and with only the folder containing the file) and 2 for all the files in the folder (only name and only parent folder and name too):
    This code here is to create nfo's for all files in the folder (without the path in the name in the general part of the nfo)
    @echo off
    for /r %%a in ("*.mp4", "*.avi", "*.mkv") do call :process "%%a"
    cd "%~p1"
    "C:\Program Files\MediaInfo_CLI_21.09_Windows_x64\MediaInfo.exe" --LogFile="%~dpn1.nfo" "%~nx1"
    goto :eof
    How could I make it so that instead of making an NFO for every single file, to make a single nfo for all of the files.
    As i'm writing this, I'm thinking a solution would be to run something at the end of the script that takes all nfos and groups them ?

    Any ideas how I could achieve that?

    Thanks for your help
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  2. use >> to append the output of each mediainfocli call to the same file.

    @echo off
    for /r %%a in ("*.mp4", "*.avi", "*.mkv") do call :process "%%a"
    cd "%~p1"
    "C:\Program Files\MediaInfo_CLI_21.09_Windows_x64\MediaInfo.exe" "%~nx1" >>MediaInfoAll.txt
    goto :eof
    Quote Quote  
  3. Originally Posted by jagabo View Post
    use >> to append the output of each mediainfocli call to the same file.

    @echo off
    for /r %%a in ("*.mp4", "*.avi", "*.mkv") do call :process "%%a"
    cd "%~p1"
    "C:\Program Files\MediaInfo_CLI_21.09_Windows_x64\MediaInfo.exe" "%~nx1" >>MediaInfoAll.txt
    goto :eof
    Thank you
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  4. You may want to delete MediaInfoAll.txt before starting the for loop -- in case there's one there already.
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  5. Originally Posted by jagabo View Post
    You may want to delete MediaInfoAll.txt before starting the for loop -- in case there's one there already.
    Yeah that'd be better, but it's fine as it is since I'll rename the file after, but thx anyways
    Quote Quote  

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