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    Is there any open source video codec for Windows that I can use in VirtualDub for encoding AVI files?

    If there is no open source codec, then which codecs are most recommended these days?

    I am also interested in lossless codecs too
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  2. Well I mean there's XviD
    For lossless there's Lagarith
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  3. Use VirtualDub2 instead. It has several built-in open source codecs: xvid, x264, x265, ffmpeg, Lagarith, etc.
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  4. Originally Posted by jagabo View Post
    Use VirtualDub2 instead. It has several built-in open source codecs: xvid, x264, x265, ffmpeg, Lagarith, etc.
    Funny how there are rabid opponents of VirtualDub2, while you recommend it Actually, I agree with you. I found that most bugs against VirtualDub2/VirtualDubFilterMod were reported several years ago, and since then it has been considerably improved. I use it as well. I like that I can configure a project (I believe that the standard VD cannot do it), I like multiple output container options besides AVI, I like built-in Cineform codec that works. External Cineform codec would crash every time. I wish it allowed to capture directly into MP4/MKV/M2TS file.

    So, I came here to suggest Cineform as one of the open-source codecs, sort of. After GoPro bought Cineform, they open-sourced the codec. VirtualDub2 has a native implementation, for other programs you need a separate codec, and GoPro made every effort to prevent installing just the codec, I had to install some of their editor tools. This is what I don't like. But Cineform as a codec has been one of the preferred ones in professional community for the last fifteen years or so, so I trust it.
    Last edited by ConsumerDV; 14th Apr 2022 at 20:48.
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