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    Outside VirtualDub I use OBS Studio to capture directly to HEVC using nVidia CUDA hardware acceleration (HEVC NVEnc codec). It is that fast it never drops any frames, it encodes HEVC in realtime. Of course to get the best possible quality I set the bitrate at 10000K for 1080p or at 4000K for 576p (PAL). Too bad VirtualDub doesn't support CUDA. If you know of any plugin or VFW codec to support CUDA in VirtualDub, please post download link! Thanks!
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  2. Originally Posted by spapakons View Post
    VHS is an analogue video format and for PAL you capture it at 720x576 (4:3 PAL with non-square pixels, CCIR and DVD standard, aka full resolution) which is considered adequate for a SD signal to capture all details. However, when I connect my TV card to my HDMI-to-AV converter in order to capture video from an HDMI source, the converter produces a black frame around the video about 20 pixels left, 16 pixels right, 8 top and 12 bottom. Losing 36 pixels horizontally makes 684x556 and I don't like that. So I capture at the maximum resolution supported by my TV card 768x576 (proper 4:3 PAL with square pixels) so the end result is 732x556, much better. I then resize that to DVD-compliant 720x576 (the stretched image is almost indistinguishable from the original cropped image).
    SD PAL capture has always been 72x576 for capturing some people do upscale in software for YouTube because it fills the YouTube video player and I think YouTube give it more bitrate.

    I think it's because HDMI source has a different resolution that's why you are getting the blackbars or its not capturing at full resolution, if you are getting 732x566 that could mean some of the picture is missing

    The default setting in logoaway filter is "UGLARM" which blurs the logo area a lot. I discovered that the XY setting almost makes the logo invisible, provided the selected filter area overlaps with all the logo area.

    I haven't used it that much to be honest when I have it has crashed alot I was thinking are the crashes damaging my computer
    It crashes and says something about Virtualdub memory if I'm not mistaken.

    Originally Posted by spapakons View Post
    If you leave even a single pixel line out it shows as horizontal or vertical white lines. To make it easy to locate the effective area I set Solid fill first, so I see a black rectangle on preview. I resize and move the rectangle accordingly to cover all the logo area. A little larger doesn't harm. When I am sure I properly covered all the logo area, I set XY to make it invisible. And it is indeed invisible for smooth shades in the picture. You occasionally see a little blur if there are fine details such as titles or an actor face in the logo area. For most of the movie you really see nothing! Very handy for stupid TV channels that advertise a new series in a fixed area of the screen ruining the movie. I managed to make the stupid message disappear completely. I could also remove the channel logo if I wanted to, but I don't mind for a small logo. I don't want a huge stupid message such as "Series-name new episode tomorrow 21:00". After editing with VirtuaDub you can either save directly to an .AVI file with the video and audio compressions you want, or you can start frame server and use another application to save to another format such as MPEG. Not all applications can open VirtualDub's .vdr files, but Avisynth can, so you can create a small Avisynth script that simply opens the file, save as .avs and then open this .avs file with the other application for saving to another format.

    I haven't got as far as you have all I've done is taken opened the screenshot in paint full paint over it in red and then insert that in logo away, but it for it to work you need to give accurate measurements of the logo in terms of logo size otherwise it will blur the wrong area, I find it difficult to use its an old filter that has not be updated I think the one available is a beta version that's why it crashes
    I will have to play around with it but from what I understand it's also down to what kind of logo it is if it's a watermark it will be easier to remove if it's a solid logo then it will be difficult.
    Yes I know what you mean I hate those announcement logos during a show, in more recent times channels now have a news ticker at the bottom of the screen .

    After logoaway I just save as avi with lossless compression, if I need to save it .mp4 I de-interlace and save h264 in Hybrid
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