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  1. Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2021
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    Hi, dear Experts!
    On my notebook HP ProBook 6560b, Intel corei5, Intel HD Graphics 3000, I have two hard disks installed: a main ST-harddisk with Windows 10 Prox64 and a WDC-harddisk with Windows 8.1 Prox64.
    Both systems and necessary additional software are up-to-date.

    On both hard disks is the newest version of OBS Studio installed.

    When I'm making a screen capture therewith, it functions on Windows 8.1 excellent, without any error.
    But the sound in the stored avi-file on Windows 10 is consequently delayed.
    At the about one hour long file, this delay is about 2 seconds on the end.

    What is causing this problem and how could be possible to its eliminating?
    Many thanks in advance for your ideas! Regards-Glen
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  2. Member DB83's Avatar
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    Screen capture is prone to even more issues than video capture.

    So many factors. Your system memory. The size of the screen (full or windowed). The speed of the HDD. Other program(s) running in the background. There are probably others which I can not think of right now

    You could, possibly, eliminate to HDD by nominating the WDC for the Win10 capture. That in itself could solve issues where the OS is trying to write to the main drive at the same time.

    Task Manager should tell you if other programs, which may not be required at that specific point, are running and could be closed down. E.G. For screen-capture do you require internet access (unless you are recording an online game) and that itself could well be writing to the drive.
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  3. Member
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    Sorry, I've made a mistake. Windows 10 is installed on the WDC hard disk and Windows 8.1 on the ST hard disk. When I stream something from the Internet, the conditions are the same on both systems. And then, I take the screen recording with the same browser, namely the same Portable Opera (up-to-date), always working on the system drive in the “Portable Tools” directory. So, all of the parameters mentioned by you can't affect the sound delay on OBS Studio at Windows 10.
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  4. Member DB83's Avatar
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    Well the only thing that changes from my reply is the nominated HDD. Use the Win8.1 (ST).

    I am not suggesting that is the solution since there is no easy one.

    Others my have different ideas.
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