Hello everybody, I want to share a new extension with you all: Video Controller (Firefox)
It scans network traffic for video links and when found, it creates m3u playlists that can be used to send videos directly to VLC player with 1 click.
Some of the advantages include:
1. No more advertisements/interruptions (Only the direct link to the chosen video is sent to VLC so ad's cannot be inserted by the origin website).
2. Watch videos in full screen, even if the originating website doesn't allow it. (Useful on betting sites such as Bet365, Betfair, Ladbrokes, William Hill etc).
3. Watch an unlimted number of events from multiple sites at once (multi screen)
4. Record/save videos with VLC whereas this would not be possible when viewing videos online
5. Save CPU resources by sending videos to VLC and closing down the website. (4 videos in VLC is roughly equal to displaying 1 online video and it's corresponding web page).
6. It's also possible to open videos in a new tab and play them in a lightweight player (again saving CPU resources, as the originating website can then be closed)
Here is a video of the extension in action: Youtube Video
Video Controller is compatible with a vast number of websites, including:
[Attachment 60491 - Click to enlarge]
Video Controller Homepage
It's currently pending verification on the Chrome store and will be available for Chrome as soon as approved by Google.
Feedback is welcomed and appreciated. If you find encounter any problems or have any feature requests, please post here or get in touch via Email
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Results 1 to 25 of 25
Your extension may have some value. Whether it is appropriate to 'sell' it on the basis of Gambling or Porn sites is questionable.
But your website is the 'pits'. You appear to have simply borrowed a template from another and not bothered or inacapable of adapting it for your own. For example your contact page will go no where - and even if it did you would not have a clue who sent the message and a means of replying. -
Well, the extension is, and always will be, 100% free so nothing is for sale here. Gambling and porn are both 2 perfectly legal pastimes that are enjoyed by many millions of people daily. This extension would be very useful to those people as it removes limitations and adds many new features to enhance their viewing pleasure. I don't see how it's questionable to point that out.
The website is a £1/month Ionos setup that, as you guessed, is simply a re-useable template. I'm aware that it needs a couple of finishing touches, I'm quite capable.
Anyway thanks for the input, I hope you find the extension useful. -
At least my sticks are up my nose. I hate to think where yours are
For the record I was not being critical of the actual extension. No doubt it will have some usefulness - I do not need it since I can record/download anything I so desire.
My issue was with it's 'selling' point - that has nothing to do with commerce. I do not gamble. I do respect anyone's choice to do that even if it can turn in to an addiction - gamble all the more to try and get back your losses.
I have been known to visit some of those Pron sites. I state this not to appear hypercritical. However, AFAIK, online pron is not legal in the UK - governments have made several attempts to outlaw it and in the end left it to ISP's and parental controls to, hopefully, ensure that only adults could access it (personal choice) - it is tolerated.
Surely the OP could have chosen more family-friendly sites to 'sell' this. That is my critique.
But the website needs more than 'a couple of finishing touches'. That was IMHO a justifial remark. -
Could be useful in certain situations especially for inexperienced users who are incapable of discovering their own m3u8s.
For me, a better option would have been to launch it in VLC or OBS, although I realize OBS is not a user-friendly app for beginners - or have an option/choice to do so - because VLC-record is about as bad as it gets.Last edited by codehound; 30th Aug 2021 at 05:57.
That's true, but I'm a user that can find my own m3u fles and I use the extension every day because instead of 7+ steps:
1. Open dev console
2. Network traffic
3. Search
4. Copy link
5. Open VLC
6. Open menu and "open network stream"
7. Paste link and open
The extension simplifies and streamlines that whole process down to a single click.
I'm not sure what you mean by this because this is what it currently does (as seen in the video)
It can do this, in fact it can open the m3u with whatever program you have set as your default file handler for m3u files. If you have VLC as the m3u default file handler on your device, then VLC will open. But if you have OBS as the default handler, then the m3u will be opened with OBS.
For example in Windows 10: "Under Win10 settings, click Apps > Default Apps > Choose default apps by file type, then choose the program you want to associate."
If you do this for m3u files, whichever program you choose, will open the m3u when they are clicked in the extension. -
You say this with no knowledge whatsoever about the inner workings of the extension. Just FYI, it has no tracking in it whatsoever, it doesnt even have google analytics. If you care to verify this you can add the extension, navigate to the folder in your FF user profile where it's installed, unzip the contents and check the code.
Jealous and offensive people like you are generally best ignored, and normally I would have done that. But I thought I'd point out that you are totally wrong before ignoring any other incorrect and offensive comments you care to make.
That's true, but I'm a user that can find my own m3u fles and I use the extension every day because instead of 7+ steps:
1. Open dev console
2. Network traffic
3. Search
4. Copy link
5. Open VLC
6. Open menu and "open network stream"
7. Paste link and open
The extension simplifies and streamlines that whole process down to a single click.
Yes I have come across such websites. In such cases the extension would be of great use because it's able to bypass the pause break and offer the m3u/mpd/mp4 links to the user, without the need to open dev tools. -
Hey this is quite cool.
Just wanted to bring this other software to your attention since it might be easier to manage "Grid" or the layout; it call GridPlayer https://www.videohelp.com/software/GridPlayer
It used VLC as it player I believe, perhaps it is something you may consider looking into. -
That's really cool man, I haven't seen that before, would be cool for users of the extension. I'll have a play around with it, cheers.
I can watch videos in VLC and in both Firefox and Chrome (but still with ads), but when I choose to open them in VLC it crashes when the first ad break starts. But while I can skip the ads, which is not possible on the original website, I would really like to save the videos as .mp4 files. With or without the ads. I've tried every program I have that can be opened by the extension, but none of them can save the files. Do you have any suggestions for something other than VLC?
And as always, I say thank you in advance. Even if you don't have any suggestions. And thank you for the extension as well... -
OK, it's any TV show or movie on Pluto TV. They're all the same and have the same problems, regardless of how you download files. And no, I don't use command line software due to low vision. Besides, this person summed that idea up nicely:
And I've tried many forks of youtube-dl, GUIs, etc., and they all do the same thing. They work until the first ad break, then quit or crash. I used to have a downloader that was a Chrome addon, and it had quirks, but if you didn't mind them it did work, sort of. When an ad started, the video would freeze and the ads audio would play for a moment, then stop, and after it would have played through, the TV show or movie would continue until the next ad break and it would do the same thing again. It was weird, but when you live in a place where it's expensive cable TV that is bloated with all manner of garbage and a tiny bit of quality TV programming or no TV at all, you take what you can get. But then Chrome decided it was a dangerous addon and deleted it. So much for that. -
You do realize, of course, that Pluto TV has On Demand, don't you? Forget I asked a simple question, because it's obvious that getting a simple answer is too much to ask.
Yeah, whatever. You say that after you made it obvious that you don't even bother to read the posts you quote. Sorry, Mr. Know It All, but you don't exactly give me any reason to think you know what you're talking about.
What is your problem? I have explained that I don't use command line software due to low vision. (More than once on this forum.) You know how to use it, and you can so you do. Good for you. I know how to use it too, but can't do it anymore because I am going blind. I'm not whining about it, there's nothing I can do about it so I'm trying to adapt and find ways to deal with it. You are not obligated to assist me. But if you don't want to, then don't. But you can keep your arrogant attitude.
Thanks, but I come from a long line of stubbornly independent types. Just so you know, I did take your advice and tried yt-dlp. I just did it in a batch file. I can see text in my editor much better than a command line. I have the text set as large as it will go, and in comparison, the text there is about a quarter of an inch high on my screen, where as in my text editor I can make it about an inch.
Similar to This vs. This but not exactly. -
Axel, I checked pluto.tv and the m3u8 which is found by video controller is a direct link to the on demand video. For Robocop here is the m3u8. It opens with VLC and I just skipped through the full 1.5 hours without any ad's or breaks.
If you open the m3u8 with notepad or any text editor and copy the video URL, you can use Streamlink to download the video, eg:
streamlink --http-header "User-Agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0" --http-header "Referer=https://service-stitcher-ipv4.clusters.pluto.tv/" -o "playlist.ts" "https://service-stitcher-ipv4.clusters.pluto.tv/v2/stitch/hls/episode/61c09229fef5db001a026f42/2142297/playlist.m3u8?terminate=false&embedPartner=&server SideAds=&paln=&includeExtendedEvents=&architecture =&deviceId=1b3aee1f-dab3-499d-8281-6f30bed71586&deviceVersion=91.0.0&appVersion=6.0.0-7b41be4ae0f5671f8175d9ea5a69f4f299a4f1b3&deviceTyp e=web&deviceMake=firefox&sid=22762fce-bc90-11ec-abec-0242ac110003&advertisingId=&deviceLat=51.5074&devi ceLon=-0.1196&deviceDNT=0&deviceModel=web&userId=&appName =web&gdpr=1&gdprConsent=CPXdxcAPXdxcAAcABBENCLCgAA AAAAAAACiQAAAAAAJggH4ABoAFAAaABWAC4AMgAcABAACQAFQA LwAZAA0AB1ADwAPQAfwBDAEcAJkATgBQAClAFkAWwAuwBfAGIA MsAaABsADcAHOAQIBBACEgEMARIAjIBHAEhAKIApQBWgC3AFyA MqAcABxADnAH7AQgBCQCOgElAJWATgApoBWYCugK-AXUAwIBvADiAH6AP4Ah8BIgCWQF5gL_AYoAxkBkgDLAGnAPMCg DQAFAAqAB6AEcAKAAUgBWgDgAIQASsArMBXQFfAYyEANQAMAA2 AC4AMAAkABeADoAH4ARgAnQBaAFuAMIAxABlgDQANkAgQCCAEZ AI8AkABRACkAFyAOIAhIBJQCmgJZAX-AxQB5gYAGAE8ALYApA0AQAQwBGADeAJEEABQASABPAC2AKQA3g iAGAIYAjACRBUAYAIYATABHAEYAN4AvMUABAFIMgDABDACYAI4 AjABvAF5jAAIApB4A4ABQAKgAegBHACgAFIAVoA4ACVgE4AKzA V0BXwD-AMZHAGoAGAAaABgAEgALwAdABGACdAFoAWwAwgBlADYAG6AQIB BACEAEZAI8AkABRACkAFyAOIAhIBJQD9AL_AYoA8wgAMAAaAGE AQIAjwBSAC3AFyAOIAhIBJQD9AMUIgCAAVACtAHAASsAnABWYC ugK-AfwkAUAAaABgAEgAWgAwgBlADYAG6AQIBBACEAFEAKQAcQA_QC SgGBAMyAfoBf4DFCYAoAI4AUAApACtAJWAU0ArMBXQFfAP4Axk oAYAAaABgAEgAOgAjABaADCAGUANkAgQCCAEIAIyAR4BIACiAF IAOIAhABJQCmgGBAP0Av8BigDzCoAkAFQARwAoACtAJWAVmAro CvgMZAacAAA.YAAAAAAAAAAA&e2eBeacons=false&jwt=eyJh bGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjczOGE0MmViLThmNzItNDZjNS 1hMmE0LTg1M2QxY2ZmYTkwOSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzZXN zaW9uSUQiOiIyMjc2MmZjZS1iYzkwLTExZWMtYWJlYy0wMjQyY WMxMTAwMDMiLCJjbGllbnRJUCI6IjIzLjEwNi4zNy45MiIsImN pdHkiOiJMb25kb24iLCJwb3N0YWxDb2RlIjoiV0MyTiIsImNvd W50cnkiOiJHQiIsImRtYSI6MCwiYWN0aXZlUmVnaW9uIjoiR0I iLCJkZXZpY2VMYXQiOjUxLjUwNzQsImRldmljZUxvbiI6LTAuM TE5NiwicHJlZmVycmVkTGFuZ3VhZ2UiOiJlbiIsImRldmljZVR 5cGUiOiJ3ZWIiLCJkZXZpY2VWZXJzaW9uIjoiOTEuMC4wIiwiZ GV2aWNlTWFrZSI6ImZpcmVmb3giLCJkZXZpY2VNb2RlbCI6Ind lYiIsImFwcE5hbWUiOiJ3ZWIiLCJhcHBWZXJzaW9uIjoiNi4wL jAtN2I0MWJlNGFlMGY1NjcxZjgxNzVkOWVhNWE2OWY0ZjI5OWE 0ZjFiMyIsImNsaWVudElEIjoiMWIzYWVlMWYtZGFiMy00OTlkL TgyODEtNmYzMGJlZDcxNTg2IiwiY21BdWRpZW5jZUlEIjoiIiw iaXNDbGllbnRETlQiOmZhbHNlLCJ1c2VySUQiOiIiLCJsb2dMZ XZlbCI6IkRFRkFVTFQiLCJ0aW1lWm9uZSI6IkV1cm9wZS9Mb25 kb24iLCJzZXJ2ZXJTaWRlQWRzIjpmYWxzZSwiZTJlQmVhY29uc yI6ZmFsc2UsImZlYXR1cmVzIjp7fSwiYXVkIjoiKi5wbHV0by5 0diIsImV4cCI6MTY1MDAzNzU3OCwianRpIjoiZWI2M2E5ZmItM DExZS00ZmIyLWFjMGQtZmRmNWE2YjM2ZWRiIiwiaWF0IjoxNjU wMDA4Nzc4LCJpc3MiOiJib290LnBsdXRvLnR2Iiwic3ViIjoic HJpOnYxOnBsdXRvOmRldmljZXM6R0I6TVdJellXVmxNV1l0Wkd GaU15MDBPVGxrTFRneU9ERXRObVl6TUdKbFpEY3hOVGcyIn0.5 0ffqXjOWSOfTMHuCbcHvzEVAIOHP2UmMlphwmNZ_9I" best
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