Hi everyone, so I've been acquiring various vintage video gear which of course all started with an 80s video effects switcher.. then I needed TBC.. black burst splitter, etc etc.. and along the way I got my hands on a working VHS camcorder (Magnavox MovieMaker) and a Super VHS Camcorder that i'm working on fixing (Panasonic AG450) and finally a Hi8 camera (Sony VRV65).. I've been kinda considering DV as well but ultimately I'm really going for a 80s / 90s era look..

So I'm weighting which of these would be the best overall.. I'm favoring Hi8 because primarily it's the newest and best shape camera I have and would generally be the easiest to work with, however, it's been tough to find real side by side comparisons of VHS / SVHS / Hi8 to my surprise.. and I'm wondering if maybe Hi8 might not feel old enough.. I just wondered if anyone knows if you can really notice much difference between them? Do you think Hi8 would be "close enough" to VHS in 2021 and beyond to pass for say.. 80s footage if I was trying to make.. say a "found footage" movie..

I'm all about authentic but my movie maker is getting kinda sketchy and fixing the AG450 is not certain.. where it works fine but apparently the record mode is nothing but black.. and i have a replacement for the entire camera section that i hope will fix it by swapping out that section..

but yea i'm just curious about how noticeably different each format looks/sounds and if they would really give away their age using any given format.
