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  1. If i select "View=>Text" i can get follow screen, is there any template available for this output?


    this is the app i using:
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  2. Member DB83's Avatar
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    Not really a template. It is a generated report from the elements of the media that is reported and varies according to the media.

    However the generated report, I guess, takes the titles from "program files/mediainfo/plugin/language". Here you will see a csv file for each supported language of the utility. English being en.csv
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  3. is there anyway i can get the all keyword which mediainfo generate?
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  4. Member DB83's Avatar
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    Don't really understand where you come from.

    Mediainfo generates the keywords (titles as I put it) that are specific to the media (It can add a couple depending on the source). But there is no point in attempting to add more (some options, but not text-mode, are editable) if it can not parse anything meaningful from the media.

    But if you mean something different then do try to explain yourself more clearly.
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  5. thank you for the reply, i was looking for media info parameters which i able to find.

    however i guess there is no mediainfo default generate template. probably inbuilt.
    Last edited by iKron; 4th Jul 2021 at 14:15.
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  6. To get all available parameters that mediainfo can provide:
    @echo off
    echo video mediainfoCLI
    set "mediainfo=C:\tools\Mediainfo CLI\Mediainfo.exe"
    set "temp_folder=C:\Temp"
    if not exist "%temp_folder%" MD "%temp_folder%"
    "%Mediainfo%" --Info-Parameters > "%temp_folder%\parameters.txt"
    START  "notepad.exe" "%temp_folder%\parameters.txt"
    set mediainfo variable where is your Mediainfo.exe file located on your PC
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  7. sorry, you want result for a video:
    "%mediainfo%" "my_mkv.mkv" > "mediainfo.txt"
    to get all txt files for all mkv's in a folder:
    @echo off
    set "mediainfo=C:\tools\Mediainfo CLI\Mediainfo.exe"
    for %%a in ("*.mkv")  do call :get_mediainfo_text "%%a"
    echo DONE & pause
    goto :eof
    :get_mediainfo_text <video file>
    "%mediainfo%" "%~1" > "%~n1.txt"
    did not test it, but hopefully there is not syntax mistake
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  8. if you want custom print , I guess that is what you want you can base it on this:
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  9. thank you all, really appreciate.
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