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  1. Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    Search Comp PM
    Hello. I am a NVIDIA user. I am making some video. I prefere to use GPU for all instead of CPUs. At the momento I want to use ffmpeg via command line. I know that is hard and I am learning howto.
    I noticed that with the NVIDIA support ffmpeg runs in seconds instead of hours or days without that support. I run the CUDA widget that shows me how the boards are working: temperature; trottling; memory.
    For me it is fantastic. I noriced that the output of editing platforms like Shotcut is fast too.
    Via command line there is a problem that is impossible to analyze without the help in the forums because ffmpeg website does not permit an interaction. So I write here.
    The problem is the filters support. If I activate the filter in the ffmpeg command line an errour occours and the ffmpeg response is that the filter is unsupported.
    There is nothing about that in the ./configure docs. I can run the make command but "how compile with the filters support". Thanks.
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  2. Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    United States
    Search Comp PM
    Originally Posted by jeyjey View Post
    Hello. I am a NVIDIA user. I am making some video. I prefere to use GPU for all instead of CPUs. At the momento I want to use ffmpeg via command line. I know that is hard and I am learning howto.
    I noticed that with the NVIDIA support ffmpeg runs in seconds instead of hours or days without that support. I run the CUDA widget that shows me how the boards are working: temperature; trottling; memory.
    For me it is fantastic. I noriced that the output of editing platforms like Shotcut is fast too.
    Via command line there is a problem that is impossible to analyze without the help in the forums because ffmpeg website does not permit an interaction. So I write here.
    The problem is the filters support. If I activate the filter in the ffmpeg command line an errour occours and the ffmpeg response is that the filter is unsupported.
    There is nothing about that in the ./configure docs. I can run the make command but "how compile with the filters support". Thanks.
    see here -
    and here -
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